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Everything posted by TurnipCruncher

  1. That will probably get easier as people realise an MD with NoR means exactly what it says, no strings, you ask for help, you get all we can.
  2. Hey don't bring us into this. NoR members haven't even lolcommied it which is a miracle itself. And someone answer Comrade Craig please. We all want to know where the booze unt snacks are.
  3. If you want to open diplomatic channels, you can ask the MoFA.
  4. You seem upset enough to post here that you can't log in. Please explain why you feel the need to log on to an alliance forum that you are nothing to do with?
  5. Blessed are the cheesemakers. But hallowed are the NoRi.
  6. I hope he has fat fingers and is playing on iPhone...
  7. I don't think what you think just happened just happened. But keep trying.
  8. These are great, but that last one kind of makes TOP look the victim and her allies are countering. Far from true.
  9. Lol, the circle is complete. Go to page 1, rinse, repeat.
  10. This war has no rules apparently. But he deserves to be wacked for surrendering outside of his AA.
  11. :. Sent Message To: Edieclark From: TurnipCruncher Date: 11/9/2013 5:49:42 AM Subject: RE: Switch to KASKUS or u are Message: Is there a reward? I want a clock radio or Goblin teas made. And a Parker pen just for responding.
  12. Yev believes capital should be in the hands of the people. The rulers have no claim to demand it.
  13. All valid points. Thank you. We are working on it ;)
  14. NG meat shield trumps commie stooge any day. And our leadership is only 1/3 terrible.
  15. 4 wars declared by DoD. Awesome. There really was nothing of value lost when the dubious characters left NoR. I wonder where they wound up?
  16. You can't blind everyone else with your selective stupidity, so I have made my point. Ta ta.
  17. New Alabama- Nation Slogan: We are with you until death, President Assad! The Zionist-Western-Wahhabi backed forces will NOT prevail! Aryan Alliance- DoD member Germania88- DoD member Some real quality there guys. Of course, could be a string of coincidences...;)
  18. According to NoMercy, having "88" as your sign off is fine as long as you are not racist on the forum. Just pointing out some hypocrisy.
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