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Proxian Empire

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Everything posted by Proxian Empire

  1. The United Kingdom is still labelled as Great Britain. Please fix this.
  2. If by "new NpO" you are implying one that does not take note of another alliance threatening the existence of our allies, you are incorrect.
  3. DarkFist seems to like antagonising the New Polar Order and her friends. Maybe you should remember what happened last time .
  4. The new charter has been passed. Also, the proposal to bring Taeunas into the Iberian Pact has been approved. We require their signature before we can proceed.
  5. It is inaccurate to refer to Welshgazza's nation as "Great Britain". This is a common mistake by Americans to assume that the "United Kingdom", "Great Britain", and "England" are all interchangeable. They are not. It would be like referring to people who live in New York as "Texans" or referring to Florida as "Greater California". This is not an attack on the map maker, just a clarification. The nation should be named "The United Kingdom" as this is the name of Welshgazza's country. The proper name of course is "The United Kingdom of Greater Wales and Portugal" but the United Kingdom should work fine.
  6. We vote against, as the GDR consists of cannibals.
  7. I have proposed the following changes to the Iberian Pact. It must be ratified by all members before it can become official as there is no pre-existing article about changes to the treaty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Article I. Scotland, Euzkadi, Conti, France, Galicia, and the United Kingdom agree to sign this treaty to promote friendship, and to provide for the defence of eachother's nations. Article II. Any and all intelligence that may expose a security threat to any of these nations must be shared. Article III. Free trade, meaning importing and exporting of goods between both nations without tariffs, as well as open borders between these nations, is to be enacted as a condition of this treaty. Article IV. If any nation is attacked by another nation, the nations not under attack are required by this treaty to come to the defence of the nation under attack. Article V. If any of these nations engages in an aggressive war against another nation, the other nations are highly encouraged, but not required, to aid the attacking nation in every way possible. Article VI. If any of these nation wishes to cancel this treaty, a 72 hour notification period is required. Article VII. Any changes to the Iberian Pact must be ratified by at least 65% of the membership. Article VIII. Applications to the Iberian Pact are welcome to any nation residing in Iberia or relatively close to the peninsula (i.e. Western Europe). Applicants may submit their application to any member of the Iberian Pact, who will review the proposed new member with the other members of the Iberian Pact. At least 65% of the membership must support the applicant for them to join the pact. Article IX. Should any of these nations descend into anarchy, the alleged nation becomes a protectorate of the Iberian Pact. This protectorate shall be defended from external threats and granted independence when stability returns to the region.
  8. The lack of Scotland's supported candidate Stephen Gerrard disappoints us.
  9. You have never expressed interest in joining the Iberian Pact. If you would like to apply for membership, we will certainly review your application.
  10. We are proud to welcome Galicia and the United Kingdom to IP with open arms.
  11. Scotland has proposed Iberian entry for the following nations: The United Kingdom The Kingdom of Galicia The Kingdom of Spain These nations have been approved by fellow members of the Iberian Pact. They must be ratified by signatures of the alleged nations' leaders to be placed into effect.
  12. We have no intention to claim land or anything else in North America. For the most part what they do is not our business, and we understand North American concern over European presence on their continent. Nonetheless, our demand once again unrelated to territorial conquests but to simply ensure this aggressive nation will not have the means to assault us again. The land will remain under American jurisdiction, we simply wish to keep a small military establishment to ensure our safety.
  13. Scotland has rounded up all Damacious prisoners of war and will hold them indefinitely until Damcious agrees to our demands. Damacious will pay for any and all damages caused to the livelihoods of the Scottish civilians and soldiers who gave their lives to defend against the aggressors. We demand an official apology, and a permanent base to be held in Northern Ontario to prevent such an invasion from ever occurring again. Should Damacious reject our demands, further damage will be done against such treacherous warmongers.
  14. Misr stop making polls, no body loves you.
  15. ChairmanHal by far, he reminds me of Charlie Brown's teacher.
  16. The fact that no one has mentioned me so far hurts me.
  17. Why would optional defenders want to be allied with those who suck at fighting anyway and vice versa? This treaty deserved to die.
  18. "We are proud to welcome our historical allies back to the world as the United Kingdom of Greater Wales and Portugal. Should our friends ever need anything from Scotland, all they must do is ask," King Douglas stated proudly. Scottish economists recommend that the new nation retain the Scottish Pound as the national currency to simplify trading.
  19. OOC: Your in-game nation has only 10,000 soldiers and it is also impossible to unrealistic to imagine you placed 45,000 troops into a transport. It's fine if you are new at this and all, but I recommend you re-think what you are saying. IC: Scottish bombers proceed to intercept landing troops on the Scottish mainland whilst tanks and soldiers are transported from all over the country to north-western portion of Scotland. Following a relentless bombing campaign, Scottish soldiers engaged the enemy whilst accompanied by tanks. The surgical strike intentionally sought to destroy the Bulwark's capability of being seaworthy and continued thinning of of enemy troops. Coastal machine guns on the mainland had been set up following the invasion of Lewis and Harris, and they successfully increased enemy casualties as they exited their landing craft. Scottish troops returning from Spain were expected to arrive within less than 20 minutes. As Scottish soldiers surrounded the enemy, Scottish general Sean Connery expected enemy surrender to be imminent. "I've never seen such a daft attempt in my lifetime," smirked Scotland's hero. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We are forever greatful to our friends in Tahoe who have always supported us no matter the odds. True friends such as these do not appear from thin air and should they ever need anything from us, all they must do is ask. We equally appreciate the international moral support in our defence against the aggressors. It is our hope that such unwarrented aggression can be prevented in the future, following the demise and occupation of our enemy," King Douglas was quoted saying to the press.
  20. OOC: Are you serious? You do realise that 'British' does not mean 'English' but refers to anyone of English, Welsh, Northern Irish, and Scottish ethnicity right? I will never understand why Americans find this concept so difficult to understand. You also have 200 tech to my 1200, but good luck. IC: The Scottish government was alerted of approaching vessels hours prior to the foreign invasion of the island of Lewis and Harris. King Douglas formally recognised a state of war between Scotland and Damacious by alerting the Scottish airforce to bomb enemy troops as the landed upon the island, which was just to the north of Great Britain. "This declaration of war was entirely unprovoked and the claims of these madmen are baseless. As there are only two ethnicities on our island of Great Britain, the Scottish and the Welsh, we represent the ancient term of 'British' although such wording has almost been long forgotten. The Scottish people will not stand for this outrageous attack on our sovereignty and we will crush the weak, tiny nation of Damacious without second thought. We call upon all of our allies around the world to swiftly crush these aggressors, and I have authorised the use of force against the invaders. Scottish aircraft are surging towards the island of Lewis and Harris as we speak." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Five Tupolev Tu-160s flew over the landing troops of Damacious and commenced bombing procedures. Casualties increased dramatically as the bombs ruthlessly destroyed the lives of the invaders, with a bomb or two landing upon the HMS Magdeburg. Scottish troops were mobilised quickly with an estimated 5000 troops being loaded into Scottish aircraft and airdropped over the eastern portion of the island. An evacuation notice was sent to Scottish troops in Spain to return to the main island immediately. It would not be long before the invaders would be vanquished.
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