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Proxian Empire

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Everything posted by Proxian Empire

  1. Iberia as well as the majority of France was part of the Scottish Empire at many points throughout history. We have benevolently granted independence to the peoples of these territories in hopes to see them grow on their own. Our interest to maintain stability in Iberia is because we care about Iberians, even if they are no longer Scottish citizens. Evidence to support the fact that we have no intention of maintaining an 'empire' as you claim is evident due to the fact that we have not annexed any Iberian territory. Your lack of gratitude is of course duly noted.
  2. Scotland's interest in Iberia is for the benefit of all Iberian peoples, whether Castilian speaking or other. We would like to remind Vestfjara as well it was we who granted you independence in the first place, and we do not appreciate these negative statements against us.
  3. We certainly appreciate Deutschland's gesture in regards to Scotland, and fully support this proposed revision of the treaty.
  4. Scotland appreciates the consistent friendship offered by our longstanding allies in Taeunas.
  5. Scotland has officially sent King James II a box of tissues and a dead fish. Compliments of his Royal Majesty, King Douglas.
  6. All borders inside the Scottish protectorate have been garrisoned and attempts to restore stability to the region have begun to take place. It will be a long road ahead, but such is the price of peace in Iberia.
  7. We have never been afraid to speak our minds, nor are we concerned about hurting the feelings of the emotionally weak. GDR is none of our concern where as France is an important and long standing ally. Your attempt to twist this into your favour will simply not succeed.
  8. Your comparison to the actions of others does not grant you immunity from criticism. Quietly accept your mistake and leave Western Europe out of your concerns. The Iberian Pact has maintained stability in the West for a long time, and we will not have riffraff like you spoil this time of peace.
  9. Please mark the Kingdom of Spain as a Scottish protectorate. Thank you.
  10. "Per order of King Douglas of Scotland, Scottish troops have been ordered to garrison and defend the former Kingdom of Spain. Troops are en route as we speak," the Scottish Broadcasting Corporation reported today. -------------------------------------------------------------- 10,000 Scottish troops have flown into Spain passing over Galicia to re-establish the Scottish protectorate in the Kingdom of Spain. This territory shall remain under Scottish jurisdiction until further notice.
  11. As France is a member of the Iberian Pact, should the country fall into anarchy the territory is automatically a protectorate of the Iberian Pact. We do not appreciate this greedy attempt by the EU to steal what does not belong to them.
  12. Scotland is always pleased to grant independence to nations within Iberia when the time is right. We have rarely denied such a request so long as the people of the territory agree to one binding clause that all nations in Iberia (excluding Valencia) are bound to: should their land ever destabilise into anarchy the territory shall immediately be confiscated and returned to Scotland. As Scotland is a member of the Iberian Pact, we have deemed fit to naturally allow former Iberian Pact members that descend into anarchy to become a protectorate of the Iberian Pact. You are correct in stating that the Kingdom of Spain never signed the Iberian Pact, and therefore this land is officially a protectorate of Scotland. You will step down and allow Scottish government to retake control of this land or we will enact our right to do so. We will defend this territory from unwanted usurpers to the throne. OOC: Once again, you need to stop 'declaring independence' in my land when it does not belong to you. If you back off for a while we can re-discuss this in a few weeks, and maybe I will re-consider. In the meantime you have offended my nation IC so you are denied.
  13. This hostile takeover is not permitted as this territory has automatically reverted to a protectorate of the Iberian Pact. OOC: Seriously, you need to learn to ask people before taking what does not belong to you.
  14. Traitorous Optional Network, with so many treaty cancellations how could you even think about electing government at this time?
  15. You guys are so cowardly, why would anyone treaty you clowns?
  16. "As this sounds vaguely familiar to the terrorist movement known as España from many years ago, we are concerned with this declaration of independence. We will recognise nothing until Valencia agrees to this, and nor will we permit instability within the Iberian Peninsula on the borders of so many Scottish friends.¨
  17. The lack of an anti-Penchuk article disappoints me. Have you forgotten all the trolling we shared together? You wound me good sirs.
  18. Not a gravedig at all. We certainly support your membership and will discuss your application with the other members.
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