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Proxian Empire

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Everything posted by Proxian Empire

  1. [quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1288746618' post='2500301'] OOC: Wales is mine, and I don't plan on giving it up - sorry. I'd suggest viewing Sal Paradise's thread in the Open National RP if you are looking for land. Best of luck to you. [/quote] OOC: How typically greedy of you.
  2. Scotland applauds Russova's choice in flag.
  3. [quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1281323395' post='2406217'] OOC: Oh really, when is the last time you have given Wales, England, etc... away? I know for a fact a few people have asked for it. If you want to post once every twenty-five days, that is your right to do so - but don't act like you don't do it and are a saint for giving away land you care nothing about aka Iberian land. IC: "Continual garbage from the Scottish, what else is new?" Private: A message was sent to the Norwegians - "Louisiana sends their congratulations on sucesfully pissing off the Scottish. Let us know if we can assist you." [/quote] A dead fish and box of tissues was sent to Louisiana on Scotland's behalf to dry their tears. Following this, communication with Louisiana was cut off.
  4. [quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1281323287' post='2406204'] "The world already knows that you are independent, and given the fact that you have allies, I doubt they would push you around." [/quote] Scotland will forgive J Andres for not being up to date on Norwegian violation of Scottish territory, but this is the reason behind this announcement.
  5. [quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1281323067' post='2406189'] "J Andres echoes Louisiana's statement. What is the point of announcing your intent to be independent, when you are [i]already[/i] independent?" [/quote] We are not announcing intent, we are re-affirming that we are independent and will not be pushed around.
  6. OOC: Clever, if I recall correctly I have given virtually all of my mainland European territory to new RPers. In fact Portugal is still available, but no one has messaged me mentioning their interest. IC: Scotland's independence has been violated recently by Norweigian forces. Ample information was made available on this matter in the news as of late, but of course we do not expect Louisianan's to know how to read.
  7. [center][img]http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.co.uk/time-zone/europe/uk/scotland/images/flag-of-scotland.jpg[/img][/center] Despite the hunger of greedy neighbours desperate to steal Scottish territory, I, President Walter Smith, confirm that the Scottish people insist on retaining their independence. That will be all.
  8. President Walter Smith requests the immediate evacuation of all foreign presence, with the exception of welcome Irish allies. Failure to leave will be seen as a declaration of war.
  9. Sean Connery opened the door to the control room carefully. Staring out the window was a large, illusive figure sitting in an armchair, stroking a hairless cat. "This is the end of the road for you. The Scottish military is seizing control of this installation, I suggest you give up now," Connery said to the man. "To prove that Scotland has two Presidents and I am one of them?" Lee Mercer III asked. "There is only one president, and that will never be you," Connery replied, raising a pistol at the back of the man's head. "Prove my Presidential Campaign Committee joined my me in my Presidential Campaign and Eye Spy Community- Military Intelligence Business and Commerce Intelligence, my board and staff and me saved the lives of every person alive at this future time." Lee Mercer III spun around abruptly in his chair, glaring into the eyes of Agent 007. He still donned the shirt of the most supremely evil football club, Newcastle United. Sean Connery sighed, knowing it was impossible to get through to such a lunatic. Lee Mercer III suddenly ate the hairless cat, stood up, and bellowed with rage at the Scottish agent. "To Prove the definition Kill in the Random House Dictionary of the English Language!" The man charged at Sean Connery and knocked the pistol from his hands. "The things I do for Scotland," muttered Sean Connery as he effectively countered Lee Mercer III with martial arts. A battle to the death ensued that was 1,000,000 times more epic than Lord of the Rings. Limping, Lee Mercer III realised he had been defeated just as his father before him. Panicking, he eyed the big red button labelled "Press Me", and lunged for it. Sean Connery immediately realised this would launch a new, unstoppable plague and that it was up to him to prevent such a catastrophe. Knocking Lee Mercer III as hard as he could in the head, the large man tumbled to the ground. "The...voices. The voices have stopped," grumbled Lee Mercer III as he stared blankly at the ceiling. "I can finally see clearly now. The Toon Army has always been crap...oh how lost I was. How could I ever support such a rubbish team?" Raising a pistol his head, Lee Mercer III put an end to the Mercer dynasty and took his own life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Epilogue[/b] Shortly after the complete surrender of Cerberus, President Walter Smith declared the contamination of Europe ended. The majority of people had recovered, and no new plague like occurances had been reported in some weeks. Newcastle United was forever relegated to League Two, never to be heard from again. Somewhere on a beach, a Scottish man relaxed with a woman known as Ursula Andress drinking an alcoholic drink. Shaken, not stirred. The End
  10. Scottish aircraft landed upon the military installation within seconds and took the Newcastle United guards completely by surprise. As the bullets and bombs flew, panick ensued within Lee Mercer III's lair. Cleverly, Sean Connery had already escaped his shackles, saved the woman, and effectively took out those who stood in his way. Fixing his tie, he made his way to control room. "This is it," he said into his wrist watch.
