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Proxian Empire

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Everything posted by Proxian Empire

  1. Scotland beings the construction of bunkers at key locations near the Krieg border.
  2. Scotland refuses to cede to any demands made by the invading Germans.
  3. Your threats are meaningless. Scotland possesses a robust nuclear arsenal of her own, but unlike the savages that exist in rogue states such as your own we will not use ours unless there is no other choice.
  4. Unlike New England, the Scottish Empire does not possess an ocean that distances itself between the evils of fascist regimes and her people. We request New England understand that we must protect the integrity of those under Scottish protection just as New England would be expected to protect her own.
  5. Your words imply anticipated aggression that concerns the Scottish government. The Scottish protectorate of Spain/Portugal is under our jurisdiction and protection, and we have the right to move troops into this territory as we please. We will not be threatened by anyone.
  6. The Scottish military has in fact not invaded the Empire of Krieg nor are there any plans to do so. This is a falsification and poor comprehension on your part. We are protecting our people from your fascist rubbish.
  7. With the German occupation of south-eastern Spain, the Scottish Empire has found itself no choice but to protect the integrity of the Scottish protectorate of Spain/Portugal. "The German invaders are unwelcome in Iberia," said King Douglas of the Scottish Empire this morning. "We will not stand for a fascist state to plant itself upon our doorstep against the will of the Spanish people who suffer under their oppressive regime." Scottish military forces are being moved en masse to northern Spain and the city of Lisbon. King Douglas has taken extra precautions against the aggressive Krieg Empire that has unlawfully enslaved the Spanish people to the southeast by ordering the creation of a wall to divide Iberia. "We must take the necessary steps to prevent illegal immigrants and spies from fleeing into Scottish territory. Henceforth, I authorise the construction of a wall to divide the Scottish protectorate of Spain/Portugal and the rogue state known as the Krieg Empire. Let it be known that we will not stand for injustice and we watch these fascist wretches with open eyes. No one under the protection of Scotland shall be allowed to fall victim to your evils, and this includes our allies in Euskadi," announced King Douglas.
  8. We frown on New England's association with this rogue state.
  9. The Scottish government are the rightful protectors of the Scottish protectorate of Spain/Portugal. As attempts to negotiate your recognised presence within the region of Scottish protectorate come long after your unwelcomed declaration, we see this action as an act of aggression. The Scottish Empire does not support fascist regimes and sees them as a plight upon the European people. The Spanish and Portuguese people living within the Scottish protectorate are not Scottish citizens by law, but we are duty bound to protect them. You are not welcome within our protected land and the Empire of Krieg shall not stand. You are branded as illegal aliens and criminals within an otherwise peaceful, growing nation. You will leave immediately or the Scottish military will take action. ------------------------------ Scottish troops are being moved into Spain as we speak.
  10. The Liquor Cabinet proudly stands by NSO's decision.
  11. GDI has about 30 members with a total nation strength of barely 100,000. I have no faith they will survive this war.
  12. GDI isn't particularly special or significant. I won't miss them.
  13. The Penchuk line refuses to marry monarchs or leaders of other nations. There is a fine selection of female Scots available at home. Also no one would want to forcibly marry only royalty and end up with this now would we?
  14. Ah Opethian, interestingly humourous topic .
  15. Fran. I felt a mixture of shock and confusion that people like Sileath and Baseballer would be given any sort of power in a new alliance. Glad to see everyone has come to their senses.
  16. What the hell kind of topic is this? The Liquor Cabinet is a new, small alliance as well. Does this make us unnecessary? It seems to me like you were just desperate to make a topic to gain some attention. If anything is 'unnecessary' it is this thread.
  17. I am a far less aggressive person in the real world, hard as that may be to believe.
  18. I was disappointed to see the slap on the wrist MCXA received at the time of their surrender. MCXA has a very shady history, generally acting as a leech upon the greatest power only to abandon their friends in time of need. MCXA has treated a number of people extremely poorly, and this is something they have never atoned for. I am pleased to say that the majority of these woes associated with MCXA were mainly caused by their inadequate leaders of the past. These leaders fled MCXA and abandoned their own alliance for their personal benefit, and hence I feel a tinge of sympathy for the otherwise wreck of an alliance. Gopherbashi is a much better leader than the absolute joke who used to run the place, and I wish him and the rest of MCXA luck.
  19. Regardless of your ignorance of mutual Scottish and Italian business ventures we will be sanctioning such ventures and preventing such trades from taking place. We encourage nations around the world to sanction the Italian Republic until she learns to change her ways.
  20. Scotland is more than willing to support our good friends in Euzkadi. All trade with the Italians will cease immediately, and we urge the Italian Republic to rethink their actions.
  21. What is inappropriate about this? The symbolism of the real UED from Starcraft looks a lot more interesting.
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