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Everything posted by R3nowned

  1. Who's up for a tech raid? The last MA folded into CSN cause of inactivity and decline... What makes you think this one will succeed?
  2. You might also want to look into that USF protectorate you got there, but I digress Congrats and whatnot
  3. Trade circles? tech deals? nation building? We have it all here!
  4. Obligatory I knew about this [i]x[/i] ago Interesting move. Good luck to both parties.
  5. Good luck in living the life of a micro.
  6. [quote name='Joey67500' timestamp='1309456493' post='2745163'] During that time TOOL was our protector but ceased to protect us for a week due to the Athens incident. [/quote] One of my greatest regrets to this day. Congrats on 2 years Menotah
  7. We want YOU! To join our rapidly growing alliance
  8. come join our growing community!
  9. Well this is a surprise... Congrats you two
  10. Oh, peace mode jokes are out now. The gauntlets are off!
  11. Oh this is hilarious. Now, someone screw up even more and make this into a global war again
  12. Good luck out there. You will need it.
  13. I love this treaty. I'd like to take it to bed at night and ravish it, if only for the theme upon which it is based. Congrats guys.
  14. [quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1307511507' post='2726741'] Getting a bit ahead of yourself there r3 [/quote] I'm an optimist I guess.
  15. [quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1307511110' post='2726733'] Even if hypothetically these terms were ~evil~ it's not going to make much difference. This world is going to end with PB/DH on top (possibly there'll be a split, but I think too many people are barely around enough to have major disputes) and with the Orders in diplomatic isolation, even from each other (because nobody wants treaties with them given their history.) It's just the state of affairs. I don't think the things PB/DH are doing are anything like what the old hegemony did, and before hot comes at me with 'but that doesn't make what they're doing right!!!11!1one' no, it doesn't, but it does provide a reference point with which to judge PB/DH's current actions. But I can't be bothered going through and making a giant list of the surrender terms ex-Heg imposed. [/quote] Everytime you post, a puppy dies. Please stop. @OP: Seems like there was very little change from the first negotiated terms to the final terms.
  16. RnR just helped turn your alliance around. I would expect some thanks to them.
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