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Proxian Empire

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Everything posted by Proxian Empire

  1. Scotland congratulates the United States on losing their treaty with the treacherous, manipulative Louisiana. A fish tank filled with healthy fish was sent to the president.
  2. *Private Movement* Due to increased tensions with France, additional Scottish troops were garrisoned in Portugal. Defensive structures were constructed in preparation for any potential conflict with the French.
  3. We congratulate our former ally in Tahoe for reclaiming their former territory. We hope to have closer relations in the future.
  4. Scotland encourages other nations to attend the conference in Dublin, as President Walter Smith will be attending himself. We request that checkpoints be set up to determine if visitors to this meeting contain the virus, as we wouldn't want any of our fellow world leaders to have any risk of infection. Scotland will be releasing further obtained information on the plague once we have all assembled. *Private Message to Taeunas and France* Numerous reports have already indicated that the virus has been chemically developed in a laboratory from North America. We have ample evidence to believe the spread of the virus throughout Great Britain is associated with the former terrorist cell known as "España", which has attacked Scotland numerous times throughout our history in advocation for a united Spain. Specialists are already investigating the matter, and we welcome your assistance in this investigation. At this time we feel it is best to limit this knowledge to members of the Western European Union, but we will reveal further information in Dublin. OOC: Strange change of heart, Kevin Kingswell. I wonder what caused you to change your mind about this RP?
  5. Scotland votes no. The Republic of Spain has proven itself to be hostile to European interests and has been a key factor in causing the Iberian War with Louisiana.
  6. Scottish President Walter Smith has sent requests to leaders around the world to hold a conference to address this spreading plague. Preferably, a location outside of Scotland is advised due to origin of the plague being in Great Britain.
  7. President Smith sends his congratulations to the unified German government with the finest Scottish whisky.
  8. Scotland views this Eastern version of the WEU with suspicion.
  9. To: The Republic of Spain From: President Walter Smith "In the tune of our deceased King Douglas, I hereby present you with a rotting, dead fish. Compliments of Scotland." A rotting, dead fish was included in the parcel.
  10. Within hours, the mysterious symptoms of the plague that had struck Scotland began to appear in countries around the world, mainly in Europe. Reports indicated the plague had appeared most significantly in Taeunas, France, the GDR, Denmark, Finland, and Deutschland.
  11. The sky outside began to darken, and was shortly followed by rain. Seeing as this was northern Scotland, nothing was seemingly out of the ordinary for those oblivious to the turmoil engulfing the nation. Scotland's King Douglas had died from a mysterious plague that had swept the country within weeks. Following the untimely death of the king, Scotland was transformed into a federal republic with President Walter Smith now head of state. Controversially, airports had been re-opened despite the quarentine imposed on the island by the old monarchy. [img]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/40775000/jpg/_40775704_walter300.jpg[/img] President Walter Smith Cackling in the darkness, a strange man sat in a chair gazing out the window, in an abandoned house somewhere near Newcastle. With his true identity concealed, his followers knew him as the [b]Illusive Man[/b], and it was he who had perpertrated the disease that had killed so many. A trembling, cowardly man kneeled before his master begging for forgiveness. "Please my Lord, forgive the lowly Nick Griffin for failing yet again to destroy the island of Great Britain," Nick Griffin sobbed. [img]http://richardwillisuk.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/griffin.jpg[/img] Nick Griffin, Henchman of the Illusive Man The Illusive Man laughed, turning around to peer down at the tiny, cowardly man with a sinister grin. "[b]I am on an academic intelligence hotwire that can not be unhooked by anyone![/b]" the Illusive Man bellowed. "But your Graciousness, you must give me another chance! The plague was meant to kill more, there was to be no one left to assume proper control of the government. Instead only that wretched King Douglas and worthless civilians were killed. We know what we've done wrong, we can make a new and improved disease that will surely enable us to destroy the people of the British Isles! We have even taken steps to spread the plague to Taeunas!" The Illusive Man shook his head, clearly displeased with his minion. He frowned for a moment and scratched his chin as if contemplating some evil plan. Suddenly, the sinister grin re-appeared on his face so quickly that it sent chills down Nick Griffin's spine. "Three of the most dangerous Weapons of the Crime War today are 1. Praying For Persons to die with electronics, 2. Killing the person's heart with an electric snake hot-wire hookup and 3. Poisoning Persons with Cancer," the Illusive Man said. "My Master, this is why you are our leader. Only one so wise and mighty as you could think of such a brilliant plan! We must spread the plague, death, and destruction throughout Europe and kill them all!" Nick Griffin cheered. "Prove the definition Kill in the Random House Dictionary of the English Language! Prove Governor William Perry is killing me and my family very seriously! Prove the United States Government killed my sex life, my wife sex life, my daughter-in -laws sex life both may sons [sic] and other of my family members sex life with Espionage Experimentation and Espionage Exploitation sex killing!!!" the Illusive Man stood up from his chair, shouting his commands at the top of his lungs. Nick Griffin did not understand what his master was saying, but he felt it was better not to ask for clarification lest he enrage the Illusive Man; doing so could only result in death. "I will not fail you my master!" With that, Nick Griffin scurried out of the house, and the Illusive Man proceeded to watch his favourite, evil football club on the television: Newcastle United.
