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Everything posted by TurnipCruncher

  1. This angers me for two reasons. It's snowing again. In April ffs! And polar suck.
  2. Every alliance has an option to do nothing or pile in with any other alliance for whatever reason. Where is the problem? Writing it down just causes bitterness when the option to do nothing is taken.
  3. Our lot are not exactly warranting that moniker at the moment Holy Ruler.
  4. Dude, now PuliSher knows I have been cooking the books on our protocols! He's gonna be mad. But thanks and a real pleasure to do battle with a gentleman of the North-West. But frustrating seeing you buy back all damage and come at me again from the same level. Is it because I support Liverpool?
  5. Well obviously not you Hereno. You fight like a madman though so you must get on with space monkey!
  6. [quote name='GentleBen' timestamp='1341964882' post='3008103'] Jack Sparrow is the greatest person ever! Im not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens. [/quote] Ok, that made me laugh.
  7. This thread should not be locked as it continues to bring up crass stupidity from LOLSF. And that is public service broadcasting at its best.
  8. White chocolate, NoR was attacked by LSF. They admitted as much with the comment "rogues? What rogues?" and readmitting the attacking nations to their AA. Thus we come full circle.
  9. We don't need a DOW. It is a defensive action on our part. Note Hereno's comment that LSF are still declaring offensive wars daily. The fact of their offensive being completely suicidal is not our problem.
  10. Surely the LSF are MKs greatest false flag operation? There must be some reason or plan behind it. No?
  11. [quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1340371180' post='2992676'] It's from Dune. Powindah – Tleilaxu term for all outsiders, whom they consider "unclean" sinners and heretics [/quote] Oh, not seen that in donkeys. Didn't it have agent Cooper from Twin Peaks in it?
  12. Just in case INT missed King Zog's question, are INT offering sanctuary for LSF members?
  13. [quote name='The Mongol-Swedes' timestamp='1340339099' post='2992396'] Powindah will evade the salient issue, in order to fulfill an unsubstantiated sentiment of pride that is, well, lacking. The Elesufi will not surrender. Nordreich will have no peace. Only an unending war. Nordreich need only bow out from this now and avoid an unending struggle that can only end in their defeat. [/quote] Can anyone explain what "powindah" is please? I was under the impression these forums had to be in English.
  14. Hmm RIA do suck, but so does religion... it's a tough one. All being said and done though, a little more vetting of prospective members FTW.
  15. Nice to see the lolcommies have an ambition to some day develop tech and feed its peoples something other than propaganda. All embodied in 2 much improved flags.
  16. Wow, one minute of existence before you were couped out by INT. TGE Mk2? Congrats guys, have a lot of fun.
  17. This is great stuff, TGE disbands, and a baby boy born the next day for me! 7lb 3oz of awesome to replace 3 letters of absolute fail.
  18. The Hizzy Vs TGE war is far more interesting than that confusing, radioactive mess gooing on elsewhere. The fact Hizzy is going to win makes it all so much funnier too.
  19. In honour of our beloved and lately lost tier barrier 2, can we rename the rather impersonal GRL to the "bloodshed of memes barrier" or BOMB line?
  20. I don't like this. TBB, someone I had and have trouble liking is talking complete and irrefutable truths, while RV, someone I have liked for some time...is not. Anyway o/ NV. Kick 'em off the dancefloor.
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