  11. Private Message to Finland: Scotland is capable of managing her own affairs. Should we deem Finnish assistance necessary we will ask you. Otherwise, allow us to deal with the situation as we see fit. Private Movement: The Royal Scottish Navy re-commences patrolling the English Channel. Additional troops were sent to Scottish Portugal to further implement the garrison.
  12. Scotland supports the true government of Tahoe and will not recognise the occupation government.
  13. Judi Dench handed DeSchaine a report that detailed the island coordinates and strategy being used by the Scottish military. "As for the disease, this could be seriously more complicated. We've turned up reports of all different sorts of ways the disease is being spread, from spray cans, to infecting livestock, to tainted water sources. From what our intelligence has gathered, water has been the key factor in spreading the virus, at least in Scotland. Although we were quick to catch on to infilitrations in our water containment facilities, too much of the disease had already spread and had began to be transfered from human to human." "In regards to this second disease, we have no information on it at all. The good news is that it hasn't been unleashed on any human populaces, but if we do not hurry to contain the terrorists that could change." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In preparation for the airborne assault on the island, the Scottish military began loading men into aircraft.
  14. "We need to coordinate our efforts to combat these terrorists. Together we can arrest the known members of Cerberus and assault their bases. Ultimately, our main concern should be assisting 007 with his discovery of what appears to be their headquarters," the Scot said. Smith nodded to one of his aids before turning back to DeSchaine. "A military effort is being prepared in Scottish Portugal for an assault on this island base of theirs. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated, but it will need to be assembled quickly. Our man's life hangs in the balance."
  15. Despite being drenched in the ocean's salt water mere minutes ago, Sean Connery, Agent 007 of the Scottish Secret Intelligence Service, was perfectly dry and wearing the finest tuxedo. Followed closely by his companion, Ursula Andress, Sean Connery approached the massive base hidden within the volcano. Two guards patrolled a rather obvious and unhidden entrance to the secret volcano base. "Strange, if I didn't know better I would think that those men were football players for Newcastle United," pondered Connery. "For such a massive institution you think they would hide this a little more carefully as well." While Ursula distracted the guards with her bikini clad body, Connery knocked the Newcastle United players unconscious with his manliness. "That's better," Connery smiled as the men stared blankly into the clouds. The unlikely duo cautiously entered the lair of the [b]Illusive Man[/b]... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "007, we meet again!" snickered Nick Griffin as he circled the captured Sean Connery and Ursula Andress. "Of course, I've missed your sparkling personality," Connery smiled back, refusing to be intimidated by the pathetic excuse for a man. Nick Griffin's face reddened with anger. "You'll get what you deserve for working for the Scottish! My master will destroy and then rebuild the world in his image! Those who are not killed by this second disease will be far too weak to resist. It's too bad you won't be around to see his glory, when he becomes Supreme God Emperor of Europe and then the world!" Nick Griffin said sinisterly. The room was disturbingly dark. Connery could feel his scantly clad companion shaking with fear. He had been stripped of most of his equipment, but the most important item in his possession had yet been undetected. His hands and Ursula's had been tied tightly behind their backs to a metal pole hovering over a pit of lava. [i]Charming,[/i] thought Connery. [i]If I can just reach my watch though...