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Mustakrakish II

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Everything posted by Mustakrakish II

  1. [IMG]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/littlejimmy904/legionsparta-1.png[/IMG] Mind Blown, m I rite?
  2. [quote name='Lincongrad' date='04 February 2010 - 11:42 PM' timestamp='1265348526' post='2160611'] That wasn't very polite. Protip: when you're attacking someone who can eat you for breakfast, show a little courtesy. Or hell, show some courtesy anyway. [/quote] Ya jeez you jerks >_> I meant it in the best of fun because I knew the differences in size. Really I have all the respect of Legion.
  3. HO YA Mustakrakish is aweome GO GET EM FELLAS!
  4. LETS ROCK SOCKS BIG BOYS [img]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/littlejimmy904/legionsparta-1.png[/img]
  5. [quote name='Shardoon' date='04 February 2010 - 01:18 PM' timestamp='1265311127' post='2159158'] [img]http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/4963/successbombing.png[/img] [/quote] Lol that sucks for G0M3Z. Hes cool.
  6. [quote name='Katsumi' date='04 February 2010 - 08:05 AM' timestamp='1265292308' post='2158787'] Decom factories? When did FAN become the New Pacific Order? [/quote] When NPO put FAN in a grave. Now they've risen looking for revenge.
  7. [quote name='ROMMELHSQ' date='03 February 2010 - 10:19 AM' timestamp='1265213992' post='2156661'] [img]http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z231/ROMMEL_HSQ/motivator8f0dbb87804b0af0665942af70.jpg[/img] [/quote] that probably just cause they are dropping their nukes left and right
  8. So will the surrender terms be up in a few hours or will you just be destroyed by then? either way, good luck against MHA i suppose
  9. PSH. Whimps. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO BREAK FREE OF THE OPPRESSION AND LASH OUT YOUR MILITARY MIGHT! Jk. This makes sense with your current reparations situation
  10. Theres someone called the Enclave? STOP TAKING MAH CAPITAL WASTELAND back on topic. Congrats on the treaty
  11. This made me happy. One, because that game is awesome. Two, because it is true.
  12. Wouldn't that make them part of the bloc? I feel this treaty is unnecessary. Just join a bloc or don't. Don't skirt around the edge, leaving our minds to wounder
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