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Kevin McDonald

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Everything posted by Kevin McDonald

  1. [quote name='Enrage' timestamp='1284613811' post='2455559'] Best rookie alliance? I might have something to say about that [/quote] Hey, I'm sure if MK was eligible they would have won that too.
  2. [center][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090828015130/cybernations/images/9/9e/CorporateFlag05.png[/img] [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100612023631/cybernations/images/e/e3/Newcorpflag.png[/img] [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100727151910/cybernations/images/e/ea/GoauldFlag.png[/img][/center] Greetings soon to be conquered citizens of Bob, Just over one year ago, on Sept. 12 2009, The Corporation made its existence known to the world. In reality, however, the planning that has gone into this alliance (for Corp and Goa'uld maintain the same community, and thus the same anniversary) began much longer ago than that. In March, 2009, Balder, myself and number of others, some of whom are still with us and some who are not, began planning what we foresaw as our final alliance. This would be that last big score that would keep us happy through to the end of our days on this realm. 18 months later, I am proud to say we are still going strong. The Goa'uld Empire continues to flirt with the 1.3m NS mark, and 50 members. We have a strong base of loyal, if not active, members who provide the needs of any community. Posting, ideas, and most important, bankrolls for techs. While our alliance has not always gone according to plan, and while we have picked up a much larger "inactive core" than any of us imagined, it is those very members that provide the strength and stability required to form what I believe will be a lasting alliance. There is no greater testament to that than our being named The Best Rookie Alliance for the last year. That is an honour we will always cherish. On behalf of every member of The Goa'uld Empire I would like to thank our allies and friends who have stuck with us, helped us out, and even gotten us through a few sticky situations over the last 12 months. Come visit us in #theempire for the celebration, and we promise that our plotting to take over the planet will be done by this time next year. We apologize for the delay. Signed for The Corp/Goa'uld Franchise, Everyone
  3. RAGE!!! Helpful lists like these make me SO ANGRY James! I will now spend the next 17 pages arguing semantics about why one is more valid than the other, because I am an awesome human being.
  4. Also, I didn't point this out when you PM'd it to me Methrage, but it runs contrary to Libertarian values to put restrictions on what members can do, such as the tech raiding clause.
  5. [quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1283922170' post='2446296'] Just wondering, was the reason that they're a terrible alliance with an incompetent, egomaniacal leader? [/quote] I wish they had that kind of leader.. what they actually have is an ex-president who claims to still talk for the alliance and a current vice president who would willingly sell out his own alliance to get payment for himself. Though, I can't talk to the reasons SLCB cancelled on this.
  6. Happy birthday guys! To another 3 years! No mention of Teen Titans
  7. Wow, from joke alliance to full fledged one. Good job. Seriously thought you guys would be around for about a day and a half when you formed, so my hat's off to you.
  8. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1283829640' post='2444793'] I was being cute. This is a philosophical topic. [/quote] Then tell your lapdogs to stop arguing semantics.
  9. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1283829518' post='2444787'] Do you honestly think GOONS would have not done anything had NSO not paid the $90mil? And if you say yes then I think this conversation is done [/quote] What does that matter? I really don't understand where you are going with that line of questioning.
  10. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1283829132' post='2444778'] We're not talking about reps, we're talking about holding GOONS to the same standard that they hold other alliances. [/quote] Actually, Schatt asked me specifically if I thought GOONS owed CoJ $90m. I responded to that question. If CoJ asked GOONS for $90m, and GOONS agreed to it, then yes, they owe it. See, this time around, GOONS asked NSO for $90m, and NSO agreed. That would be holding GOONS to the same standard.
  11. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1283828935' post='2444771'] On the contrary, I think it's up to all of us to decide. I thought we had all decided two years ago, actually. But it looks like most of us forgot. [/quote] Schatt, I personally aided you during Karma... I know what I fought for. Some people are just never happy.
  12. [quote name='Grumpdogg' timestamp='1283828674' post='2444765'] Did you read the OP? Did you read anything? You cannot comprehend something that was never read. [/quote] Um... yeah, I did. Where does it mention that Schatt asked GOONS for $90m in reps when the examples he listed happened? I don't see it. Furthermore, those example occurred well over a month ago. If Schatt did ask for reps then, so be it. He certainly can't ask for them now. For the most recent raid, that was over a week ago, so it may be more negotiable. But I am neither GOONS nor CoJ, once again, just giving my opinion.
  13. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1283828391' post='2444756'] So GOONS [i]does[/i] owe CoJ $90,000,000! I mean they know better, right? [/quote] Did you ask for $90m? Did you ask for anything? They don't owe something that was never asked for.
  14. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1283827301' post='2444729'] But you won't say when it's too much, or when it's right or wrong to do it, or condemn the might-makes-right attitude that you proceed to claim you suffered under . . . If I'm interpreting this wrong it's because you're being obtuse to the breaking point. [/quote] I would say if it was too much. $90m is not too much for an alliance that should know better. They are lucky reps was even an option to them. Would it be too much for say, Organization XIII (I chose them because I just read their DoE), yes, it would be. But of course your response will be "who are you to decide", and well, I'm no one, tbh. But I am giving my opinion.
  15. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1283826612' post='2444713'] So you're among those who throw their hands up and say "good thing it wasn't me this time!" I'm glad you're OK with alliances strongarming cash out of other alliances leveraged by war for practices they themselves espouse, there's a lot of money to be made in by-association reps when you jump onto the winning side of wars a week after declarations. [/quote] Please don't put words in my mouth. I agree that alliances should receive reps when someone aids a person they are at war with. That is all I wanted to bring to this argument. Furthermore I have been on one "side" for my entire CN career, and I will not apologize if that is currently the side that is "winning", I was "losing" and strongarmed plenty myself for a long time.
  16. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1283825903' post='2444697'] Might makes right. C'mon Schatt you know this. [/quote] That would essentially be my answer, I suppose. I mean, if I was the smaller party and someone aided my enemy, would I try to make an example of that person and get reps? I would. Do I expect that I would receive them? No.
  17. Generally I agree with you Schattenman, and I won't comment on the GOONS raiding your protectorate issue as I tend to agree that what is good for the goose is good for the gander, but I will say that I disagree that because 3m or any amount of aid to a combatant is not enough to turn the tide of war, it should be ignored. The principle is that allowing your enemies to receive aid could EVENTUALLY result in turning a tide, especially if it allows them to get out of bill lock or buy another nuke (or infra to get them back over 1k, or whatever), and so examples do need to be made and penance paid. Things left unchecked eventually run rampant, as we know all too well in this world.
  18. Thanks for the answer, AirMe. Good first show.
  19. [quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1283538064' post='2440571'] That's a little harsh. [/quote] Yeah, I know... and don't really believe it. I just get so annoyed at his constant need for attention. It's like he's 5.
  20. [quote name='KingEd' timestamp='1283487416' post='2439901'] Probably true and I guess every protectorate knows this to be true in the back of their heads. [/quote] Well, I didn't mean it like that. We certainly aren't pining for our protectorates to fail, and 90% of the time are offering protection from this world while teaching what we feel are life skills. That said, this game is a competition, and one of the proven ways to "win" (or at least succeed) is to grow in strength and numbers... taking on protectorates helps achieve that goal.
  21. In order for us to take on alliance they have to meet one of three conditions: 1) Allies raiding them 2) Friends with leader 3) We know they will fail and will absorb them. Brutally honest but the truth. Take from that what you will.
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