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Everything posted by TurnipCruncher

  1. Why are you allowed to display a swastika in your propaganda? I thought that was not permitted.
  2. That's two things, although they are not mutually exclusive.
  3. Try and enjoy yourselves GOP. 5 years of collecting tax and paying bills is about to be replaced with buying nukes and ground attacks. You will never go back to neutrality.
  4. I think TOP have been as clear as needs be. What with MK formally disbanding, as I understand it all treaties pertaining to MK are void.
  5. Voted yes because it's TPF, but really all alliances should disband. It's Saturday night. Go to the pub or something.
  6. Oh, so much butthurt to be exploited here. Give my regards to Slayer99. ;)
  7. Surely when TDO use the multi-multi-billions they have hoarded to buy tech this is all but over right?
  8. Seeing MK, a good and true friend disband is sad. Then the lolcommies crawled out from under their misguided rocks and I got a little excited. Then HoT posted. Now I can't be bothered. The only thing that could make this right is an MK memorial nuking of RIA.
  9. Join now for a free Nelson Mandela. With every litre of petrol.
  10. The only thing that kill Nordreich is Nordreich. And IRC. And forum screenshots that one time.
  11. CBs for a war? When did that come back into fashion?
  12. I miss that crazy aircraft rogue. Can never remember his name...funny as though.
  13. Stewie, Stewie, Stewie. Ever the bridesmaid?
  14. Do you know anything about TIG welding aluminium?
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