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Kevin McDonald

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Everything posted by Kevin McDonald

  1. I took the community question as quality of members and quality of posts/discussions. I chose that it stayed the same. Regardless, I don't think it can be blamed on Karma, Hegemony, or anyone else for that matter. Blame yourselves, if you have to blame anyone.
  2. Doesn't this mean you're coming back to us or something? I know it's something...
  3. I guess the only thing left to ask is, who you raiding first, Jgoods? Congratulations to Jgoods on the promotion and to Londo on retirement. You've both earned it.
  4. Coups are BANNED in this alliance. I demand 7 more clauses added to the prime document.
  5. [quote name='Rush Sykes' date='19 July 2010 - 09:50 PM' timestamp='1279597834' post='2379892'] You may consider this Athens' official position on this matter. Whatever issues arose between Iclean and Hereno should have remained private. We do not approve of threads by our members , that essentially call out allies. There are ALWAYS better ways to handle things than THIS. To our allies in Corporation... You have my most sincere apology. [/quote] Not required, but accepted and appreciated. And with that, I'll give the ol' "No Corporation member below the rank of Executive may post in this thread", and we can all return to our regularly scheduled programs. [quote name='rsoxbronco1'] You should still raid kev though. It's the right thing to do.[/quote] Check your war screen.
  6. Hereno, Please accept my apologies. I did not realize this was an ongoing issue. For all the llamas, since you're here already, I'm not going to get into the specifics or symantics of the OP, but essentially it's correct. Hereno joined us, there was a falling out, he left. We have been tardy in removing him from the list. This was not to cause strife, but because we're human beings and a mistake was made. Please give me 24 hours to remove you from the list, and again, I do apologize. I certainly bear you no ill will and look forward to speaking with you as we always have - as friends. Please PM me (which I will note, you never did) if anything else is required. Thanks, Kev Edit: Actually, now that I've read the OP, I will say that I never told you, nor would I tell anyone, that you weren't "allowed" to leave. Hereno, you are honourable, and I know you're upset, so we'll leave it at that.
  7. I stopped reading when I realized you were making it all up.
  8. Someone trying to supplant Aquahol as the official Aqua beverage of choice? This wont end well...
  9. [quote name='AlmightyGrub' date='13 July 2010 - 06:39 PM' timestamp='1279067923' post='2369898'] That would be a solution open to them. Tech raiding scum tend to get their panties in a twist when people wont roll over and let themselves be mugged. [/quote] You dont know NEW. NEW hopes for the retaliation, it is the fight they want, not the tech.
  10. TOLWYN, Legendoftheskies was not a member of the Corporation when he successfully couped you. Not only is your CB invalid, but you also lack the moral authority to declare on the Corporation. Should any member of THE DARK LORDS declare on the Corporation, then we will seek diplomatic resolution with your leader, Legendoftheskies.
  11. [quote name='The Reccesion' date='29 June 2010 - 02:30 PM' timestamp='1277843422' post='2354294'] Coalition of Armed Nations (CAN) - #CAN <----------- Disbanded Forces of Annihilation (FoA) - #cn_foa <----------- Disbanded Galactic Imperium (GI) - #GI <------- Moved to Black. All Yellow. [/quote] FoA has not disbanded.
  12. As a former MASH ally and friend for a long time, this saddens me. While it is has been a long time since I spoke with anyone in MASH and even longer since we've been on opposite sides of the spectrum, I still enjoyed my time as allies, and as I said, this saddens me. Best of luck to everyone.
  13. Good luck, STA. It's frustrating when clearly marked applicant AAs are raided. I had that problem once with a not so clearly marked "Imperial German Immigrant" that raided us. Took me hours to figure out it was TGE's. Anyway, best of luck.
  14. [quote name='John290' date='17 June 2010 - 01:11 AM' timestamp='1276758699' post='2340446'] We are a peaceful alliance that will only launch an attack if our own Grand Council elects to do so.[/quote] Like for fun, or...?
  15. [quote name='theArrowheadian' date='11 June 2010 - 11:52 AM' timestamp='1276278716' post='2333425'] So I'm the only one who found this a little bit funny? [/quote] I'm sure you are, though it's not surprising given your positions on most things.
  16. [quote name='Andover' date='10 June 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1276235023' post='2332936'] I kinda resent the name of your title seeing as my alliance is ERA, I would like to ensure no one gets the wrong idea from the title and think Equal Rights Alliace is disbanding (which it isnt) [/quote] You're kidding, right? People can't use the word "era", now? Especially when it's for as fitting an occasion as this? Get over yourself.
  17. Sad to see, but long overdue. I'm glad that all the original Teen Titans signatories have found a home as the Corporation, and I know that the remainder of those who came and went through TT will always have a special place in each other's hearts. o7 Teen Titans
  18. [quote name='LegendoftheSkies' date='10 June 2010 - 10:41 PM' timestamp='1276224085' post='2332637'] That depends, will you let us ZI WickedJ? [/quote] The better question is, can they stop us?
  19. Do you have to copy all your ideas from The Corporation?
  20. [quote name='Lusitan' date='10 June 2010 - 10:27 PM' timestamp='1276223218' post='2332590'] Fantastic What are Corporation's main projects and goals? I see 4/7 of your MDP+ treaties are with alliances belonging to the SuperFriends MADP bloc, do you think your alliance would be a good fit in that bloc and its ideals? What are your thoughts on TFD - besides the, I imagine, unpleased political allignement with NADC - ? [/quote] Right now The Corporation is heavily focused on internal growth. While this growth does include some FA projects, we have asked all our active members to focus on recruitment, tech deals, and other economic activities. In terms of the Corporation's future plans for new, renewed or expanded foreign relations, at this time we are happy with our position and do not foresee any major changes. Obviously we get along very well with the alliances that make up SF, and that is satisfactory to all parties at this time. My thoughts on TFD are my own, and they are that I really don't know much about you. You tend to keep in different circles than we do, and I don't see that changing. I'm sure we'll get along well enough and have civil conversations, but that's likely it.
  21. [quote name='New Frontier' date='10 June 2010 - 10:18 PM' timestamp='1276222694' post='2332569'] What are your feelings concerning a potential merger between the orange and red spheres to compete with the tyrannical blue sphere? [/quote] Long have I thought that someone needed to put down the scourge of the blue sphere. Given I am a fan of absolutely every single alliance on Orange and Red without exception, I could not think of a better team to bring blue down. [quote name='Lusitan' date='10 June 2010 - 10:19 PM' timestamp='1276222748' post='2332571'] Do you still dislike the NADC or is it getting to the point of water under the bridge? EDIT: It is relevant for me to decide if I still dislike you or if it's water under the bridge [/quote] I gladly speak for all of Corporation when I say ourselves and NADC have decided to let bygones be bygones. There are better things for all of us to focus on.
  22. [quote name='New Frontier' date='10 June 2010 - 10:15 PM' timestamp='1276222531' post='2332560'] Gondor, discuss. Also, nice flag. [/quote] I'm not fond of their leader, other than that they're alright. What a bunch of self serving questions so far (sorry for picking on you Chey)... don't you guys want to know our opinion on world events? Sheesh.
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