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Everything posted by Mixoux

  1. Predicting this will be the most quoted post of 2009 for sheer comical value
  2. On second thought, I'll let the thread do the talking for me.
  3. Oh, HRT. I've always hated you too
  4. 1200, eh? We may just have to pass you up on that
  5. To be fair, that's not really a feat for most alliances.
  6. Mixoux


    Been a long time coming, for sure.
  7. New nations reading the info and creating a nation, without realizing that they'll be attacked.
  8. Well, you could have just made no thread and thus imply that the treaty would, in fact, remain unchanged. But nonetheless.
  9. When everyone denies that there will be a war, and talks about how good of relations they have with the alliances they'll inevitable attack later on. Generally, you just take what alliance leaders say and believe the opposite.
  10. Heh, seems like we're stagnating with nukes. Only so many you can pump in I guess
  11. Well, damn. I've known you way too long to just fall out of contact; hopefully you'll still lurk around IRC. Also seconding the 'you'll be back' crowd.
  12. I remember drinking Mad Dog a couple times. (that probably doesn't count)
  13. 9.9 per person, oh man. 0.1 away from 10
  14. Watch out Echelon/#15 spot, we're coming for you.
  15. 2 years ago would be January 2007, CN was created in 2006. It'd be possible but there wasn't a sanction race at that time, and I don't know how many of those alliances were being recorded statwise.
  16. Their internal forums are all in dutch, as is their application form. I suppose you could apply using an online translator to fill out the form without knowing the language, but it'd be a pain to navigate the rest :lol:
  17. No no no; you have to spend at least 9 mil to make a difference! Way to let everyone down Also, seconding the inevitable nerf to military which will be implemented right before update.
  18. I remember getting those PMs to vote for New Reverie (since I was on red team at the time), then getting bombarded with "Please do not vote for New reverie, he is not a viable candidate". At around that point I was mighty confused before reading the CN forums.
  19. How about instead of everyone posting about the TOP - Vox thing we just get back to the real matter at hand: The Sanction Race. Also, since it's past update, might as well just wait until later today to do the next one
  20. If you had an "alliance admin" who could kick ghosts, that would make things much simpler. Sure, it could lead to problems with one person going crazy with it and wiping everyone, but that's part of leading a stable alliance I guess.
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