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Everything posted by empirica

  1. All of the information that is going to be released to the public, already has been. There was a screenshot. I saw it. The rest of the evidence appears from discussion in this thread to be IP related. You can't put that stuff here. You are beating a dead horse. I say again.. [ooc]forum[/ooc] espionage ends badly for anyone who gets caught. I don't see a double standard here.
  2. What more do you need to know? Also, congrats on the treaty
  3. Seems to me NSO has evidence, it's just not legal to post it due to the nature of the evidence. Judging solely by what I've seen in this thread, including the now removed screenshot, looks legit to me. Not that I have any interest in the matter. Also, seriously, how many times do alliances who are spied on go talk diplomacy with the alliance caught spying? I mean, if it was [ooc]in game[/ooc] spy attacks, sure. Probably some young nation doesn't know any better. But this type of espionage usually results in shooting first.
  4. MDoAPs: NpO, MOON, NV, ARES, MK PIATs or similar: Old Guard, Vanguard, Echelon, UCN, LEN, MHA, Invicta, TFD, GR One is currently under review and will not be on this list until it's announced NAP with OBR Protectorate with McGuffey Think that's everyone.
  5. Congrats and good luck, you know where to find us.
  6. All MK Diplomats have been de-masked from the Genesis forum, and a new thread has been created for their new application. Thanks for the heads-up.
  7. Looks like a solid gov there, congratulations on the recent changes.
  8. I am very sad to see this thread still being hijacked in this way. I understand the internal problems, and I want you to know Genesis considers ARES a great friend and ally. Anything I can do, you know where to find me. So when's the next party?
  9. Happy to see this! Congrats to our friends/allies in both alliances.
  10. No, no, no Hizzy! /me facepalms Ok, continue on, nothing to see here
  11. As it is on right now, I feel the need to ask: Colbert or Stewart? If that's too ooc, then... Has your perception of blue team changed in the 8 months ARES has been around?
  12. Ouch. Was that whole scene necessary in a Q and A thread? We still you ARES May I suggest a different type of alcohol for future postings?
  13. Singling out a single person, even if she is alliance and bloc leadership, isn't cool. I also don't see much terribly damning here. It's obvious Reyne's viewpoint isn't always the same as the rest of the bloc, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything negative. It means Citadel feels close enough to each other to say these types of things, knowing that in the end, it will be worked out, and there will be no hard feelings. It's disheartening to see one treaty partner dislike some of our other treaty partners sure. But each alliance and their leadership have the right and ability to decide who they like or dislike. Such is life. Hopefully next edition will be more entertaining.
  14. This makes me happy. It's been a pleasure working with Leviathan.
  15. GWI: in IRON, neutral GWII: in IRON, neutral GWIII: in ODN, fought GOONS
  16. I'm happy to see this signed o/ GR! o/ Genesis! o/ teh boat!
  17. Happy Birthday and awesome train!
  18. Having long known a couple of the upstanding folks from OBR, I find this amusing. I could believe that they were having fun with their word games at the time of the final draft of the treaty. If it makes them happy to do so, and they're not hurting anyone with it, I can't say I see the harm. I don't think anyone at OBR is naive enough to believe than an attack on a member of an alliance would go without consequence, regardless of the reason for the action. This just looks like they were having some fun 2 years ago, in a completely different world from the one at present. Sure, they could have updated the treaty or whatever, but I rarely ever see anyone do so, even when the original document is much more course than that one.
  19. Good luck with everything ARES. If there's anything we can do to help, you have only to ask.
  20. Though I agree with many of your points, I don't agree with this one. It's been commonly established that any new alliance, regardless of experience/influence/NS, be protected while they get themselves organized. I've also seen that just because a certain person (group of people) have influence in one alliance, it does not automatically follow that they will still have that political influence in the new alliance. Having a protector helps TSO get their internal affairs sorted prior to working on external ones. Being a protector helps TOP evaluate the reliability of a new potential friend and ally. Seems a win-win to me. There is, of course, always the chance that you are right. However, I am not familiar enough with the details to comment on that. Again, good luck to all parties.
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