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Everything posted by EvenStar

  1. Answered by thedestro. Thanks. Closed.
  2. Go via 'Tools', then 'Options'. You can clear everything there.
  3. Do not bump threads. Closed to prevent further spam.
  4. EvenStar


    Answered... twice. Also this IS in the FAQ.
  5. I thought about both of these points. I decided not to start the numbering again so if i ever needed to say 'see question 45 of FAQ' there would be no confusion as to which section it referred. And i'll re-word 45 so it makes it clear CN is on both esper and coldfront. I know there are some still using esper.
  6. FAQ has now been split into two parts, Forum FAQ and Game FAQ. Hopefully that should tidy it up a bit
  7. Border walls will help your environment, but don't forget they have negative influences also. Admin recently changed the environment calculations, check recent game updates for details, but essentially environment has become harder to keep up. You are not alone.
  8. Some governments affect land. Reduced land can affect your environment.
  9. You may need some support from alliance buddies to get you out of this one. After a few aid packages, you need to re-assess your improvements. Labour camps reduce the infra bill. You may have to destroy other improvements in order to get these.
  10. Honestly it could be a number of reasons (as mentioned above). You need to look at what has changed since you lost the score.
  11. Vetinari is a mod, and he answered your question. You're fine. Stop stressing
  12. In that side menu of quick links there is one that says 'Edit my nation'. You will find all the drop down menu's you need after you click that. As for alliance affiliation, you may find you need to click 'specify other' if your chosen alliance is not in the list, it will give you the chance to manually type the name in then.
  13. This was asked only very recently: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=27387 I will mention this for the FAQ section. And thats your first stop shop before asking a question thats been done tons before.
  14. Actually it hasn't always been like this. But it is now. Maximum 200 messages per day i'm afraid, you'll need to get other nations to assist you.
  15. Is the email account you registered your nation with still active?
  16. Admin decides what is banned based on his/general opinion on what is offensive. If you feel there are currently permitted images that are offensive, i suggest you put your case to him.
  17. You can't officially nation sit for that long. Your only option is for one of you to find an alternative log in for your nation. Remember there are no rules as to where you access your alliance forum from. Just your nation. So you can still play the game, and only access your nation when you can get to a different IP.
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