[/i] He stretched his hands to the fullest extent, but it was no use. He would need more time. Footsteps from the darkness loomed closer, as Connery came face to face with the dreaded [b]Illusive Man[/b]. Walking into view, the [b]Illusive Man[/b] boomed with laughter as Connery's eyes widened. "It can't be you. You should be dead!" [img]http://www.agonyboothmedia.com/images/articles/Mercer_for_President_2008/DefaultPageImage.jpg[/img] "No, my good 007, this is not Lee Mercer Jr but his son! My master is Lee Mercer III, and he will put an end to your deeds! Within the next few hours we will be sending the final communication to all of our subordinates around the world to unleash the second wave of the plague. But first, we will lower you into the [b]Pit of Doom™[/b] and you will trouble us no more!" Nick Griffin cackled like a schoolgirl before being lifted into the air by the towering Lee Mercer III. Nick Griffin screamed, pleading for his life before being tossed into the [b]Pit of Doom™[/b]. "I was wondering when that blundering idiot would shut up. I see you are quite the more...violent type than your father was," Connery said to Lee Mercer III. In what felt like ages ago, Sean Connery had defeated Lee Mercer Jr, the father of the Illusive Man, in hand to hand combat during a previous attempt to coup King Douglas. It appeared that his son had gone one step further, and was prepared to kill those who he felt was in his way. Clearly, the weak willed Nick Griffin had served his purpose and had been disposed of. "I have over 2000 Tapes to play to prove this program/project is authentic. My only Guardian Former Governor of Texas Ann Richards has just joined me MERCER FOR PRESIDENT CAMPAIGN! The United States government owes me Zillions of Dollars in money," said Lee Mercer III. He pointed a finger at Sean Connery and yelled as loud as he could. "President Walter Smith and other Public Officials have been Impeached by Cerberus for torture of me and my family! To prove there are and were no other candidates for President of Europe who qualify because every citizen in Europe is under a Criminal Investigations! To Prove I have solved every crime in the world as it happens from zero to start to finish for every crime done!" Raising his arms into the air he shouted one last incomprehensible banter. "To prove every person in the United States of America knows me and everybody in the International World knows me too! I will be the 2nd Negro President of Europe! On August 22, 1992, The State of Texas installed an intelligence hotwire in me! [size="4"][b]I am on an academic intelligence hotwire that can not be unhooked by anyone! [/b][/size]" Laughing like a maniac, Lee Mercer III exited the room as the pole chained to Sean Connery and Ursula Andress were slowly lowered into the [b]Pit of Doom™[/b]. Newcastle United guards clumsily watched over the prisoners, uncertain of what to do with Nick Griffin dead and their inability to understand their leader. "Here boys, I have a final request." Sean Connery motioned towards the guards. Tripping over himself numerous times, one of the Newcastle United guards (again, a player of the most supremely evil football club) approached Sean Connery with curiosity. "Can you be so kind as to press this button on my wrist watch?" The Newcastle United guard pressed the button and immediately a signal was sent to a satellite in communication with the Scottish Secret Intelligence Service, also known as MI6. ------------------------------------------------------ Interrupting the discussion between the world leaders, a Scottish aid whispered into the ear of President Walter Smith. "My friends, I believe we may have discovered their headquarters."
