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Kevin McDonald

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Everything posted by Kevin McDonald

  1. [quote name='supercoolyellow' date='16 April 2010 - 02:21 AM' timestamp='1271398868' post='2262468'] Francesca woudln't have even had to ever reroll unless you had come to me tonight to tell me that she was in your alliance.[/quote] C'mon SCY, really? "This person could have lived peacefully, as long as she lived in hiding; howevever, since we now know who she is, she dies." I won't make parallels, but was that really the intention of your comment? I offer you the chance to clarify since we have a long history. Actually, before posting this, I reread your post, and it could also be interpreted as meaning "if you had come clean, she would have been cool, but since you didn't confirm our suspicions, we are going to persecute her as if our theories were accurate." Either way, I offer you that chance to clarify.
  2. [quote name='Shamshir' date='15 April 2010 - 07:58 PM' timestamp='1271375875' post='2261929'] How many units of 50 tech can you send for a cycle beginning on the 21st? What is your policy regarding late tech deliveries and missed batches? [/quote] How much do you need? Our tech sellers are independent contractors. Give us an amount and we will solicite people to fill the order. The late penalty (if your payment is late) is 150% of your order. If we are late, you put us on a three strike system before you decline to make further orders with us. --- Separately, thanks to all my anti-union brothers. To all you unionizers, the Corporation will not hesitate to pull up stakes and move any Corporate branch 250km down the road, thus legally breaking any union. All you rogue union outlets, stand down or we will shut down immediately.
  3. [quote name='Cyphon88' date='15 April 2010 - 06:23 PM' timestamp='1271370215' post='2261803'] Can I join Corp and set up a union? [/quote] Absolutely not.
  4. Londo, Bob is srs bsns... and this OP is not srs bsns. It looks like our attorneys are going to be in use once again... this has been an expensive month for litigation.
  5. Wow, you guys have had a long relationship.... surprising, though given political realities I guess not unexpected.
  6. (OOC: Jimmy James is from a show called Newsradio) I have a suggestion for your bloc. Call it "Coalition of Micro Alliances". Or, CoMA, for short.
  7. Well, hopefully the GUN-MHA relationship remains in tact. Other than that, I don't think it's a loss for any of the parties (and I don't mean that in any sort of rude way, it's just the same sentiment the OP expresses.)
  8. [quote name='LegendoftheSkies' date='14 April 2010 - 03:42 AM' timestamp='1271230960' post='2259849'] Had no idea Mal was upgraded to CSO. I've really been out of the loop as of late. Anyway, o/ Corp, yay us, etc. [/quote] Yes, that was a warning to you all. iClean and I can replace who we want, when we want, so do your job.
  9. [quote name='Bilrow' date='13 April 2010 - 10:21 PM' timestamp='1271211646' post='2259536'] Of course, I rejoined GGA. Now he has to figure out which forum account belongs to me. [/quote] So in-game you're ghosting NPO? That's a ZI sentence if I ever heard one.
  10. [quote name='K1L1On1Mr4' date='13 April 2010 - 09:40 PM' timestamp='1271209227' post='2259465'] Congratulation for great milestone, i must admit that The Corp is tough and honorable opponent. I'm glad despite we fought each other in last war we're still friends today. Especially when Halsa merged into Corp, i have so many great friends in Corp. Well done Corp and my warmest greetings for Kev and iClean [/quote] Kilio, my only hope is it takes you slightly longer to rebuild than it takes us. Best of luck in the future, my friend.
  11. [quote name='oOoMidooOo' date='13 April 2010 - 12:25 PM' timestamp='1271175885' post='2258766'] what is the corporation main aim & whats you're next milestone? [/quote] If by main aim you mean primary goal, then it's one of an Internal kind. I've discussed our Foreign Affairs goals for the next little while. Internally we are looking to continue to grow, both in NS as well as members, with some pretty tough targets being set for each quarter of this year. We've also undertaken a number of economic programs, and recently welcomed a few individuals who are very talented in the ways of Planet Bob's economy, and we look forward to seeing what they come up with. Sorry for the vagueness, but our targets are our own until we achieve them, then you all can know. Thanks to everyone for the kinds words so far!
