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Everything posted by EvenStar

  1. We might be strict on no multi's but we dont go as far as deleting people for being friends!
  2. Did you try logging out, clearing your browser and logging back in? Is the problem still occuring?
  3. You cannot appeal in game actions and no nation that was a multi will be re-instated. Please read the rules.
  4. If you reset your password, check your email accounts for an email telling you what the new password is. If you didn't and you don't know either your password or your email you will need to contact admin really. But i suspect you have only reset your password.
  5. If you two shared IP's for whatever reason you can never interact ever again or you face deletion. Simple as that. If i were you i would check it was a one off you shared an IP or you face deletion anyway. Also i'd like to add, while yes the system for detecting multis is more complicated it does not by any stretch mean that its OK to share IP's. The game terms of service clearly state one nation per IP. Accidental one off's are unavoidable on occasion, but don't be under any illusion that its ok to share IP's. Its not.
  6. In the top right corner of this post you will see a pale blue box titled 'options'. click it and then click 'switch to standard'. i believe that should fix your problem.
  7. If he's using the same user account then no you can't interact still.
  8. What they said. Make sure you dont use his computer again if he is going to play, and both of you should not interact.
  9. EvenStar


    Locked cos you have all hijacked this question. I am not 100% sure on the answer myself so will refer it to another mod.
  10. Its fine providing the only nations being accessed are the two you reported in the nation sitting thread. Also this should have been in the question centre.
  11. The above members have told you correctly. You should be ok. But if you log on from their locations ever again you will be at serious risk of deletion so you must be very careful not to do that.
  12. No Texas discussion threads in here please. Admin i blame you
  13. The only chance of you facing difficulty is if someone else is using that IP to play CN. But as we have stated before our detection methods are more complicated than that. If there happens to be another person accessing the site from there, so long as you don't interact with them and you are geniunly not a multi we should be able to tell the difference.
  14. Closing this. Author can pm me if he has any further questions.
  15. Silly assumption. I am just as confused as you OK so you made a thread and it disappeared? Perhaps its because it was deemed inappropriate. Or are you asking about being banned in game? Because if you were you can't appeal it.
  16. Or in non confusing CN terms it means the nation on the ZI list will be targeted for attacks any time they attempt to grow.
  17. It was misused and like everything else that gets misused on this forum it gets banned. The word will not come back.
  18. EvenStar


    If you donated via paypal wait 24 hours before asking where your bonus' are. If you paid via the post you'll have to wait 5 - 8 working days before asking where it is.
  19. Don't push me. I could warn you you know.
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