  16. [quote name='DeSchaine' date='16 June 2010 - 09:35 PM' timestamp='1276720528' post='2339811'] DeSchaine arched an eyebrow. "Cerberus? As in the three headed dog that guards the gates of Hades? Bags." He brushed his fingers through his hair. "Ok, so how far have your people penetrated this group? Details now, please. For myself, I'd like to know places, times and names." He held up a hand to forstall objections. "I'm not saying we would do anything right away, but considering what you just told us, sooner would be better, as far as knowing where and who we need to hit goes." "We're greatfull for the help of the German people. We've managed to stop the spread of the original virus through the use of anti viral drugs, but a cure is still a little ways off. With the German results, we can protect the population that much faster." [/quote] "We haven't had direct contact with the majority of our agents for the past few days. The latest intelligence report that I have for you is as follows," Smith handed the report to DeSchaine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The report gave details of numerous ongoing operations throughout Europe and a suspected laboratory along the eastern coast of North America, although the exact whereabouts were still yet undetermined. Known bases were in the following approximate locations: Near or inside Cork [b]Infiltrated by Agent 004, last heard from 4 days ago[/b] Near or inside Derry [b]Infiltrated by Agent 005, last heard from 2 days ago[/b] [s]Newcastle[/s] [b]Seized by MI6 operatives, believed to have been home to the [u]Illusive Man[/u][/b] Near or inside Lille [b]Infiltrated by 006, [u]KIA[/u][/b] Near Lisbon [b]Infiltrated by Agent 007[/b] Additional suspected bases in Taeunas, France, Germany, and Finland. Exact locations yet to be determined Suspected headquarters in Scottish Portugal [b]Under investigation by Agent 007[/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An older lady by the name of Judi Dench stood forward to continue where President Smith had left off. Evidently she was a high ranking official from MI6. "We were maintaining direct contact with 007 up until a few hours prior to our departure for Dublin. The last we heard from him was during some sort of gambling within a popular casino, followed by a coded message from a helicopter departing for some "island" that is not listed anywhere on our databases." She paused for a moment, before adding. "We are not entirely sure how, but we believe Cerberus has managed to accumulate a large amount of wealth. It is possible they have constructed a man-made island in a short period of time, although we are not entirely sure how. We are waiting on further information from 007, but no contact has been made for some time now. We are growing increasingly concerned, especially considering 004's concern over some kind of widespread attack.
  17. "The Scottish Secret Intelligence Service has managed to infiltrate a terrorist cell suspected of manufacturing and spreading the plague. The terrorist cell appears to be a splinter group of the former España terrorists who created the insurgency in Scottish Iberia decades ago. Their motives and goals appear to be drastically different from before, seeking not only to harm Scotland and her immediate allies but to also terrorise nations across the world," President Smith said. "We have determined the new name of the group to be Cerberus and their leader to be someone known as the "Illusive Man", although we are not entirely sure what this person's true identity may be. His whereabouts are unknown to even some of the highest ranking members of Cerberus from what our agents have been unable to determine. I can assure you that we have some of the best men that I have personally assigned to this investigation, but your help is sorely needed." President Smith read over a document handed to him by a Taeunas aid. "I am pleased to know the Germans have managed to develop a cure, but I have further unfortunate news. The terrorists appear to be developing a new disease that specifically targets the cells in those immune to the first virus. We should forward this information to their scientists immediately." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The secret volcano island base off the coast of Scottish Portugal had been well hidden by Cerberus. Surfacing from the water, the Scottish agent crept ashore to determine what exactly he had uncovered. Not far behind him, a beautiful woman surfaced from the ocean waves and shook the water from her body. After many troublesome events such as gambling in casinos, escaping sharks with laser beams on their head, sleeping with countless attractive women, and fighting a man with shark jaw-like teeth attacking him in his crashing helicopter, the Scottish agent had finally discovered the secret, volcano island base of Cerberus. "By the way," the woman cooed. "You still haven't told me your name." "Well Ms. Andress, the name's Connery," the Scottish man said. "Sean Connery."
  18. As President Walter Smith and his advisers passed through the medical examination, it was discovered that one of them had been infected by the disease. He was immediately separated from the rest of the group, but those who remained did not show any signs of infection. [i]Damn,[/i] thought President Smith. [i]Why would someone do this? We need to find a resolution, and fast.[/i] Approaching the leaders of Taeunas and France for the first time as leader of Scotland, President Smith did his best to appear determined. "My good friends, how I wish we could meet upon better circumstances. I nonetheless am honoured." He extended his hand to shake that of President DeSchaine's, and kissed the hand of Empress Therese. "I have much to tell you of this situation. The threat may be more dire than we have realised."
  19. OOC: Very good game, but the name is just one I used to make it less obvious who this character is. I am nonetheless confident most of you are quite familiar with this persona .
