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Everything posted by Biazt

  1. Haflinger is right. Schattenmann has been a double agent for GOONS for over 3 years now, and has been feeding us valuable intel throughout. From browncoats to the WCE incident, it's just another PR stunt Schattenmann concocted for us.
  2. I'd have to agree and say GPA and TDO as well.
  3. Funny that even after being in a war with over 50 nuclear rogues we lost less score than UPN did by just being UPN
  4. Condolences to FnKa, and good luck to all the nations remaining.
  5. Props to DT for taking care of this so quickly. Thanks dudes.
  6. That's quite a long cancellation clause.
  7. So glad to finally see this announced! o/ PC o/ VE o/ FOK o/ iFOK o/ GOONS o/ Umb
  8. Schatt, you really should stop trying to spin this and quit while you're behind. You're embarrassing yourself even more.
  9. While I'm considering debating some of your points I'll concede the misunderstanding about the disbanding so as to avoid a debate that's 3 years too late.
  10. The UJP existed for about a month and didn't force anyone to disband.
  11. We don't really care Timeline. The amount of actual hate you have for us is funny though.
  12. [quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1286607643' post='2479501'] I am pretty sure that 90m figure comes from GOONS asking for 90m several times in the past month or so for incidents involving Methrage. [/quote] He said "same situation". Not completely different situation.
  13. [quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1286145829' post='2473529'] Hate to butt in here again, but I think you know the barrier to peace for KN is our refusal to participate in their "mercy" [OOC]player humiliation[/OOC] board. Someone the other day really hit the nail on the head, GOON requirements for peace for alliances or nations who declare on them or fight back have nothing to do with Planet Bob politics. It's all lulz and schadenfreude with no relation to this realm. After seeing how the goons still like to stalk nation leaders outside of this realm, their forum is one place I will never visit in this incarnation. [/quote] Actually Jim, Methrage and KN were given terms in the form of reps. Jim accepted and even agreed to pay for KN but Methrage refused. No mercy board "humiliations". Sorry about the thread hijack STA.
  14. [quote name='Reptyler' timestamp='1286566321' post='2479043'] Oh, so you were just joking? I get it. "To err is human. To completely ignore, deflect, and to refuse to admit you have erred is Schattenman." [/quote] Ahaha, I completely forgot about this quote, but it's so appropriate.
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