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Kim Jaym Il

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Everything posted by Kim Jaym Il

  1. Many lives were lost, but ultimately a victor emerged. Are you ready?
  2. Or you could get a diplomat mask on our forums and see them before we pick!
  3. It requires nothing more than a diplomat mask to see.
  4. I can smell cookies. Also sanction. << >>
  5. But it'll only come true if you truly believe.
  6. Your technology level: 50.21 Your cost / technology level: $20,016.59 Do you have the following resources: Gold: No Microchips: No How many University improvements do you have: 2 Do you have the following wonders: Great University: No National Research Lab: No Space Program: No
  7. In terms of the "User Online" idea, if what you are saying is that it will always say when someone is online, and when they are offline, I can see it having an effect on the timing of attacks. When launching an attack, it's difficult to tell if they are prepared for your attacks, and are sitting there waiting to re-buy soldiers. With this feature, rulers can time their attacks easier because they will be able to execute them when the other ruler is offline.
  8. I declare tonight's commentary as the winner of the sanction race.
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