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Proxian Empire

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Everything posted by Proxian Empire

  1. I want to clarify I hae given Oates nothing at this time as we are still discussing this. I am not happy to see him claim my entire protectorate without waiting for my reply.
  2. Scotland is pleased to welcome our close allies into the Iberian Pact.
  3. I will happily be the 3rd buyer.
  4. Following the deportation of Proxia's criminals, violence and other reported crimes have declined rapidly. It would appear that the fear of being detained and sent to Krieg has deterred most would-be law breakers from committing felonies.
  5. OOC: I have never had any intentions to invade your territory. If I did, I would have done so by now.
  6. Scottish troops have at no time entered Krieg territory.
  7. Earlier today, the Scottish military rounded up all jailed prisoners and criminals throughout the Scottish Empire and exported them into the Krieg Empire. The walls were tightly sealed once the criminals were carefully unleashed into the wilderness of the rogue Krieg state. The Scottish military will be manning the border walls to prevent any criminals from re-entering the Scottish protectorate of Spain/Portugal.
  8. The Scottish government finds this claim to be laughable if not an outright lie.
  9. Scotland continues to develop defences alongside the recently completed Hibernian wall and issues no official comment on Libya's ultimatum.
  10. The Scottish government would like to announce the official completion of the wall. To commemorate the completion the wall will be named the 'Hibernian Wall' after the Edinburgh football club. From here onwards, Krieg citizens will only be permitted through checkpoints with properly filled out single day visa applications as well as passports.
  11. Scotland finds these accusations towards the EFTA to be entirely baseless.
  12. The Scottish government is outraged by this invasion and illegal annexation of our Conti friends. Any further infringement on the sovereignty of Conti will result in military action.
  13. **Private message to Euzkadi and Top Gear** We appreciate your support for our people for the duration of these hard times. Our 'friends' to the south-east are borderline insane, and we do not trust their sudden change of heart. We will continue to monitor them closely and construct the wall. -------------------------------------------------- Construction of the wall continues and edges near completion due to high productivity and volunteers. The Scottish government expects the 50m high wall to be completed within a matter of days.
  14. Scotland accepts this "apolofy" and is pleased to see the reforms taking place within Krieg. Regretfully, we do not feel this is enough at this time to fully stop what we have begun and we will not be halting the construction of the wall. We are willing to allow Spaniards to visit their families in friends within the Scottish protectorate by passing through proper border customs, applying for day trip visas, and presenting their Krieg passports.
  15. The Iberian Pact Article I. Scotland, Euzkadi, Conti, France, Galicia, the United Kingdom, Taeunas, and Valencia agree to sign this treaty to promote friendship, and to provide for the defence of eachother's nations. Article II. Any and all intelligence that may expose a security threat to any of these nations must be shared. Article III. Free trade, meaning importing and exporting of goods between both nations without tariffs, as well as open borders between these nations, is to be enacted as a condition of this treaty. Article IV. If any nation is attacked by another nation, the nations not under attack are required by this treaty to come to the defence of the nation under attack. Article V. If any of these nations engages in an aggressive war against another nation, the other nations are highly encouraged, but not required, to aid the attacking nation in every way possible. Article VI. If any of these nation wishes to cancel this treaty, a 72 hour notification period is required. Article VII. Any changes to the Iberian Pact must be ratified by at least 65% of the membership. Article VIII. Applications to the Iberian Pact are welcome to any nation residing in Iberia or relatively close to the peninsula (i.e. Western Europe). Applicants may submit their application to any member of the Iberian Pact, who will review the proposed new member with the other members of the Iberian Pact. At least 65% of the membership must support the applicant for them to join the pact. Article IX. Should any of these nations descend into anarchy, the alleged nation becomes a protectorate of the Iberian Pact. This protectorate shall be defended from external threats and granted independence when stability returns to the region. Signed for the Kingdom of Scotland King Douglas Signed on behalf of the Republic of Euzkadi, President Eiguren Signed on behalf of Conti Cllr Charles de Kervaen, Bailiff of Conti and Chancellor of Justice, Member of the Council of Ten Signed, for France Jean-Baptiste Cheysson, Ministère des Affaires étrangères Signed for the Kingdom of Galicia King Philip I For The United Kingdom, King Ashley I Queen Cheryl I Signed for Taeunas, Christos DeSchaine President Signed for Valencia, André Domélo El presidente de la República de Valencia
  16. Lisbon has an extensive airport that is welcome to be used by Top Gear in these dark times. Upon landing, troops can be dispersed throughout the region and settle in bunkers that protect key strategic points. We give our most sincere thanks to Tog Gear for their support in containing this fascist threat.
  17. The Scottish military has no intention of invading the Empire of Krieg. We have never been an aggressive nation and have only gone to war when there is simply no other option on hand. The Scottish protectorate is under our jurisdiction and therefore we rightfully are enacting our ability to defend our land from an undesirable fascist parasite on our doorstep. Other nations have no right to judge our choices unless they have experienced this predicament and are comfortable with it. That of course is none of our business, as this is mostly none of yours unless you happened to be a nearby European neighbour of mine. Fascism is a disease that must be contained. We are building a wall to prevent spies and other undesirables with ill intentions from sparking conflict within our territory. You can hardly imply that anyone would want to leave the Scottish Empire out of fear of being 'oppressed' when Scotland is a constitutional monarchy that pays respects to liberal democracy. OOC: You also must consider that your technology is 5, so it would be like South Koreans 'fleeing' into North Korea. That clearly makes no sense. I am also allowed to RP as I wish, and my IC character detests fascists. I have not invaded, so please calm down .
  18. We thank everyone for their support, and invite Euzkadi to join us in the extension of the wall throughout Euzkadi territory along the Krieg border.
  19. We appreciate your support and eagerly hope to be a part of this fine organisation.
  20. Your statement is chock full of lies. We have never advocated the destruction of Krieg Empire. Your quote is baseless and an extreme interpretation of our words. The reason no one is listening to your rubbish is because you continue to lie. We are concerned with a fascist state manifesting itself on our border like a common parasite. Your eagerness to expand into our territory has concerned us, and this is why the Scottish military has been alerted.
  21. You do yourself no favours with comments such as these. We despise fascism and you have made your goals clear to us, of which we find to be unacceptable. You will treat us with respect and dignity if you expect this situation to improve. Until you do so, we will continue to militarise the border and the construction of the wall.
  22. Scotland would like to apply to become part of this association.
  23. OOC: Nor do you have a nuclear fallout command centre. These buildings seem to be magically sprouting throughout your territory without any prior mention of their construction. This is not how you RP .
  24. OOC: Your technology is 5, you have no bunkers. You have not RPd the construction of bunkers.
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