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Retired Moderator
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Everything posted by EvenStar

  1. I've flagged it for admin to have a look at. Be patient, he's a very busy man.
  2. Short answer: not much we can do to help i'm afraid. He can try registering from a public access area?
  3. Providing you dont still share the IP you should be fine. Dont share again.
  4. Having spoken to admin regarding this issue i am informed events were made to be slightly more likely to be negative on purpose. This was an attempt to make the problems nations face more realistic and give people tough decisions and problems to face in the game, rather than make it to easy.
  5. Providing your nations never interact and the two of you dont share an IP again you should be fine.
  6. This is a question about the frequency of events, not a discussion on who is getting what type of events. Save that for other forums please. I will clarify the frequency for you so i am 100% sure and post it. Till then thread closed.
  7. There are no rules regarding how many people share the same nation.
  8. If you register for another forum, you are signing up to that forum under that moderation team. You agree to their rules and terms of service. CN moderation has no interest in off site forums.
  9. Looking at your nation (ID: 271352) it says you have logged in within the last hour. So i'm guessing problem solved.
  10. I'm assuming this other nation you mention is someone at war with you. I also assume you dont know them in real life. If you are concerned about the very unlikely chance of you and someone you are interacting with accidentally sharing an IP, you should know moderators have more sophisticated ways of spotting cheaters than just IP's. You really should not worry so much.
  11. This question was answered days ago. Closed
  12. The moderation are not in the habit of randomly banning people. I assure you if someone is banned, there is a reason, and they will receive an email explaining why. I suggest your friends checks his emails to see why he was banned.
  13. For this sort of problem you need to private message a game mod. Before you do just make sure you've covered all the basics. Check caps lock, check you are using the right password (especially if you have reset it a few times). If you've only tried it once, leave it a bit and try it again. If all these fail to fix it, pm a game mod.
  14. Each aid agreement lasts for 10 days. This means that you must wait 10 days for the existing agreement to expire before you can start another aid agreement with the same nation.
  15. To manage your own foreign aid offers click the 'Foreign Aid' link in your shortcuts under 'Nation Menu'. To send aid to another nation, find the nation in question and whilst viewing their page click the 'Aid' button in the top menu.
  16. This is a not a complain about cn thread. If you have a question start a seperate thread. locked.
  17. All i can suggest is that if you submit a suggestion and dont hear anything after a month that you pm a mod to ask how its doing.
  18. No it doesn't and you are a silly boy.
  19. No they aren't. It depends on how good your suggestion is really. Terrible ones that are blatantly awful at first glance may be rejected quickly, or really good ones can likewise be approved quickly. But sometimes suggestions have merit but come down to practicalities, those are often the ones that take time. And neither of your suggestions are rejected yet. As i stated before, you get a pm telling you if they are.
  20. You have 2 pending suggestions currently. Your most recent was only posted yesterday, you have to appreciate we get a lot of suggestions and we try to give each one fair consideration so it takes time working through them. You do have another one that was posted 30th August, however sometimes some suggestions are evaluated for feasibility before they are rejected, and often this means running it by admin. Unfortunalty when thats the case it can take a very long time because as you can appreciate he is a very busy man. Basically the point is, every suggestion is considered carefully, and we get through them as prompt as we can but you must be patient with us. You will be notified when your suggestion is rejected, or you will see it become visible for discussion if its approved for discussion. Be patient.
  21. Potentially. But more than just losing your CN nation, you should think about the security of your wireless connection for lots and lots of other reasons.
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