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Everything posted by EvenStar

  1. Alliances can legitimately attack members of their own AA, and they do, for example attacking ghosts. Providing attacks are made and sustained while war is on, you should not have a problem. The problem comes when you declare war and do not attack, or only make one or two minor attacks.
  2. No you are not. You will get a warn for it.
  3. You can select any government you want, though you will lose a happiness point if the people are unhappy with your choice. Purchasing the great monument fixes this. or bear in mind some governments offer a +1 happiness, which cancels out the negative effect of it not being your peoples choice.
  4. Post that you will be nation sitting for your brother for the duration of his visit. Since its only temporary that's allowed providing you notify in advance and get it approved. Nation Sitting Thread
  5. The only way to get a flag uploaded is to create an alliance that gets sanctioned.
  6. Simply by getting other nations to join your group, and display a unified alliance affiliation will give you an alliance. But if you are seriously looking at this, you will need to combine a lot of factors, and i would recommend speaking to founders of existing alliances for advice.
  7. Its one nation per IP. By using the same connection i suspect you will share the same IP.
  8. Yes. In the quick links box at the left side of the screen as you view your nation you will see a sub heading 'Nation Menu'. Under there you can chose to 'delete my nation'. There are a few restrictions on this, for example you cannot delete whilst you are at war.
  9. If each computer is using the same connection to get online, then they'll likely share an IP. So your sister needs to access from elsewhere if she wants to play.
  10. Thanks to those who answered this question.
  11. As a role player you are Tedisten of Xylvania. You are the ruler of that nation of people. You do and say things Tedisten of Xylvania would. Which means you would not refer to the game, forums or anything that is out of character. OOC refers to out of character. In these sections of the forum you can be you, talking about how you are playing an online game. See the difference? Without a link to the specific thread in question its difficult to point out your exact error.
  12. Different school computers often have the same network IP. Which means if more than one of you access from school it'll get flagged for cheating. You need to try and access from home if you can. Failing that never send aid to your school friends. But essentially sharing an IP will result in deletion if you are spotted.
  13. This is accurate. Nation sitters cannot interact. It will be automatically flagged for cheating, and if you survive deletion you will get a warn. As for this question, its been answered. Be more careful next time.
  14. You must report the nation sitting in the above link. Thread closed.
  15. You need to familiarise yourself with the game rules. It is against game rules for more than one nation to exist from the same network. By accessing your nation from your friends house you put both of you on the same network, and therefore you risk both of your nations getting deleted.
  16. Are you using school/library computers? Bear in mind different computers under the same network will still share IP's.
  17. Sending by mail will take longer for the obvious reason that you will not receive your bonus until the donation is in admin's hands. However, once they do receive it, it will not take long and you will get your bonus pretty quickly after. Your bonus will be applied to your nation directly, you won't have to accept any foreign aid. You will simply find you are in credit (depending on the amount you donated). You will also receive an in game message to your nation thanking you for your donation and informing you your bonus has been applied. If you don't hear anything within a week, check on the progress then.
  18. Tech raiding initially came about because people saw an opportunity to take the tech from inactive nations. Often in this game people stop playing, and their nations will sit idle for 20 days until they are deleted. People began to realise that if they declared war on such inactive nations, they could make small ground attacks and gain a lot of tech for it. Majority of tech raiders had no malice, and were simply taking something that would be deleted. However, tech raiding became very popular, and the inactive nations became under demand. Recently the term tech raiding is often applied to any attack on any nation for the purpose of stealing their tech. But in its original meaning it was about taking tech from soon to be deleted nations.
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