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Everything posted by empirica

  1. TU has an awesome protector. Good luck in the future /me touches this protectorate
  2. Congrats UINE and CAM, and good luck with all the changes
  3. BLEU didn't appear to be a powerbase for Polaris at the time Genesis joined as a full member. I also don't recall NpO representatives being the only ones who made aggressive posts. We were all friends, and we were often all cavalier in how we expressed points, because we knew our friends weren't thin skinned enough to be offended by blunt manners. I also don't recall Echelon trying to vote against any wars undertaken by BLEU. BLEU was a pretty democratic bloc, nobody's voice was ignored. The good of BLEU was shared by all, as was the bad. Trying to lay it all or even mostly on Polaris, when each alliance had an equal vote, is unjust.
  4. Thank you Nelchael. My outrage was quite real, for reasons already listed. However, since it is being handled in a seemingly fair way now (didn't appear to be the case last time I visited this thread), I can go away happier.
  5. I don't think that is what was meant. I believe that the implication was that since Magicalbricks sanctioned RV while wearing the MHA tag, it was appropriate to wonder/ask/request information on whether MHA was involved in the sanction at all. It appears that MHA is not responsible for the sanction in that they did not request it. However, most alliances view sanctioning an act of war. Which to some, would make magicalbricks a rogue. This is sort of a gray area. Maybe some private dialogue will get this cleared up.
  6. Thank you for that clarification. I was planning to come visit you guys this evening to respectfully ask if you had any input on MB's use of senator privileges.
  7. I care because this is happening on the sphere I call home, and have called home for 2 years. Disruptions like this mean that my members, and members of other blue team alliances that I'm probably friendly with or treatied to, are losing trades needlessly. I care because sanctioning a 4k NS is overkill any way you slice it. I care because I do consider RV a friend, although one I am slack about keeping in touch with. And yes, I do believe our very own Mr. Handsome has provided proof that Sparta gov requested this.
  8. I'll be more inclined to believe that when the sanction is lifted.
  9. I'm in agreement with Sponge here. I have a hard time accepting the idea of bricks, who I've known forever, to be a rogue senator. However, this situation isn't very encouraging. Some type of conference appears to be a good idea.
  10. Most people wouldn't give a damn if it was just a counter strike. The thread would probably continue in the same vein it was before, mostly fun with some bad apples thrown in. It's the sanction making most people mad.
  11. It is of concern to me, regardless of having a prior trade with Sam, though I will admit that makes it a bit more personal. I don't often make appearances here on this forum. And yes, you have a great set of natives. I am hopeful that Sponge's messages to the blue team senators will have an effect. I plan to follow up on this more when I get access to IRC this evening.
  12. No, I don't. I seriously doubt anyone would mind counter attacking. The sanction was overkill.
  13. How is sanctioning a tiny, non nuclear nation even somewhat reasonable? This is the big guy shoving the little guy around, along with the little guy's trade partners on blue.
  14. I really don't see the need for a sanction in this instance.
  15. I am sorry to hear of this. I was expecting good things. Good luck to the group I once knew as Lux Aeterna, I hope you find what you are seeking.
  16. I'm in my 3rd alliance. I started in IRON, I was there for approximately a year. Left because it wasn't a great fit anymore. I joined ODN just in time for GWIII. Yeah, my timing sucks. Once GWIII reps were done, I was tired of some of the cons of being in large alliances. Decided with a couple of competent friends that it was time to strike out on our own and start up something new. And here I am, still in Genesis. My 3rd year anniversary is coming up in a week or two. I'm old.
  17. Sorry to hear of your troubles in this situation. Looks like you handled it well though. o/ ARES
  18. I wish you guys good luck on your journey. Welcome back.
  19. I am too lazy to resize. I'm ok with the Genesis size being smaller. It's better for Drai's ego. you Drai
  20. Happy 3 years Polaris. You've had a hell of a ride through it all. You have my utmost respect in every possible way. Here's to many more birthdays!
  21. I remember a time when I was in IRON Council that both FAN and GOONS sought friendly relations with IRON. In fact, again during my time as IRON Council, a NAP (the only kind of treaty IRON ever signed back then) was signed with GOONS. If not for that little incident post GWIII concerning IRON and ODN, I doubt GOONS would have looked twice at IRON. Obviously, I can't speak for them, but my conversations with then GOONS gov of the time did give me that impression, flawed or not. Same incident from post GWIII era. ODN was decisively defeated by GOONS, IRON made a big deal out of something that NEVER should have made it to the CN forums, especially considering the lip service given to the IRON-ODN relationship at that time. End result was ODN surrendered to IRON without a shot fired, and GOONS gave ODN a protectorate for the remainder of the GWIII terms. Convoluted story I know, if you really want to talk about it, feel free to PM me, or find me on IRC.
  22. I'm sure this was a difficult choice. Good luck to both alliances in the future.
  23. This is great to see. I also echo the sentiments of wtf on Rnadmo's title.
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