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Everything posted by Saladjoe

  1. Pretty much this. How many times have we seen a "kill each other already!!" post during peacetime by now?
  2. You're right, new active people willing to contribute definitely are what's needed for sustainability. People putting on a fake show of having valiant intentions in order to get a new tech seller for themselves are taking advantage of the situation. I hope that he can select a protector that is genuinely interested in a reciprocal relationship and not a glorified tech colony.
  3. That's the plan. :P Let's just round warchest estimates to the nearest billion and base coordination on alliance age.. I mean, the older you are the longer you've had to coordinate right?
  4. It's like it's trying to communicate with us..
  5. The amount of people playing the role of vulture on the naive is simply pathetic. It would almost be funny if it didn't occur at every possible instance.
  6. Maybe you could quantify the resolve/coordination aspect with a tier system based on past performance, positive damage output and wars per nation. Then again that's likely to be more subjective than anything and a lot of alliances have greatly diminished capabilities compared to their past. Warchests are more important than anything and like you said there's not a realistic way to gauge that from the outside.
  7. Color solidarity in light of the recent changes is definitely a good thing. Congrats on maintaining what has traditionally been the most stable sphere in Bob.
  8. I'll go with the typical OWF parlance of "no u" here.
  9. Oh well then I stand corrected. :P
  10. I like the metrics you use especially with the exposure bit. Are you basing the inactivity penalty on the % active? That's always been skewed by back collections in my opinion. Otherwise good stuff with the wonder weight and leaving out "soft" NS.
  11. Again, you're factoring in land and militarization when you just go by raw NS, as well as infra heavy nations. At least use a real NS measurement (tech and infra only) plus adding up the amount of each respective military wonder and dividing that by the total # of nations. A nation with 100K NS but a <0.5 t/i ratio that's boosted by land/full militarization and doesn't have a WRC isn't worth half of what a nation with a t/i ratio approaching 1.0 with full military wonders. Not to mention the impact that warchests would have on this, but that's obviously not something you can just pull from a nation listing. So something like ((total infra + total tech)/total nations) + ((total WRCs +total MPs + total SDIs + total Pentagons +total SLSs + total AADNs + total FAFBs +total HNMSs + total CIAs)/total nations) but that would take more work than just counting nations in certain NS rankings ;) You could even weight either the real NS or wonder "strength" categories if either one starts to be too large. Also the CIA thing would take looking at spy odds and some of those wonders might not even be worth factoring in like the air related ones or horrible mil wonders like FSS and IMS. Edit: flipped <
  12. This guy knows what's up. Also congrats David. o/
  13. Sad to see NPL go, but you made a great choice for a merger nonetheless. Congrats to you all! o/ Polaris
  14. Your equation is flawed because you take into account land and militarization when you factor in ANS. If you're going to weight things, do a proportional ranking system based off a particular statistic or building's impact on damage output. Aka, weight tech heavily and account for military wonders, like Auctor said.
  15. A well deserved win, congrats fellas. ;)
  16. Down 31 members in a week, yet barely over a point in score lost.. Crazy stuff R&R! :P
  17. At least we all agree that 9gag is an abomination.
  18. Congrats fellas, also good work Voodoo, Jay and James. Or as I like to call it, VJayJ. :v:
  19. Congrats guys, and credit to Josh for a well spent and productive term.
  20. That was hardly the place to have a discussion on something of this magnitude.. At the very least that should've started an official discussion on it prior to implementation. Again, this has serious potential for abuse in my opinion and does little more than exacerbate the current problems we're facing.
  21. Was this discussed prior to implementation? I feel like is has some serious potential for abuse and that would've been brought up in a discussion thread.
  22. There is no God but Johan and Feanor is Johan's Messenger.
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