  12. As decided by the Scottish people, the nation is henceforth a federal republic. Following this, Walter Smith was elected president of Scotland.
  13. The Western European Union dictates that it overides all other treaties, including PEPTO. Therefore, PEPTO has absolutely no business in our affairs. We request all non-WEU parties to leave and allow this issue to be sorted out by nations party to the WEU. Article IX clearly states that should a member state of the WEU fall into anarchy, it is to be protected by the remaining members of the WEU. The treaty again states that it overides treaties such as PEPTO. Valencia's government acknowledged this when they signed the treaty.
  14. "With that we will be taking our leave," the Scottish diplomat said before standing up with this fellow associates and leaving the room.
  15. Following the death of King Douglas, elections were held to decide the future of the Kingdom. Scotland had been ruled by the Penchuk dynasty for centuries, but the last words of King Douglas were to transform Scotland into a republic. Much disagreement carried on how to enact this last request of the beloved King as the former members of the government bickered about the administration. Airports had been allowed to re-open due to enormous pressure from the airline industry, despite doctors' warnings that the plague that had struck Scotland could engulf the world should people be allowed to leave the country. This was a hotly debated issue in Scotland as no one was quite sure how to address the situation; trade and travel being necessary to protect jobs but the risk was quite high of creating an international epidemic. Her Majesty Queen Violet I of Scotland held the temporary position of head of state while the elections were underway. Different political parties were formed to try to convince the Scottish public that their ideas were the best way to govern the country. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [u][b]Federal Republic:[/b][/u] Those who took the King's words literally had no qualms about ending the monarchy and creating a federal republic. They knew little of the Queen's personality and many doubted her ability to properly govern the country. [u][b]Constitutional Monarchy:[/b][/u] Those who supported a constitutional monarchy prefered not to take the King's request word for word. They supported the notion of electing a Prime Minister to speak for the country but ultimately wanted the historical monarch to remain in place. They had faith in the Queen's ability. [u][b]Monarchy:[/b][/u] Some were unwilling to trust the decisions of the masses and preferred the continuation of the monarchy. The previous monarchs of Scotland had never misled the Scottish people, and they were concerned that uneducated voters may elect the wrong type of leader. Even though the Queen preferred a constitutional monarchy, she was willing to accept this option should the option be elected. [img]http://www.agonyboothmedia.com/images/articles/Mercer_for_President_2008/DefaultPageImage.jpg[/img] [u][b]Lee Mercer III:[/b][/u] A notorious terrorist in the Kingdom of Scotland, Lee Mercer III was the son of the infamous Lee Mercer Jr. who had tried to coup King Douglas in his early days as king. Few people were expected to vote for him as his campaign was illegal and disruptive of the democratic process. Nonetheless, the terrorist continued to spread his message abroad through the internet as well as through television broadcasts from the states. The following were some quotations from his campaign: "My platform for President of the United States Of America is Criminal Law. It is developed from my Method of Education." "I went to school from the first grade to the nineth [sic] grade at ARP Industrial High School, a negro public school and later, to the intergraded [sic] High School System at ARP High School, Arp,Texas." Lee Mercer III advocated making himself a dictator of a totalitarian regime to control Scotland and eventually the rest of the world. His title was to be Supreme God Emperor of the Mercer empire. Reasons to prove why he was the most capable of leaders were as follows: "I am on an academic intelligence hotwire that can not be unhooked by anyone." "Jeb Bush is all in my house with disease." "To Prove I have solved every crime in the world as it happens from zero to start to finish for every crime done " "To Prove Governor William Perry is killing me and my family very seriously." "To Prove the United States Government killed my sex life, my wife sex life, my daughter-in -laws sex life both may sons [sic] and other of my family members sex life with Espionage Experimentation and Espionage Exploitation sex killing." ---------------------------------------------------------- With that, elections were underway. OOC: I will go with whatever option you pick. They aren't really all that different from each other but it will affect my RP. Just saying, if Lee Mercer III wins I will not actually RP him taking over since I've done that already but I will perhaps make some joke thread about it. Never can have too much Mercer. [url="http://www.agonybooth.com/agonizer/Mercer_for_President_2008.aspx"]Mercer for President[/url] For those who haven't heard of him yet.
