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Mustakrakish II

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Everything posted by Mustakrakish II

  1. i have a group of 6 friends who all play CN, 4 of which i brought to it, but only through talking about it. Otherwise I've had zero interest from others in those links
  2. FAN did already. I'm not impressed. But on a more serious note, I'm sure you'll actually be fine. Good luck you guys
  3. congrats to our buds at TTK OOC: Patriot, Stephen Colbert loves your signature
  4. Thought you guy's would've done this earlier. Best of luck
  5. I thought it was Internationl Commonwealth of Nations, much like iFOK
  6. Interesting choice of allies with the recent events there guys. anwyways, good luck to our buds at UCN o/ UCN
  7. Ho dear, you let MoSW back on? Congrats guys!
  8. I feel this is very biased once i saw you called the Athens' side the supercomplaints coalition. i stopped reading there.
  9. actually its not if it actually IS one of your members.
  10. thats funny, cause you didn't declare on RoK, and you outnumber GOD and \m/ by a huge number, yet those two are the main ones declared on. Also notice all the offensive wars from your side. Thats right, we're the cowards. Thanks for the stats to make your side looks worse.
  11. Slowpoke War should be the name of this war...nothing like a meme war name
  12. This war really makes me laugh.
  13. I now say the Luke-Warm War, as it is no longer cold.
  14. anyone consider Rish might have a sibling who plays? Idk, just a thought
  15. The difference here is that this was not a government member, and, for all we know, went of their own accord.
  16. Microchips, Radiation Clean Up, Beer, Steel, Construction, Aluminum Coal Oil Iron Lead: Mustakrakish II Lumber Marble (or fish, but consturction would be lost for a bonus in pop) Uranium Water: Mustakrakish II Wheat
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