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Everything posted by Incitatus

  1. Hey Schect, welcome back man. (Griffy is already back, Haflinger)
  2. Well congratulations to you. You guys have done pretty well for yourselves.
  3. Although I was never in BC, I remember helping you guys. (Saving you from a war, bahahahaha)
  4. Was actually the 10th member to ever join The Legion. I miss GB
  5. No, it hasn't. If you can find me one single alliance that has the same "charter" as we do or the same name. I will quit and give you all of my technology. Cool.
  6. Consider them sent. Because here at Michael Scott Paper Company, we know the value of your time. We guarantee your satisfaction because your satisfaction is our guarantee. Tell your friends!
  7. I liked TAGA. Wish the whole merge thing wouldn't of killed 'em off.
  8. Also known as Mum2005, I believe. And thank you. The Michael Scott Paper Company thanks you. If you are open to doing business, we're only a phone call away.
  9. Michael Scott Paper Company Inc. Respectfully and Fully Signed, Incitatus Because we guarantee your satisfaction, your satisfaction is our guarantee EDIT: Channel - #michaelscottpapercompanyinc.
  10. It's cool that you "support" them. But when you said "action" I thought that it meant that you were actually going to do something......
  11. TOOL...even tho I support NSO in this conflict (assuming what Ivan said was true: That he asked the leaders of TOOL if CDC was under their protection and TOOL responded "no"), I am VERY disappointed in the way you handled this. Either: 1. Grow a Pair or 2. Don't make promises you're not willing to keep
  12. Incitatus

    WAE 2.0

    I don't think GATO deserved the title in the first place. GOONS deserved it the first time around But I'll help give the title over to GGA.
  13. Pathetic GGA. Just flat out pathetic. DJ did nothing wrong. Have fun falling apart.
  14. Well, it came from a creative mind. I would say your new definition of GGA is much more accurate however.
  15. I think I speak for everyone when I say: GGA: Apply & Die.
  16. Awesome announcement. However I'm a little disappointed by the lack of Daggarz This term is gonna be great.
  17. Incitatus


    Nice to see. Very cool to see the way both parties handled the situation. If only the PZI would go Poor guy has been on the PZI list longer then anyone I've known of before.
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