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Proxian Empire

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Everything posted by Proxian Empire

  1. October 24, 2009 1 [300] (+3) Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan : 0.00 --> OVER 9000!(+9000.01) 2 [225] (+3) The Order Of The Paradox : 55.99 --> 56.10 (+0.11) 3 [631] (-9) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 52.27 --> 52.08 (-0.19) 4 [572] (+0) Sparta : 52.01 --> 51.98 (-0.03) 5 [425] (-1) New Polar Order : 50.85 --> 50.85 (+0.00) 6 [532] (+0) Independent Republic Of Orange Nations : 44.85 --> 45.01 (+0.16) 7 [362] (-2) Orange Defense Network : 36.83 --> 36.87 (+0.04) 8 [308] (+0) Fark : 34.55 --> 34.62 (+0.07) 9 [270] (-2) Green Hippie Agency : 32.86 --> 32.90 (+0.04) 10 [637] (+1) ANTI-COMMUNIST GREAT SATAN : 40.24 --> 32.85 (-10.9) 11 [237] (+1) FOK : 29.29 --> 29.34 (+0.05) 12 [241] (+0) World Task Force : 28.68 --> 28.69 (+0.01) 13 [462] (+0) The Democratic Order : 28.04 --> 28.08 (+0.04) --------------- {171} (+0) Mushroom Kingdom : 27.84 --> 27.96 (+0.12) 13 [246] (+1) The Order Of Light : 27.83 --> 27.87 (+0.04) 14 [293] (-3) Viridian Entente : 26.21 --> 26.20 (-0.01) 15 [410] (+2) The Legion : 24.14 --> 24.57 (+0.43) ---------- Tier Barrier 1 : 23.04 --> 23.08 (+0.04) [349] (-3) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization : 22.51 --> 22.50 (-0.01) [293] (-1) Ragnarok : 21.70 --> 21.74 (+0.04) {195} (+2) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 20.33 --> 20.26 (-0.07) {180} (-1) Athens : 20.01 --> 20.04 (+0.03) {76} (+0) The Grämlins : 19.91 --> 19.94 (+0.03) [227] (-2) United Purple Nations : 19.47 --> 19.45 (-0.02) [232] (+0) Multiple Clown-X Alliance : 19.32 --> 19.35 (+0.03) ---------- Tier Barrier 2 : 18.04 --> 18.08 (+0.04) {187} (+0) Siberian Tiger Alliance : 17.54 --> 17.57 (+0.03) [228] (+2) Random Insanity Alliance : 17.50 --> 17.56 (+0.06) {195} (-4) Invicta : 17.08 --> 17.04 (-0.04) {157} (-1) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 15.82 --> 15.84 (+0.02) [213] (+1) RnR : 15.85 --> 15.71 (-0.14) {123} (+0) M*A*S*H : 15.41 --> 15.45 (+0.04) {191} (-6) Monos Archein : 16.13 --> 15.11 (-1.02) {144} (+0) We Are Perth Army : 14.93 --> 14.95 (+0.02) {119} (+0) Nueva Vida : 14.52 --> 14.56 (+0.04) ---------- Add Line : 14.02 --> 14.04 (+0.02) {67} (-1) Umbrella : 13.90 --> 13.84 (-0.06) ---------- Drop Line : 13.72 --> 13.74 (+0.02) Biggest Gainer Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (+9000.01) Biggest Loser ANTI-COMMUNIST GREAT SATAN(-10.9)[/color] Passes of the Day Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan passes Everyone Commentary My great spying skills have predicted the future due to my never-ending greatness. The ANTI-COMMUNIST GREAT SATAN will fortunately lose another 10.9 points tomorrow and the Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan will reign supreme. All we must do now is begin the communist revolution in Kazakhstan- a second time! I clearly should be leader due to my general awesomeness and great spying skills that are unequaled by anyone.
  2. The only ideal government is a communist government that supports amazing spies like myself.
  3. As the greatest spy ever I will give you all an amazing tidbit- alliance stats will continue to fluctuate! This is completely thanks to my amazing spy abilities that are equaled by no other.
  4. This is no doubt accomplished in thanks to my genius spying. I have infiltrated every single alliance and will continue to control world politics. COMMUNISM FOREVER
  5. I, Comrade Vader, the great spy overlord, king of all that is mighty and good at spying, ultimate spy that brought down the NPO, the supreme communist spy of all KGB spies, am the one who should win this most impressive cool guy award for spying because I am that good at spying.
  7. King Penchuk 2009 to King Penchuk 2006: There will a clown alliance known as MCXA with a traitorous coward named SAM at its helm, kill them on sight.
  8. I would like to personally give you £5 for this utmost brilliant poll that no one else could have ever thought of. Genius I say, genius.
  9. Negative 22 for both of you. Also Puffington you can be the lowercase Kp since I was clearly here first.
  10. BamaBuc is me for Halloween, I feel so honoured. Perhaps it is time to bring out the old Comrade Vader costume I wear every year .
  11. Haha excellent sig my friend!

