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Alfred von Tirpitz

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Everything posted by Alfred von Tirpitz

  1. It kind of makes me glad to be part of this particular online community. It was heartening to see everyone pulling together on this one. Thanks all.
  2. You need to install the Tytanis Mod. Craft the following: Metal Arrows | Metal Fire Arrows | Metal Lightening Arrows | Metal Frost Arrows also other arrows categories like Daedric etc. So yeah, the Dwarven arrows are covered. Just be careful while rendering stuff down to metal scrap [for making ingots], your crafter stuff shows up in the list as base stuff. For example if you made an uber Ebony Bow Legendary, enchanted it with a Soul Trap and Life Steal and named it "Outreach Program" and went to a smelter, and started melting stuff you dont need to make ingots... your Outreach Program would show up as "Ebony Bow" you can see how that can be disasterous. On the other hand, the mod lets me ride Mammoths and also break down wooden bowls into firewood for making charcoal, which i then combine with Blisterwort to make Blackened Blisterwort salad which in turn gives me health regen when consumed. XD You do need to try out this mod. This Tytanis team is also now working with the Skynet team to make Skyrim Co-Op. You hear that? There is already a Skynet mod out, wherin people can join your game, but they show up as jockey short wearing nude nords. But hey, it is the concept, and it works.
  3. The TESV-Skyrim player community has been awesome so far in terms of coming out with mods. The Creation kit that was scheduled for a January release is still slated for a January release, however with just 5 days left in January, seems to be likely to have a launch schedule slip. While the game itself is pretty awesome out of the box, and most would most likely not miss the various mods that are up for grabs right now at the nexus, those that get the mods are spared situations like the one depicted in the graphic below: Of course all the console players will miss out on the mods and stuff, but hey, you dont "need" the mods to enjoy the game. Just that some of these are really good and enhance the enjoyment factor a bit more. The mods i have running right now are: Beauty Faces for females by necKos 131 ---- Makes for a better non ugh experience. Dovahkiin Hideout --- Adds a super basement to your home, with doors to all your homes. So like a common basement spanning Skyrim, with loads of stuff and libraries and bookshelves and stuff SkyUI --- Makes for a better inventory and trade UI Tyatnis Mod -- crafting, non horse ride-able beasts such as mammoths and bears and wolves and saber cats... Better spells graphics.. Yes that enables me to craft arrows. The gripe i have witht he delay of the CK is that, without it, modders are unable to create navigational meshes, or NPC pathing routes if they are creating a new Zone or building or area in their mod. So your NPC cannot follow you into the Dovahkiin Hideout [actually a blessing at times]. This pathing would be a cinch with the CK, or so the game makers tell us. So yeah, waiting for CK.
  4. [quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1327351370' post='2905689'] anyways...back to this thread. I know GPF and only 1-2 Rokkers (Wu ). GPF may not have been the most amicable with their protectors with Rok, but they put up with a damn lot concidering in their own damn DoE (still looking for confirmation on that again) and in other other their topics, there were Rokkers trolling them :/ [/quote] Really? Was it like, "we will protect you because we know how much you suck" or "Dude, these guys suck, lets protect them from harm"? Or was it just good natured ribbing? I cant remember and really cant be bothered to go back and look. I doubt it was so.
  5. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1327281832' post='2905116'] Ok, i fought alongside the Ponies...i think ive got it worse [/quote] D.E.A.D. That is what you are, dead to me. Also you maybe got rockjoint from the ponies, get thee to a vet.
  6. Congratulations, and good luck. [size="1"]You guys are alright.[/size]
  7. [quote name='Buzz Lightyear' timestamp='1327250195' post='2904769'] Alfred when you gonna take over? [/quote] Never Been there, done that. Time for something new, yeah? I have confidence in the government of Ragnarok to take them to new places and heights. Me, i go to plumb newer depths. Wanna come with?
  8. [quote name='Rampage3' timestamp='1327214198' post='2904567'] Fark has peace. [/quote] Thats good news. For all those involved on that front.
  9. Thanks for all your service, Ramps, you are one of the good ones. Hello Bob, inquisitive minds wish to know your stance on education spending, cutting the expense on the Ruling Council's massage parlor perks and the troubles of one of your oldest FA partners on Aqua. edit: i killed the topic?
