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Proxian Empire

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Everything posted by Proxian Empire

  1. Scotland has gone out of her way to please Spain and improve bilateral relations. We are disappointed by the Spanish government's decision, but will revoke our diplomats as requested.
  2. We find it extremely hypocritical for Italy to further destabilise the situation especially when their leader has acted no different than we have. You are despicable.
  3. To Slavorussia: We officially request you deploy your navy to prevent Louisianans from accessing Europe. Thank you in advance.
  4. A large basket of chocolate goods has been mailed to Kyivan Rus on behalf of the Scottish government.
  5. Classified: Iberian Pact states have welcomed all supporting forces into their territory (with the exception of the Irish which have not confirmed support at this time). To Spain: We will continue to ignore your demands. You are in no position to be asking anything from us, especially after all the crap you have pulled here. We have gone out of our way not to destroy you, so far as flying over you instead of invading you. If you fire upon us, you will die, it is that simple.
  6. Your statements insinuated that we have obligations to protect Spain, we were merely clarifying that this is not the case.
  7. Scotland has never claimed to protect Spain. They have no treaties with us. ------------------------------------------------ Scottish fighter planes have began to patrol the Norwegian Sea.
  8. Scottish 1st division troops began to hammer forwards, with the 2nd line establishing machine gun defences. Bombing craft were returning to Valencia to refuel, whilst transport aircraft took up to retrieve more Scottish troops from Valencia. It would be a long night.
  9. Scotland Declaration of War Following countless attempts to negotiate a peace, the aggressive Louisianans have continuously spurned our efforts and insist on constructing a military base in the Iberian Peninsula. This simply cannot and will not be allowed for the safety of the Iberian people. We formally declare war on Louisiana. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approximately 100,000 Scottish infantry are stationed throughout the Iberian Peninsula, with the majority in Valencia. Scottish bombing craft had been launched just ahead of the planned airborne invasion. Approximately 50% of these troops had been loaded into Scottish aircraft, and at 1:26AM they took off for the Louisiana military establishment in eastern Spain. Flying over the Republic of Spain, the aircraft avoided the complication of the high seas that were patrolled by hostile nations. Bombing aircraft proceeded to flatten an opening for the Scottish troops, whose transports landed merely minutes afterward. Firing upon what defences had been prepared by Louisiana, the invasion began.
  10. The Scottish government agrees to negotiate this issue in a neutral location to resolve this matter peacefully. Following claims by the Louisianan government that they are reasonable, we would hope you will agree.
  11. OOC: Seriously, why the hell would any sane person move 400,000 troops into a tiny military base across an ocean unless they wanted to start a war? Not only that I am disputing this amount. That is ridiculous, there is no way you have moved that many troops in a single day let alone fit them all onto transport craft. Your roleplay is impossible.
  12. Members of the Iberian Pact have always strived to maintain both stability and peace throughout the Iberian Peninsula as well as Western Europe. There has been no war in Iberia since the establishment of the Iberian Pact, and thus there has not been a need for overly militarised zones. Once this issue has been dealt with, the situation will of course return to the norm. An aggressive nation like Louisiana who seeks to colonise Europe is certainly not welcome.
  13. ** Classified to Iberian Pact Allies ** Scotland has been placed into Defcon 1 with military bases to the north of Scotland at full alert. Military fortifications including but not limited to anti-air defense mechanisms are being activated on the north shore as well as on the islands surrounding northern Great Britain. Military forces in Valencia are on standby.
  14. This is incorrect. We are willing to accept a diplomatic base. For obvious reasons a military base is a perceived threat and aggression action against members of the Iberian Pact. You are refusing to compromise.
  15. Correction: We have offered a peaceful compromise should you make this a diplomatic enclave opposed to a hostile, militaristic institution. Should no troops remain on Iberian soil and your intentions be made peaceful, we can put this issue behind us.
  16. We are concerned with GDR's choice in allies.
  17. We again observe clear provocations against us despite offering a peaceful resolution. Your aggressiveness towards Scotland as well as Iberian stability has been noted.
  18. We once again appreciate the continued support of our allies in these times.
  19. OOC: Wow, are you really this thick? My profile says I am from London because I am from London. What does this have to do with the CNRP?
  20. As stated by Finland, we are not the world police. We most certainly condemn your actions nonetheless. We also do not appreciate your implied threats nor your provocations, as you seek to further destabilise this issue.
  21. Should Louisiana be able to compromise and ensure this is a non-militarised zone, this issue can be resolved peacefully. This is a perfect example of Louisiana edging us on in an attempt to provoke us. Such hostility would not be accepted by any esteemed nation.
  22. Your ignorance is astounding. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. It has never been London nor will it ever be. You have embarrassed yourself rather nicely.
  23. That would be considered equally unacceptable by our standards and understandably so. What is difficult to understand about this concept?
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