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Retired Moderator
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Everything posted by EvenStar

  1. I'm gonna link you to my new pinned thread regarding suggestions for TE. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=45334 Suggest you resubmit this idea in the suggestion box.
  2. It doesn't fall under war slot filling since attacks are made.
  3. This issue has been brought up repeatedly. Admin is very clear that he is quite happy with the level of response that he is getting from the link offer requests and has no plans to increase the benefits. Quit complaining! Any of you ever heard of the saying 'don't ever look a gift horse...'??
  4. I suggest you read this post here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=5465 You have actually posted twice in a forum that requires a mod to approve your topic before it is visible by members. Its important members read the pinned threads in the moderation forum because failure to do so will result in you unwittingly breaking the rules and potentially receiving warns. You are requested to go and read the pinned threads so you know the score. Posting in this forum is not appropriate. Wait for your existing topics to be dealt with, or post them in the game abuse forum which is where it belongs.
  5. I know Admin has already commented on this thread but i just wanted to add something in reply to the above post. There is already a system in place for mods to flag suggestions to admin, you just dont see it. And if you ever have a question about a particular suggestion and its progress you are invited to send me a PM and i can enlighten you. Just don't start spamming me about every single topic cos i'll spend all day responsing to those instead of reading the suggestion box!
  6. Events are totally random with the exception that there is a tiny extra chance you'll get a negative one over a positive one (51% vs 49%). Trouble is when people get two of the same they come and mention it on the forum so it starts looking like its not an accident. You dont see people reporting that they got 2 different events (ZOMG!).
  7. Have a look at this page for how improvements can reduce bills: http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Improvements
  8. NPO's IRC chan is #NSA i believe. Some alliances set up forum links for access via Java to IRC. Ask someone in your alliance or check your forum to see if you have one. They can be helpful in getting you online in the short term. Long term however you are better downloading one of the many programmes, for example chatzilla, xchat, trillian (the list can go on and everyone has their own favourite).
  9. Yes sometimes we have to prove there are human beings on the end of the mod banhammer. Wait i didn't say that. Also this goes to show you can't please all the people all the time. :S
  10. Depends on what kind of link to the internet you have at work. I would hazard a guess you all shared the same network and IP's. If that is in fact true and you interact you face imminent deletion.
  11. No i deleted him for being a multi! lol (iJoke) Also yes thats Admin. Be nice to him. He's a timid young lad.
  12. Offensive language will not be tolerated in this thread regardless of whether it made the word filter yet or not. It constitutes poor behaviour and members should not partake in it. Furthermore, any complaints about how moderators enforce the forum rules you all signed up to should be presented in a clear and concise manner to the appropriate person (Sword of Estel). Publicly complaining and repeating offensive words is frankly not acceptable. This thread is enjoyed by a large percentage of the membership, don't allow it to get locked due to a few people and some poorly considered posts.
  13. No it would not be better. You would be plagued by meaningless gravedigs repeating previous points or re-answering questions that have already been answered. The point of locking a thread is recognising that it specifically has no where else constructive to go. If you feel the locked thread is somehow relevant to your new thread you are welcome to link to it in your new thread, but it will never happen that threads are left open forever. It would be terrible. On a global scale.
  14. Not a question. This belongs here.
  15. Because of the temporary nature of the game. This thread is locked.
  16. Why do questions always turn into random discussions? Locked
  17. Question answered. Locked
  18. It seems like a fairly rare situation to occur. I would suggest pm'ing a mod if he creates a nation explaining whats happened and it can be dealt with then. I'm afraid we can't physically prevent him from creating one though. Thats up to you.
  19. Nation sitting is not permitted in TE. Neither is sharing an IP in the situation you mentioned above. He has to access from another IP.
  20. PM me your details and the details of your friends account and i will look into it.
  21. You get only one forum account. Its most important your name matches your standard account if you have one, though if you have TE only it must match your TE account. You should aim to have your name matching both accounts really.
  22. Are you sure you have not registered an account with your email address? Try using a different email address.
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