  10. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1327058663' post='2903514'] Yes. The difference is that Sparta took significantly less damage. [/quote] At what cost?
  11. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1327149964' post='2904154'] Well, Van Hoo did hate them for being "NPO toadies" too. [/quote] More to it than just that. As i said, 'one' of my gripes. Most of the people involved are either dead and buried or happily retired. The distaste lingers though, such is the way of the world. A lot of people that genuinely cheered when Francograd fell, were not even born when some of the so called Pacifican Excesses took place. people inherit the anger and the animosities and the feuds of their elders, over time the root cause is lost in time, but the dislike persists. Often the main involved might learn to attempt "forgive and forget", but the legacy they passed on, lingers for much longer.
  12. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1327147415' post='2904145'] Honestly, Legion should have pulled a VE and waited for Karma. The Reformation, Reconciliation, and Revenge of the Legion would have been awesome. I guess that's why they didn't want you to disband and made you into a vassal state instead. [/quote] Would have made for a great series of events, for sure. That has been one of the gripes i have had with Legion, they just... dont have a vengeful bone in their entire body. Oh and that jacky guy on irc.
  13. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1326320051' post='2897597'] I was not caring about CN at all when the merger and formation happened, so it seemed like as good a thing to do as any. Then I got chosen as one of the initial leaders and then all the craziness happened from there. Despite all the headaches and stuff, being a part of \m/ 2 did reignite my interest in the game so it turned out for the best. If I had to do it again, I'd start from the ground up. No mergers. And I would lay the FA groundwork beforehand instead of just running with the handful of treaties that Bel Air already had. [/quote] You could also try reining in the crazy a bit. I loved em and all, still do, but hey, facts is facts. While it was fun to go about half cocked and with it all hanging out and painted rainbow... sometimes it led to a bit more trouble than it was worth. Would try it again though.
  14. Good to see civility and war ending with phone number being exchanged.
  15. Blackouts would be more effective if carried out by sites like fark, SA and the chan networks.
  16. Well Mr. OP, you sure played them Farkers and FAN guys. Very clever!
  17. Not in favour of announcing when it is likely to start an owf feeding frenzy, specially if the cancelled on alliance is already being targeted for ridicule/attempt to ridicule/being prepped for a rolling.
  18. Or you could petition Admin to nerf tech. :v
  19. Everyone is celebrating, even the winterbellum dudes. Congrats on 1000 days. Hoping to see every rogue netting you guys 90.
  20. [quote name='Sigurd Odinnson' timestamp='1326444722' post='2898704'] We haven't screwed anybody over. The sitting government of TGECN is actually making sure that nobody gets screwed over. I'm not entirely sure why there's so much confusion on this point, except that people are focusing on Flinders' post rather than on the ramifications of the OP. [/quote] I am guessing it is because the OP was worded poorly. It left people with the impression that the mess was at Anson's door and not TGE's. I believe that Tower will ensure all commitments are met, of course. He is not one to drop the ball when he or his owes others. Plain and simple, he dont welsh.
  21. Hey i was best recruiter at RoK for two years. about 76 recruits to my name. Something had to leak into my RL.
  22. Discussions on who made Karma possible is always interesting reading, however it is always inconclusive. There were so many people involved at so many levels, and without any one of them, the thing would not have worked, or not worked as well. One of the main people that made Karma the success it was, would be the Pacifican government. The fact that there was a large chunk of CN that was disaffected and angry diaspora from various broken homes and smashed aliances residing in up and coming alliances and constantly poisoning the well for Pacifica, went a long way in turning the tide. Was a time when any move to get closer to an alliance would get shot down by membership because said alliance had ties to Pacifica. Was a time when governments had to routinely defend their then current ties with Pacifica. All because membership had a healthy contingent of vocal Pacifican jackboot victims. In that way, Pacifica was the biggest enabler of Karma. They ensured that there was enough resentment built up in the game that they either had a healthy supply of people roguing them or actively working to undermine them. The various people that took this and channelled it, do deserve the credit, but no where near the credit that needs to go to the one that generated the anger. Of course, once the deed was done, lot of those people simply faded away. Their game won.
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