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Retired Moderator
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Everything posted by EvenStar

  1. EvenStar


    OK so it runs automatically on day 20. The point is don't leave collecting till day 20. Locked.
  2. I thought i'd got all of these OK go read Admin's blog for all the lulz you need.
  3. April fools is over now. No more joviality.
  4. Linky to answer all your questions.
  5. I might go actually delete Admin for what he did to my inbox
  6. Since this is on the milder scale i'll say keep the URL. I'd just rather you used the 'insert link' function when you put it on the forums so you dont face people reporting it as offensive.
  7. The fact that you've had enough concerns to ask should be a good clue. But we are not going to allow you to use a swear word (ok its a milder one compared to others but its still a swear word) for an abbreviation when you have so many other choices you can use. Can i Suggest PISOS/PISoS?
  8. Locked. Appeal in Moderation forum.
  9. Yep, your nation was deleted. Your only choice is to re-start.
  10. No NAZI images allowed period. Its not allowed.
  11. Assuming question answered. Locked.
  12. I've searched for your nation under your forum name and displayed nation name. No results. Your nation appears to no longer exist. Perhaps you misjudged how inactive you were?
  13. You sure you haven't registered before and forgotten?
  14. You were right, sarcastic suggestions dont belong in the suggestion box. But OOC discussions on TE gameplay dont belong in here either. Moved.
  15. Once again you've gone off topic. When will you guys learn? Locked.
  16. Question has been answered. Locked.
  17. Threads highlighted for admin to have a look at: Making wars shorter. Making TE more rapid
  18. Such reports go in the game abuse forum. Read the stickies before you post.
  19. Thread has gone off topic. Locked.
  20. Yeah this has gone far enough. Closed.
  21. Have a look in this room: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showforum=24 You'll find guides on creating alliances/forums/flags if you chose to start your own alliances. Alternatively you'll also find information on existing alliances should you chose to join one. Enjoy.
  22. I say otherwise. I am a mod with knowledge of the rules and access to check if they are being adhered to. It was me who checked out this report and found it was not slot filling. Your suggestion that i am part of the scam is extremely inappropriate and totally unfounded.
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