  12. Why is this not surprising that two clown alliances love each other? TSO is perhaps the worst alliance in the game, not only in performance but with people who are just plain rotten. Tip to everyone who is not clinically insane. Signing a treaty with TSO is a bad idea, unless you like relying on people who have a Guinness World Record of betraying their friends. Damn clowns.
  13. If you want to make things more complicated than necessary, so be it. All nations that form from my protectorate agree to return to protected status should they disband, and they post this in their DoE (otherwise I do not allow them to take the territory). I have contested this IC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=71351
  14. After noticing the instability of the Kingdom of Spain, the Scottish government regretfully reincorporates the provinces of Galicia and Extremadura into the Scottish protectorate. Scotland will do its utmost best to ensure these regions are protected until stability returns and the regions are able to stand once again on their own feet.
  15. This is also incorrect. The Republic of Spain agreed to return the territory to being a Scottish protectorate should they be unable to continue the RP. This territory does not belong to Carthage.
  16. The map of Spain is not correct. The autnomous communities of Galicia and Extremadura are part of the Scottish protectorate and not part of Carthage's. I request this is changed.
  17. Dearest Zhadum, It appears that you seem to not understand the definition of a spy. I understand that 'spy' is a complex word that is likely difficult for ignorant fellows like yourself to understand. Here you are: Spy: An agent employed by a state to obtain secret information, especially of a military nature, concerning its potential or actual enemies. Griswalds actively took part in handing over private information (privy to only the most trusted members of Polar gov) to Moo and you other clowns on a regular basis. He did so maliciously, with zero intent to help NpO. If he actually gave a damn about us, he would've voiced his opinion that he did not like the direction we were going. Instead he chose to undermine us and assist those who were in the process of betraying us. Following this, Moo attempted to reward his minion by demanding AlmightyGrub resign and let Griswalds take his place during peace talks (of which the supposedly neutral NPO should have had nothing to do with). Of course, Grub denied this demand outright and NPO didn't push it any further. Do not bother giving us any crap about Griswalds not being a spy. He was, and so is Ursakar. You lot betrayed people who considered you to be friends, and you are all one in the same. That is the definiton of a Pacifican. Kindly stop pretending to us, as we are not so naive to believe your lies.
  18. I'm glad that NPO finally confesses to the fact that they sought to undermine and kill us in the No CB War. To think they actually thought we'd back them up after that is hilarious. Ursarkar, you are scum and you will get what's coming for you. I promise you that.
  19. I was the greatest CN terrorist to ever live. You sir, are a disgrace.
  20. With the threat of terrorist movements and rogue states such as the Krieg a thing of the past, the Kingdom of Scotland is pleased to decrease security measures in the Iberian Peninsula. While there will still be troops stationed within the Scottish protectorate (Northern Spain and Portugal), the intensity of the Scottish military presence will gradually decline. This does not mean the Hibernian Wall will be dismantled, but rather tourist organisations will encourage travel to witness the wonder of the wall. May there be peace in our time at last.
  21. Best of luck guys. I'm sorry that we weren't able to keep the Liquor Cabinet alive.
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