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Everything posted by TurnipCruncher

  1. Well in the free world, it is not illegal to make such an accusation. Oh and LOL at. "Some of my best friends are *insert persecuted minority here*". Also lol at "your people". Keep digging beeatch. 88
  2. I'm sure it is annoying to be caught out harbouring RL racists while grandstanding in a NoR dogpile. But hey, you enjoy your moment. We will outlast your pathetic coalition of band wagoners, then we will be coming for you DoD.
  3. I don't see a correlation between Reich, Rhodesia and having coded Heil Hitler. Just sayin.
  4. Considering you have nations like Germania88 ruled by Oberlord88, I guess we were better off parting ways. But have fun with your Molotov/Ribbentrop alliance with the lolcommies.
  5. Bassman...sad, just sad. I was going to say you used to be cool but that would be a lie.
  6. The NSO war should be seperated out as it seems to have little to do with the main conflict.
  7. Describing MW as "crap", "weak" or saying NoR is "aiming low" is highly disrespectful to MW. And of course may be applied to any combination of larger AA's which consequently counter NoR, not to mention those dog-piling NSO. MW are up for the scrap, have declared an intent to bite our eye out if they are going down and good on them for having some fighting spirit. Enjoy the battle. o/
  8. I am pleased to be on the opposite side of the conflict from this lunatic.
  9. Nordreich doesn't care what you do or don't like. It's a DoW. End of.
  10. Got to have a sense of hummour about these things. After all, we are a terrible alliance etc.
  11. It has come to our attention that TOP has been attacked by NPO. GGA hereby declares a state of war with NG. signed, rotavele - triumvirate[/quote] Umm, what?
  12. Insert your own trash talking/blame etc here. Expected declaration from a terrible alliance and so forth. o/ NG
  13. How have you all upset Hereno? I fought against him when he was in some trashy lolcommie thing and he was an absolute gent.
  14. You just encapsulated in one post everything I despise, notably hypocrisy. Enjoy the war. Or don't. Whatever.
  15. Wow. So far, someone from an unrelated alliance gets owned by the usual arguments only to be saved by the introduction of HoT's "special" brand of debate. Pretty much the quickest descent into the autistic spectrum I have seen in a DoW thread. Go and do some fighting or something. I'm eager to see the bitter post-war fallout.
  16. Good luck TPC. You can't have rampant German militarism without Prussia. It just doesn't seem right.
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