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Mustakrakish II

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Everything posted by Mustakrakish II

  1. Asgaard. We are back to our former strength since the war, are up in members since the war, and have some very big changes coming soon
  2. [quote name='Left_Behind' date='17 March 2010 - 01:21 PM' timestamp='1268850069' post='2228387'] I'll join Asgaard for one of those. Also U didn't anarchy me Score one for the Lefty [/quote] Ya i did...Nuke anarchy
  3. That flag reminds me of Zelda. Good luck in the cyberverse!
  4. [quote name='Hymenbreach' date='12 March 2010 - 10:08 AM' timestamp='1268406810' post='2223366'] First declared multisphere alliance? Was it MXCA? [/quote] HAHAHa no. TCF was far before them...in fact they helped create it if I'm not mistaken. Multisphere alliances have been around a long time. EDIT: Maybe I'm wrong...there must have been other multi-spheres before them. Also, I've been around for a while if I remember MDC before they were MXCA...wow EDIT AGAIN: TCF was around before MCXA.
  5. Good step forward, POT. This looks like it was needed. ooc: this thread has a lack of cannabis.
  6. o/ Halo...er...I mean AoR o/ OoJ! congrats on the treaty.
  7. "though their were many signs that pointed strongly to this at the time of the raid and directly afterwards." Wrong "their" Good luck with this situation PC
  8. Good day to announce! Good luck on and congratulations with continued growth. Also, congrats on the new governemnt
  9. [quote name='BlkAK47002' date='16 March 2010 - 09:47 AM' timestamp='1268751176' post='2227299'] Don't worry proper grammar is considered Blasphemy on our forums [/quote] Darn. So I just destroyed any hope in you being interested, huh? What if I gave you a nice back massage?
  10. \m/ralist war due to the \m/ prat of it.
  11. I like how \m/ is way in right field xP Idk, I still think that the Neo-Hegemony will never be able to rise due to the hate (reasonable or not) created from the recent wars on either side, with the Neo-Hegemonists being portrayed as evil, and the others being portrayed as, well, evil, to the respective sides. Maybe we're in a CN cold war soon?
  12. Well, I guess in the so called "moral" way of tech raiding you offer up reps right in the war declaration, and a simple day of fighting won't do too much damage...hopefully. I voted no, but I guess it all depends on who has taken how much damage.
  13. That is one smokin' squirrel. I wan to get under its fur.
  14. [quote name='Ashen' date='16 March 2010 - 12:37 AM' timestamp='1268718163' post='2227090'] It is from [url="http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0365830/"]Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny[/url], a greatly awesome and totally brutal movie for metal heads. And families. [/quote] Fixed that for you. And thanks Joe!
  15. Asgaard also believe in these high standards of strength and activity in members. Now I'm sure your inbox is full of people advertising, so if you want to know more about us, just send me a PM. I don't want to be just another person yelling in your ear EDIT: Apparently we don't like spelling. SpellCheck fix
  16. Wait, I came for greatness, now where is it? Just kidding Congrats on the 50 member mark. That one is important in staying alive.
  17. I my opinion they are all kind of ugly. What's with the yellow and green olive branches? I get it...you're Packer fans. Still, it really ruins the brown and white scheme. like...gross. Also, not a big fan of the old "rustic" looking ones. It's a forum, not an old jeep. Because the cat is closest to what would look best, I choose the cat.
  18. What do the crossed out names in the combatants list mean?
  19. Isn't that the halo flag? I must be missing the reference... Anyways, Good luck!
  20. Its nice to see Ragnabloc gaining some members again. Good luck to NOON. Ragnarok are good papas.
  21. That's a lot to transfer, plus we just made a payment.
  22. I have a twitter for this. twitter.com/PocketWocket

  23. Pound? I can't really vote for either because this biased poll is biased.
  24. Four years? I disagree with this birthday, as according to the leaders who couped GGA, you were disbanded for a few days, thus making this a new GGA. Either way, happy representational birthday i suppose (Ps- I was joking....kind of)
  25. It's \m/. It's their job to ruin the game.
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