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Everything posted by Incitatus

  1. This post is easily the best and most legit post in this thread.
  2. Pathetic....I think VE and friends should DoW you just for how much you suck.
  3. ......Then again if the numbers were switched around I could easily see ODN being on NPO's side of this matter. Best thing for you to do ODN is either declare that you're neutral or stick with the friends you have formed in previous wars. Don't dump them like you did your old allies just because it looks grim for them.....
  4. This is step one ODN, step one. I'm not even sure if it is a legit step one, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Good luck undoing WalkerNinja's (and the Senate that served under him) mistakes. I look forward to the day that I can once again call you guys the most respectable alliance on Bob. Good luck!
  5. Good to see. I've always liked and respected TORN, this does nothing but improve your status in my eyes. Thank you TORN.
  6. Needs more win....oh wait.....not possible, this thread couldn't handle any more more win
  7. I like either Judgement Day or The Revolution.
  8. Well put Archon. May this war bring justice upon those that had no foresight.
  9. Here's to KasMage! Here! Here! You've also been an inspiration to us all Xiphosis.
  10. Good post Windsor, good post.
  11. I think it'd look better with you're old avy but with the same blue/red effect. Keep the "Hope" in there too.
  12. Not too mention the "founder" of Michael Scott Paper Company Inc. was a former leader of CIS. It's a mad world we live in.
  13. Thank the Lord! I've missed mpol's announcements greatly!
  14. I do all I can not to join CN Facebook groups, stop tempting me AirMe! I need to keep my CN life a secret
  15. :lol: Oh jeez! Hahahaha, oh man. I feel bad for you. -When you turn from being a 3.7-4.0 GPA student into a 2.4-2.7 GPA student because of all the times you should be doing homework/studying, you are checking out the forums. -When you considering not going to your high school prom in order to be on for all the "DoW"'s.
  16. For the prom I'm going to tonight, I don't have a date...but then again it didn't/won't cost anything either. I have a date to another prom a few weeks from tonight tho
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