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Kevin McDonald

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Everything posted by Kevin McDonald

  1. Doubtless that Methrage arranged these attacks on himself sincer the two week time period between his getting attention had elapsed.
  2. [quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1290159461' post='2517264'] So, yeah, request lock. [/quote] Requesting a lock is like requesting time be turned back to 18 months ago (or so) when you [i]could[/i] request a lock. As it stands, if you are taking in people being pursued by GOONS you should probably, you know, speak with GOONS. They tend to be fairly accomodating in these things, but not when you try to take advantage of, or liberties with, them.
  3. I liked this show a lot... good job guys. I feel like you've hit your stride and agree that the roundtable format is the way to go in the future.
  4. Congratulations to Genesis for signing with us. Me likey.
  5. So ARES poached JT from DT is what I got out of that. DT should roll Ragnarok, or something.
  6. [quote name='Jingoist' timestamp='1287108502' post='2484917'] wow. i registered a channel earlier today in about 2.1 seconds. you couldnt bother to do that before posting this thread? lol. [/quote] Probably has to figure out how to register his nick...
  7. I thought you guys disbanded... seriously. Who am I thinking of?
  8. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1286853496' post='2482044'] Thaks Kev. Believe it or not, this is actually just my third term as MoFA. Its also my second time beating Gopherbashi by a three or less vote margin. I should note that both times Gopher was running for other positions as well. In the past five terms its has been MOFA-Vacation-MOI-MOFA-MOFA. As for the Chancellor, I will be chancellor if/when MCXA needs me to be chancellor, until then we have fine people leading us, and there is plenty, and maybe even more I can do for the alliance as a minister. [/quote] Well, with answers like that you'll make a fine chancellor eventually
  9. Congrats SCY! How many terms as MoFA is this and when is your coup of the Chancellory complete?
  10. Wow... Legend, what can I say? You and I have had some knock-down drag-out scraps and some laughs as well. Certainly if tenure was the only criteria you would have deserved this long ago, but something tells me that's not the only criteria And, if anything, NADC's senate (or whatever you call it) should get a voice under your leadership Congratulations, and best of luck.
  11. [quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1286133392' post='2473295'] He's in FIRE. You should formerly apologize to GATO for implying they would actually accept someone like him. [/quote] I actually knew that, damn TE AA... I have edited my post. I hereby formaly apologize to GATO. I [i]know[/i] he's a great addition to FIRE.
  12. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1286123371' post='2473038'] Really now? Am I supposed to be happy with you guys when you raided me? Also, I had made plans for leaving FoA before we got raided anyways, all you guys did was get your treaty partners out of a sticky situation by allying with FoA. [/quote] Yeah... I was talking about you running from ICAN, but thanks for reminding me it was two alliances you left high and dry at the first hint of aggression. I'm sure you've made a great addition to FIRE.
  13. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1286053303' post='2472470'] Lol, good riddance. And even bigger LOL to former members of FoA. [/quote] Now who's holding grudges? Again, I haven't thought of you since that time that you fled your alliance like a little coward when the first hint of war hit you.
  14. [quote name='Valtamdraugr' timestamp='1285987090' post='2471816'] Wait... what? Sad. For not being Rokkers, you guys are alright. And.. yeay!! We're allies again. I blame Balder... he's not screwed together right. [/quote] We were allies when we were still Goa'uld, lol... unless you mean "again" as we were as Goa'uld and are again as GOD? Lol. I dunno.
  15. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1285984684' post='2471776'] I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask what the hell? on this one. I mean you guys were doing great, you had a great government and a great story why just throw it all away? Damn Mac, I like you and all but sometimes you do things I will never understand. [/quote] How things look on the outside (or in public) aren't always the way they are in reality. I learned that lesson the hard way long ago.
  16. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1285977540' post='2471656'] You seem confused? I thought your alliance was doing very well so I am very surprised that it is merging away. The Xiph thing...I really didn't know him well, made assumptions based on what I heard and posts he made and he seemed like a meanie I'm simply saying he is cool/nice and hope you feel at home with GOD. [/quote] Oh, ok, thanks then. Yeah, the alliance was doing ok, but... you know, stuff happens. Anyway, thanks again.
  17. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1285976809' post='2471639'] This is surprising. Good luck to you guys and hope Xiph is nice to you. He's actually more friendly than I first gave him credit for. [/quote] Um... thanks?
  18. [center][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100727151910/cybernations/images/e/ea/GoauldFlag.png[/img][/center] It is with sadness that I announce that The Goa'uld Empire has decided to close up shop. A series of events has led us to the belief that, like so many alliances before us, we are no longer right for this world. A number of factors led to this decision, I don't feel like getting into them here but feel free to query me if you'd like to know why. I am happy, however, to announce that we will be merging into GOD, our long time ally. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our allies for their friendship over the years, and I want to personally thank Hoo, Delta and Xiphosis for the role they have played in shaping Corp/Goa'uld, and indeed ACV, and getting us out of more than one sticky situation. While this chapter of our life on Bob is ending, we look forward to the adventure to come. #theempire (and #corporation) will be maintained as long as people decide to continue coming there, but they will no longer be used for official business, obviously. o7 GOD TL;DR Balder and I finally found a way to join SF
  19. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1285954800' post='2471211'] I enjoyed the reactions It was mass hysteria in its purest form. [/quote] Yeah I was being sarcastic... but I'm happy to have given you an out. I guess.
  20. [quote name='Horatio Longworth' timestamp='1285919734' post='2470901'] I have yet to hold GOONS responsible for anything. [/quote] Me too. I love how this thread lets us all bond.
  21. Man, Alterego got you all good! There's no way anyone would be stupid enough to believe that the quote in the OP = the point of this thread. Way to go, Alterego, I'm enjoying your joke.
  22. Happy anniversary! Congrats to MyKep! Say it ain't so, Hoo!
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