  16. "Despite the turmoil within Scottish politics at this time, the current head of state, Her Majesty the Queen Violet I of Scotland has informed me that there is no vested interest in any sort of defence agreements with nations outside of Europe. Scotland wishes to protect her immediate friends and affairs, and we do not trust any country that supported the invasion of our friends in Tahoe. We are willing to sign some sort of trade agreement to improve relations, but beyond that we will be taking our leave from this discussion if there is no military opt-out clause," the Scottish diplomat said without haste.
  17. A fairly disinterested diplomat from Scotland sat at the table.
  18. The Queen gratiously sent replies thanking those who had offered condolences in her time of grief. Her gratitude was most sincere, as she had lived with the King for most of his life. Following the funeral, Queen Violet felt the need to take the place of her husband and fulfil his wishes. Uncertainty swelled through her mind as she had never directed anything before, not because she had not been permitted to but rather because she had faith in Douglas' judgements. His final request had been to create a republic. Despite this, the Queen was reluctant to simply forfeit the monarchy after centuries of history. Gathering Douglas' former advisors, they discussed how to address the coming elections. There was a degree of disagreement of how to accomplish the last request of their deceased King, with some favouring the republic outright to others prefering the historical constitutional monarchy from the United Kingdom of old. Following the meeting, certain advisors went their own way to rally support for their particular dreams for the country. Elections were to be held within the next few days. For this reason, Queen Violet was unable to sleep as she dreaded what sort of fate may await the country without her beloved King.
  19. OOC: Great Britain is mine forever. IC: A private funeral was held near the King's favourite place, Loch Ness.
  20. The room stank of blood and disease. King Douglas had been coughing for what seemed like an eternity, unable to properly speak, unable to determine who he was. This plague like disease had spred across the entirety of the island of Great Britain, instantly killing some while slowing draining the life from others. King Douglas was one of the unfortunate who suffered from the latter, and even the best doctors could do little but alleviate the pain. The king's closest advisors stood around his death bed as they had been summoned by Queen Violet. Everyone was silent save for the occasional cough. "I've never seen anything like this," one voice muttered sadly. The King had no children. He had lived his life for his country, rarely having time for personal matters such as his wife. The Queen did love him, but for whatever reason they had been unable to produce an heir. The King had been given a pen to write his final wishes, following the doctor's assessment that he had but hours to live. As the King scribbled, the advisors became very tense. Due to required authorisation from the King, Scotland had been unable to adequately request aid from allied nations in this time of rampant disease. The little work that had been accomplished was the closure of airports, effectively placing Scotland in quarantine from the rest of the world. This did not stop the government from hearing about the treacherous manipulations of the French. They had stolen Iberian lands in their lust for power; the advisors could not help but think the King had seriously misplaced his trust in the French Empress. Significant territory had been ceded to the French, ranging from the entirety of the historical France to the Basque Region as well. Unable to communicate with the King, the government remained silent as France ruthlessly attacked allied nations of the Western European Union. Such mistakes could not be allowed to occur again. The Scottish trusted their King, but such predicaments made the monarchy appear to be a particularly ineffective means of governing. Feebly, the King lifted the paper and handed it to his wife. Taking a breath, the Queen paused before reading the note aloud. "I wish to formally end the Kingdom of Scotland. Let a Republic be born, so that my people may speak with their true voice. Farewell." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within hours of the King's death, his wish became reality. Acting as the temporary head of state before elections could take place, the Queen immediately requested the French cease their invasion of Iberia. Valencia and Galicia were to be returned as protectorates of the Western European Union, and were formally claimed as property of the WEU. Not of France.
  21. Please have me frozen until about the second week of June. In-game Nation: Proxian Empire RP Nation: Kingdom of Scotland I am going to be touring throughout Europe from tomorrow until the specified time above (assuming ash clouds and the like do not disrupt my travel plans). Thank you.
  22. [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='14 May 2010 - 09:18 AM' timestamp='1273825108' post='2297668'] BTW: My RP is dedicated to all American service men and women and the American spirit in general. I hope to do it justice. There being no aspect of the U.S. in Bob.. tis Blasphemous.. and MUST be fixed. [/quote] No it doesn't.
  23. Scotland votes for ousting Crimea from PEPTO.
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