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Yankees Empire

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Everything posted by Yankees Empire

  1. I'll just leave this quote from Sardonic here: "I'd be interested to know if you guys are just about ready to wrap it up and peace out with us ? I'd rather be fighting the core aggressors of this conflict, and you guys arn't really in a position to keep fighting us effectivley."
  2. Only SF/XX could read "Want to peace out so we can hit someone more important?" as "We lose pls accept our surrender guise."
  3. Bold move by Stratephor. I see a new Spartan king in the making.
  4. You should really try to keep making sense for longer than one sentence.
  5. No EZI, no viceroys, few tech reps, no disbandment terms. I'm pretty happy with how Karma turned out. And yourself?
  6. I have seen the light! Sparta, please take us back!
  7. I'd say probably TOP-NpO or LUE/MK vs NPO.
  8. I actually really like the idea of grouping the major CN wars. You have the Great Wars, with the NPO rising to global hegemony along with its allies in WUT/Q. Then yo have UJW/WotC/Karma, about the Orders fall from grace. Then with BiPolar/PB-NpO and DH-NPO/"Grudge" as CnG/DH rising and asserting its dominance. Where the Dave War and this current conflict will fall will be seen later.
  9. My favorite has to be Karma. The buildup between WotC and Karma might be my favorite period in the game. BlueBalls/BiPolar is a close second.
  10. This is the most fun war we've had in a while, but I feel like it's a wannabe Karma War. Sorry, Equilibrium, but this war is severely lacking in the rhetoric and vitriol of Karma. Nice try, though. 7/10 would war again.
  11. I don't know about y'all, but I'm thoroughly enjoying fighting wrecking Legion bottom tier nations.
  12. That wasn't my experience with my NATO opponent. I fought a NATO nation and three NPL at one point. NPL fought me hard and well, and were well coordinated. My NATO opponent kind of sat there.
  13. TIL that NATO's military strategy involves literally running into walls.
  14. The nukes in this thread would destroy all of my infra and tech, thanks to this war. That's pretty ridiculous.
  15. It's kind of like walking through a field of frogs: "Ew oh God one of them touched me."
  16. Ladies and gentlemen, another classy Sparta member.
  17. New Eclipse Order, March 2008-June 2008: My first alliance. Was recruited by a RL friend. Alliance went to crap after the ruler decided, "Hey, wouldn't it be fun to bribe a RoK member to be our Minister of Defense, then attack a large micro?" SOLID, June 2008-July 2008: Was only there from the end of NEO till what I learned was the Pacifica-Polaris crisis. I didn't pay attention to CN politics at the time, so all I knew was the friends that had joined SOLID after NEO disbanded were leaving, so I did too. I was there long enough to fight in the BLEU-GUN War, though. FnKa, July 2008-August 2009: Helped form this alliance with my friends. Became Minister of Foreign Affairs after a month despite not knowing a damn thing. I literally in-game messaged a Poison Clan member with, "Hey, want to form an alliance?" Fought on NPO's side in Karma despite disliking them intensely. Thanks a lot, TOOL. Was highly disappointed when this alliance reformed, because it was a shell of its former self. The Resistance, August 2009-June or July 2010: Merged FnKa with MOON after talking about it all summer. Was an incredibly fun alliance to be in for a while. Spent most of my time as the second-in-command, with a brief one-month stint as Prime Minister, despite still learning the game. Fought in BiPolar against a bunch of alliances. Was even more upset when King Death II tried to reform this alliance, because it was my baby. ODN, July 2010-present: Honestly, my favorite alliance I've ever been. There's always something to debate, and it's incredibly fun. I spent more than a year in the Senate, and one two-month term as Secretary of State. Honestly, I did a crappy job as SoS; my interest in the game was waning. SoS was the position I had aspired to since I joined, and getting there wasn't the peak I expected it to be. I've thought about leaving several times, but I'm not going anywhere.
  18. OOC: http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/368850.html
  19. The reports of our death are greatly exaggerated.
  20. Well, you see Os, Sparta joined a bloc polar opposite of CnG and ODN, which is ODN's fault. Sparta's ally then declared on an ally of CnG, which is also ODN's fault. I am so sorry, Sparta. We've seen the light now.
  21. I, for one, welcome our [s]new[/s] old Pacifican overlords.
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