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Kim Jaym Il

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Everything posted by Kim Jaym Il

  1. As long as you're aware you sound just like the "Optional Defense Network" camp, carry on.
  2. I'm pretty sure we covered the fact that it was a bad example though!
  3. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1330548978' post='2930753'] Do you have an example in which they went to war while the outcome wasn't certain? Overall it doesn't matter, because I've spoken about this situation over and over again and I always get the same answers. [/quote] The problem is that's an unfair question to ask, and is the kind of thing people have been poorly attempting to use to take shots at your own alliance for years. The lack of opportunity does not indicate a lack of willingness to jump in. A better question would be, do you have an example in which they should have went to war while the outcome wasn't certain, but didn't?
  4. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1330547779' post='2930742'] Except Gibs and Sardonic just gave you a specific example of a conflict they passed up. So we'll just have to say that their reputation hasn't quite been earned, yet. [/quote] It's not really a good example though, unless you are assuming they would have lost.
  5. I didn't think you could play private BF3 matches in the console versions?
  6. Not necessarily directed at NADC in particular but more alliances in general, but what is the general purpose/benefit of "cleaning up" embassies. I mean it's basically a tradition in CN spanning back years but I just don't see what it accomplishes.
  7. [quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1328665584' post='2916457'] Post rejected pips. [/quote] [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9944950/pipwithrainbow.png[/img] e: [img]http://noir.cnsparta.com/images/ranks/umbrella.gif[/img]
  8. Tribe Manwe to pull a last minute sweep?
  9. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1327443801' post='2906271'] I am not 100% sure with what numbers Deinos started with but before they merged two alliances into Deinos, each were fairly small in their beginning. Probably not as low as 6 members but it is possible to make something out of small alliances especially if they get a merger in the future. I do agree that it will take work to make something out of the alliance but it does not necessarily mean it will be meaningless. Everyone gets a chance to get enjoyment out of Bob and having a go at starting an alliance is one challenge many take on. Time will tell. Good luck TNT. [/quote] We are truly inspiring.
  10. I don't want to be bandwidth exceeded please make it stop
  11. ok well it was a nice few minutes anyway!
  12. Deinos: Now with 100% more Sanction edit: oh god my life is a horrible lie
  13. My goal was clearly too good to be shown to the public.
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