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Mustakrakish II

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Everything posted by Mustakrakish II

  1. The amount of just not caring in the message makes me...quite happy actually! Congrats on not being serious! And congrats on the treaty
  2. This. Now, I've got a question for you: Are you in Athens OR Knights of Ni!? No. I think if either were having problems with this they'd bring it to the public, or work it out with themselves. No need to create some kind of tabloid.
  3. I spot loop holes >_> Congrats on graduating from the protectorate iFOK. and congrats to both for strengthening your brotherhood
  4. Congratulations...Though my extreme disappointment in the alliance name is extreme. Women disgust me >_>
  5. Careful LW. That bump might be cancer Asgaard
  6. Best. Announcement. Ever. I may have said that before but this tops all. Congrats on the achievements there GOONS!
  7. I would have to disagree with the there is no wrong or right part. That isn't a moral issue. Everyone knows the basics of what is wrong or right (unless you were brought up by some very crooked people). Its the ones who twist it for their own good that claim otherwise. And the only reason I liked Vox is because they hated NPO. You weren't the first. You were only the ones with the balls to stand up and do it in public on a large scale, and for that I commend you. However, you did not start people to hate NPO due to their attacking of small AAs and questionable reasons for doing so. People saw noted it was wrong and disapproved. You didn't plant it in their minds.
  8. Wow i had no idea you've been around this long! Congrats on making it to 3 years!
  9. Interesting. Well Karma is a b**** i guess. That's why we call it that.
  10. I...Wish...I had that money Good idea by google i suppose, even if they are copying mozilla.
  11. Good point. Makes me want to roll Asgaard as well. Those jerks. >_> I still think having NPO pushed out of the sanctioned alliances would be nice. And i'll just through TOP in there cause they are #1 right now. And i like underdogs (your next NpO: watch yourselves.)
  12. Hey this alliance is great! I would love to join. >_>
  13. When will CSN admit defeat and merge into Asgaard? >_>
  14. i wouldn't call that spam, because he obviously read it if he posted "too much white", signifying he noticed the original post contained a part saying they were painting the new members black. It may not contain much depth in the post, but he did read it. So its half spam i suppose. Anyways, enough of that. Congrats GOONS! Keep on with that growth
  15. if your flag does not involve the misfits skull, i will be angry! good luck
  16. I think this is talking about the battle over the breakfast crowd between McDonald's and Burgerking.
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