  20. The rain continued to pour for the third day in a row. The [b]Illusive Man[/b] sat comfortably in his chair, donning the shirt of the most supremely evil football club: Newcastle United. He frowned angrily at the cowering minion who stood before him. "I understand my lord, you no longer wish to unify España. Although it was the dream of your grandfather, it is now a petty, former objective in the history of our organisation. With Rebel Virginia a faint memory, your father's ambition has been realised as well. Now all we must do is enact revenge upon the Scottish and the world for the insolence!" Nick Griffin grinned cunningly, "It won't be long now before the death toll continues to rise." The [b]Illusive Man[/b] continued to frown, clearly unsatisfied with what his minion had said. Nick Griffin continued to smile, but in his head panic ensued. Why was his master so angry? Was his master not pleased to see the destruction of the Scottish people and soon the world? "Once, I am elected to the office of President of Europe the thing I am going to do for the people is regulate the office of the President of Europe right and not wrong. Europe has two Governments and they are Government #1 and Government #2 and I own Government # 1. I can not bring you the Europe Government # 2 because it is Overthrown," the [b]Illusive Man[/b] screamed. Clearly confused, Nick Griffin requested an explanation. "Your holiness, I do not understand what you are implying. Do you mean to say you seek to overthrow the weakened, plague ridden European nations with widespread revolts?" The [b]Illusive Man[/b] stamped his feet and began to foam at the mouth. "Prove these perpetrators are trying to stop me from running for President of Europe! They are The President of Taeunas, the President of Scotland, the Empress of France, and their [u][b]Assessors[/b][/u]. They keep killing my mother and our family very seriously!" The [b]Illusive Man[/b] raised a loaded gun towards Nick Griffin. "Ye-yes my lord right away! I will stop them from killing us very seriously!" Sobbing intensely, Nick Griffin clambered away to contact coordinated terrorist cells throughout Europe. It was time to unleash the second wave of the plague; a new one designed specifically for those immune to the original. Nick Griffin knew that only a handful of people, including the [b]Illusive Man[/b] had been vaccinated against this disease, but he knew that their followers will willing allow themselves to die for the [b]Illusive Man's[/b] cause. Once that had been done, preparations would begin for the revolution.
  21. [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='11 June 2010 - 10:43 PM' timestamp='1276292569' post='2333800'] The United States does not approve of the seizure of Los Angeles without a vote by its people to determine if joining with J Andres is what they want. At the same time, we have not declared that we shall intervene in acts of Imperialism. It is not our duty to police the world. We can only control our own sovereign actions. We simply do not condone the behavior. [b]The people of the former states of Tahoe who are west of the Mississippi and part of its former protectorate lands ratified the Constitution of the United States. They are not occupied and assisting them was not an imperialist act.[/b] If J Andres has a public vote and Los Angeles chooses to remain as part of their territory they will be congratulated by us. As of now, while their behavior is not condoned by us and we do not think it is a step in the right direction for North America, we recognize J Andres as a mostly benevolent influence in North America who has given away far more land than they have taken. That said, we will not condemn them as an imperial power when they have in the past liberated nations many fold their own domestic land area. We now wonder if the Republic of Tahoe will allow the people of Los Angeles this vote since they now occupy Los Angeles or if they will become the one to have taken actions we cannot condone due to the recent signing of Los Angeles over to the Tahoe Republic by J Andres. That is all. [/quote] So, effectively your new policy is that imperialism and annexing new territory is acceptable if done on behalf of the United States, but is evil if someone else does it? Government propaganda can easily dictate that the newly annexed people are "happy" and do not feel oppressed or occupied. What you are saying is illogical.
  22. I have personally released land to over 10 different nations in Iberia. Many of the newcomers have left, but at least the opportunity has always been available. Since I transformed my protectorates into WEU protectorates they have gone very well, proving joint protectorates can work too.
  23. OOC: Well done. Before I continue with this, I must say that I sincerely hope that everyone knows who Nick Griffin is otherwise you will be missing out on a fair bit of the humour in my initial post .
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