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Everything posted by Ardus

  1. Feanor is a big kid; I'm sure if he has a problem with me using him as an example he'll voice his displeasure, thank you.
  2. You appear out to pick a fight with everybody in this thread, regardless if they are rhetorically engaged against those you like or not. That isn't a wise course of action and does nobody favors.
  3. Feanor states "somebody has to be the bad guy". We already have one and we haven't finished with it yet.
  4. Until they're wiped out of sanction and removed as a threat for the next 6 to 12 months, you, and everybody else in this thread on the side of Karma, would do well to continue considering NPO and its "former" flunkies the "bad guys". Or perhaps we should just go ahead and continue this childish infighting, grow complacent with the meager victory won so far, and repeat the mistakes of the First Great War? For the love of all that is holy, could you bury this crap for another couple of weeks? Some of us are still trying to finish this.
  5. Ivanelterrible was a God among insects when it came to one-on-one combat.
  6. Burn them all to ash and be done with it. This is ridiculous.
  7. CIS was never a "glorious" alliance. It was a weak link in the Initiative and, once it was thrown out for its overwhelming incompetence, it floundered about on its own trying to act as though it were important until it finally got on Dilber's nerves for the last time and got blown to high hell. The "Independent States" were weak and poorly organized; the "Imperial States" were just as much so with the added failure of thinking they weren't. This CIS will also fail, just as the last did, just as most of these other resurrections will.
  8. I feel these terms are spot-on and heartily congratulate the allied Karma forces in their victory. I would have preferred to see IRON ground clear out of the top 20, but all good things must come to an end, I suppose.
  9. Could God make an alliance on CN so hapless that not even he could save it? I don't know, but GGA appears to be his attempt.
  10. These peace terms are pathetic. Vox and FAN should have pushed for massive reps.
  11. Good luck John at your... have we gotten to 10 attempts yet? I've lost count.
  12. Good job team. Let's take it right on over 100M.
  13. And then maybe NPO will fall out of sanction.
  14. Dear Fisbane of Molon Labe, Please continue bleeding your warchest on me. Much Love, Lafayette.
  15. My good superior here makes a valid point. Besides, with the crowded conditions in the internment camps, we can safely expect a number of them to die off soon. Then they'll be in even worse shape to take on the GODLIEST MILITARY EMPIRE IN CYBERNATIONS.
  16. I'm not sure where you're going to get the guns to deal with him. If you know what's best for you, you'll keep 'em aimed squarely at us. And as Joker stated earlier, I can't blame the man for hauling $@! when faced with the GODLIEST MILITARY EMPIRE IN CN.
  17. It's not that those of us who mock and ridicule the NPO and Hegemony forces for going into peace mode think it an invalid tactic. It's that the NPO and Hegemony themselves were exceptionally brutal to those who used it as a tactic, called them out for it, and now use it themselves. It's a great degree of hypocrisy. Now, it may be childish and downright unprofessional to lower ourselves to the level of Pacificans in berating them for their Pacifism, but if there's anybody here that deserves it, it's them. I think given the circumstances their decision to send out more forces into the meat grinder, to break like water against VE (and some RoK), is absolute stupidity. It's a waste of troops for extremely limited gains. They'd be better off sucking the blows of Karma's words than its missiles.
  18. The Great Karma War - For it's size and theme. The Terminus War - Thinking the opposite of "Continuum" War of the Second Coalition - For lame people.
  19. Ardus


    EJ, agreed, but I'd agree with you more if you didn't seem like you were always out to convince us that you're a nice guy. We get it. You try to be cordial. Just... let that be and let your inner troll flow. It'll do you well.
  20. Worthless. Down to the very last. You should be bombed into oblivion for your lack of spine.
  21. Not willing to take the heat yourself? Abandoning your alliance because you just can't stand the idea of honorably leading your men into hell? You're a vile coward. Good riddance.
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