  12. /me waits for the epic battle between NATO and NADC for the rights to "North Atlantic". Congrats to all
  13. [center][img]http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u190/TiagoJeronimo/TheCorporationBanner2.png[/img][/center] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE [b]Corporation surpasses 1m NS[/b] [i]OWRP, PLANET BOB -- April 13, 2010[/i] The TOP - C&G war ended for the Corporation on Feb. 27. This was the first major conflict that the Corporation fought as an alliance (aside from minor skirmishes in the TPF conflict just prior to the current war), and no one can say that it wasn't particularly devastating for The Corporation. We were please to enter the conflict in defense of our long time allies in Athens, and immediately asked our allies in Ragnarok to help us with the offensive as we knew that we would be in tough against NEW as an opponent. Myself and other members of the Corporation knew NEW leadership for a long time, and we knew exactly what we were getting ourselves into. We cannot thank Ragnarok enough for their willingness to enter into this conflict. Thank you RoK. Also thank you to Athens, for giving us an opportunity to prove our mettle. NEW proved to be an incredibly difficult opponent, and undertook a strategy of concentrating all their attacks on us, in an effort to close this front earlier and move on to other things. I am proud to say that the Corporation withstood these attacks, and our front closed with a white peace between NEW and Corp. We did pay a price for holding out for white peace, however. The Corporation was reduced in size by 2/3, falling to only 400,000 NS. We also lost a number of old time members who decided this world had become too violent for them, and moved on. Now, 45 days after the close of our front, The Corporation is please to announce that we have once again returned to the 1m NS club, and are now less than 200k NS away from our prewar strength. We anticipate hitting this mark within the next 10 days. At this time the Corporation wishes to thank all our allies, and especially GOD, RIA and CSN for dumping hundreds of millions of dollars into the Corporation to help us get back on our feet. We truly could not have done it without you. Individuals from those and other alliances also helped the Corporation throughout the past month and a half, and they will be recognized in a separate, special announcement over the next couple of weeks. Proof: [center][IMG]http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n5/ThePenguinVA/corp1mapri13.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n5/ThePenguinVA/corp1mapri13chart.jpg[/IMG][/center] At this time I would like to give one final thanks to all of our members who made this possible. Without your willingness to fight for what you believed was right, without your willingness to ride to ZI as so many as you did, and without your strength to decide to get right back on the horse and rebuild your nations to their previous glory, this announcement would not have been possible. So thank you, to every member of the Corporation, for the sacrifices you made, and will continue to make. The Corporation is often asked about our FA stances and goals for the future. I think our stance is fairly clear at this point, but what of the future? At this time The Corporation is conducting a comprehensive examination of our relationships. The end game for this is not to "review" or cancel treaties, and in all likelihood we will not be cancelling any treaties at this time or in the foreseeable future. We also won't be signing any new ones. The purpose of this examination is to ensure that we have the bonds required to maintain such important relationships. Do we just know one or two gov members? Does our membership know and like each other? Etc. The response to this review has been overwhelming so far and we will continue this over the next month or so. After that time, we may be looking at expanding in to new relationships, and anyone who is curious to learn more about us is encouraged to visit www.cn-corporation.com and meet us. Lastly, here is our updated .gov list, since we rarely publish updates: iClean, Chief Executive Officer Kevin McDonald, Chairman of the Board UnitedNations, Chief Operating Officer Chief Communications Office, LegendoftheSkies Chief Financial Officer, Obiwan Chief Security Officer, MaliciousMan Chief Administrative Officer, Hereno Director of Public Relations, Wehrmacht13 Director of Knowledge, DistrurbedKiller Director of Supply, 23451njnj Director of Supply, Ian Miller Colonel, CyberRuler Colonel, ThePeacefulOne o7 Corporation o7 Her allies
  14. Yet another thread that \m/ thinks is about themselves. Tsk tsk.
  15. [quote name='wickedj' date='11 April 2010 - 03:46 PM' timestamp='1271015174' post='2256523'] next time ill tech raid you between your DoE and the protectorate [/quote] ...You mean I wasn't supposed to?
  16. [quote name='Nathan Grant' date='11 April 2010 - 02:33 PM' timestamp='1271010811' post='2256467'] That being said, I stand by the apology part of the OP. I do not, however, stand by the Warbuck bashing part. [/quote] It's amazing how you continue to set policy based on public opinion. Twice in the same thread now. Just stop.
  17. [quote name='Nathan Grant' date='11 April 2010 - 11:33 AM' timestamp='1271000014' post='2256369'] Cryptic references to "what is really going on" do not mean much to me. Would you care to elaborate? [/quote] Certainly. You stated yourself that you will continue to post on the OWF as you feel like it. This shows me, and many others, that you have no concept of the political reality surrounding your alliance. People don't like you, because you continue to seek attention by posting three times a week. You give people an opportunity to make fun of you, to rail against you, and you do your members an injustice by not allowing your alliance to just spend some time moving on quietly. Many people in this thread have been much more polite to you than you deserve, and have given sound advice. You continue to reject this advice. I suggest you look up an individual named "RyanGDI", and his alliance, GDI. ADI's track record, posts, and general ignorance of the way Planet Bob works is eerily similar to GDI's, and that is not a good thing. That is what I meant.
  18. [quote name='BlkAK47002' date='10 April 2010 - 07:39 PM' timestamp='1270942751' post='2255903'] Thats a little harsh isnt it? [/quote] Not harsh enough, IMO, especially since based on Nathan Grant's post they still really seem not to understand what is going on.
  19. Best of luck to my friends in PC, and congratulations on the merger.
  20. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='10 April 2010 - 01:05 AM' timestamp='1270875906' post='2255197'] EDIT: I've just realized that the OP has an air of RyanGDI about it. Anyone else feel that? [/quote] Shh.... don't spoil it.
  21. Well, Napoleon, you really hung Snowball out to dry. Methinks you should let your actions do the talking from hereon out, and leave the OWF be for a while.
  22. I can't tell if you're serious or not, but an excellent post either way!
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