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Kevin McDonald

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Everything posted by Kevin McDonald

  1. No questions... just wanted to say I'm glad you're bringing this back, AirMe. If it works is there a potential for live version during wars (those episodes were always epic.) Ok, so one question... don't have to answer it on the show necessarily, though
  2. [quote name='890765' timestamp='1283306804' post='2437748'] The lord is back my friend, Rejoice! [/quote] The sky is clearing and the night has cried enough The sun he comes the world to soften up Rejoice, rejoice, we have no choice but to carry on
  3. If Xander is back for reals, then I like this. If not, I still mildly enjoy it.
  4. [quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1283126732' post='2435150'] Oh, you. How about you make yourself useful here by posting \m/'s terms for all to see? [/quote] 1. Keep it real. That's all I got.
  5. People who want to help \m/ are working to do so and don't feel the need to be an attention whore. Go away.
  6. Swanfield, your entire OP is rediculous and it is you twisting facts... when members go to their allies and request support for a coup, action must be taken.
  7. There are no small announcements, only small alliances... or something.
  8. [quote name='Ray Matveyev' timestamp='1282893423' post='2432609'] That looks awfully close to Sparta's old flag... [img]http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn22/iCleanACV/GoauldFlag.png?t=1279864102[/img] [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070420015220/cybernations/images/thumb/0/0f/GreenFlag.png/200px-GreenFlag.png[/img] [/quote] Aside from us having horizontal lines and not vertical, and a completely different symbol except for 5 points which can be found on many symbols, sure... it looks similar. I request you visit our embassy to get a better look at the flag
  9. [center][img]http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn22/iCleanACV/GoauldFlag.png?t=1279864102[/img][/center] Greetings soon to be conquered citizens of The Goa'uld Empire, It has been some time since I spoke to you last, and some things have happened. Mostly just government changes. I wanted to discuss something important, however. While we are hell-bent on world domination and will eventually see you all under our jackboots, we also realize the value of socialising and the necessity of people who will populate our forums and cause my masker to have a bunch of extra work to do. With that in mind, I invite all those MoFAs with nothing to do (and even those with something to do) to send diplomats, delegats, and ambassador to the home of The Goa'uld, at http://s4.zetaboards.com/The_Goauld_Empire/index/ Indeed you will get your very own consulate and have the ability to associate with our many esteemed members, as well as diplomats from all other alliances. You can also participate in our spam forums, and do things like help us count to a million, and vote whether we coup Goose or Xiph first. Really, you could spend hours on our forums and not get bored. So please, come check out our home and that way when eventually you are conquered it will not be such the culture shock it would also be. And for the love of god people, our IRC chan is #theempire, not #corporation... WickedJ I'm looking in your direction. Love, Kevin and the rest of The Empire
  10. Well, with White Majik at the helm at least we know it will be a quick death Congrats!
  11. I am also jumping on the Methrage > TypoNinja bandwagon. Just saying.
  12. I'm really enjoying these comics, they are fantastic... almost worth listening to Methrage whining. Also, Methrage, how can you admit all this stuff and then claim that it's not what happened? You need to be consistent with your made up drama or it's no fun for all of us watching.
  13. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282202495' post='2422889'] I stated the facts and don't think I'm in the wrong, but that VE is wrong in attacking NSO to begin with. If its a criminal act to help NSO, then I guess I don't mind breaking the law. [/quote] Nah, I don't buy it. Previous pattern predicts future actions, and it had just been too long since the ol' spotlight was on you. Whatever, enjoy it now.
  14. [quote name='Dr Beefstupid' timestamp='1282201993' post='2422874'] Oh, okay. Here, let me summarize. Methrage sent aid to NSO while they were at war. Since this is considered an act of war, VE asked him (rather than asking for reps) to aid someone on the other side of the conflict to even it out. Methrage decided this isn't exactly what he wanted to do, so he decided to send aid to a buddy instead. Then something happened... and Methrage declared war on VE since it's clearly their fault for this whole misunderstanding and should be taught a lesson by his massively inferior 3-person alliance. [/quote] I understand that occurred... it still doesn't explain the self-incriminating thread, though.
  15. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282201485' post='2422857'] I guess I can dig up more logs for people to see if people are interested, but both aid packages were sent at the same time and the second was accepted while that discussion was ongoing. Anyways I did offer Bob Janova aid and he rejected the offer, then today I'm told my only option left is to send aid to 2 nations fighting NSO even though it was already known yesterday I aided two nations and it was agreed that I just send aid to Bob Janova. [/quote] I'm lost now. What is this thread about? Admitting that you aided someone at war, then declared war on an alliance, and then... Like I said, I'm lost. I think it's just you hadn't started a thread in a while and this was the only thing you had ready to go with... right?
  16. Well, it has been a couple weeks. I guess we needed another thread about Methrage doing something stupid and then wondering why everyone was against him.
  17. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1282106537' post='2421174'] [color="#0000FF"]The NSO has sought peace. Terms were sent to RoK,[/color] [/quote] Sorry, I've only just come back to this thread so I may have missed the answer to this question, but, why on earth does NSO think they get to dictate terms to RoK?
  18. [quote name='Wentworth the Brave' timestamp='1281318508' post='2405871'] Awww, how original. [/quote] Wasn`t going for originality... just using an appropriate term.
  19. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1281317676' post='2405793'] I know you don't, but you have made it clear in this thread that you don't have opinions of your own and are instead a part of the Conspiracy Collective. [/quote] Hoo, we`re calling them the Coalition of Cowards, we`re the ones conspiring, remember?
  20. [quote name='FreddieMercury' timestamp='1281316723' post='2405736'] Some alliances in CnG actually have a moral spine[/quote] NO THEY DON`T. Stop spreading lies.
  21. [quote name='Daeryon' timestamp='1281315807' post='2405676'] Ganging up with a bunch of other people to bully a weaker opponent. [/quote] Well then let me be the first to call TPF cowardly... many, many times over.
  22. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1281315628' post='2405656'] Now that NSO has explicitly stated they will not be calling on their allies, their allies are honoring their treaties to the fullest extent. RoK and friends thought NSO was a simple push button that could bring NPO and friends into a curbie, but they forgot that the notion of "Defense" is so much more than running blindly into an obvious trap. But please, keep trying to goad NPO into war. It's so hilarious, how quickly the real reasons for this war reveal themselves. [/quote] I get it, I do. Since we won`t accept your ``they aren`t cowards line``, you won`t accept out ``this isn`t a plan to get NPO line.`` It really isnt though. Maybe once this war is ancient history logs of the notifications of the impeding attack will come out, and you will all see NPO is nowhere to be mentioned.
  23. [quote name='Qazzian' timestamp='1281315554' post='2405652'] Interesting choice of words, that "us". I take it that means you admit that you're in on the plan since your alliance isn't already fighting. [/quote] Did my MDoAP partner(s) inform me they were going to war? Yes, they did.
  24. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1281315436' post='2405638'] Yeah, pretty much they did. What I wouldn't give to see the wailing and gnashing of teeth going on in backchannels right now. [/quote] They`re pretty quiet... again, no one expected the Coalition of Cowards to intervene, we were just hoping for a nice surprise.
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