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Everything posted by Mixoux

  1. So the public is the deciding factor of whether or not something exists? I suppose all of your internal policies and strategies are fake, lest you're prepared to prove it to all of us in this thread.
  2. The only MK I'll ever know is the glorious Kommune. also dissapointed at Mogar not getting first post
  3. Guess you gotta say more controversial things next time.
  4. A day early for most of the world.
  5. Though, this certainly isn't the first time Shilo has lashed out once things between two parties appear solved. He seems to have a knack for it.
  6. Would have just created more excitement for the rest of us.
  7. Yeah, heaven forbid a FS member try and slip into peace mode so they can rebuild and live ano- oh wait..
  8. Sarcasm is clearly lost on you.
  9. People who are trying to demoralize FS by saying "You are dead. You made a grave decision. You're gonna pay the price." are really wasting their breath. Maybe, just maybe, FS wanted to have a little fun on their way out? So have fun, guys, on your way out. Hope it's enjoyable.
  10. You could always convince TORN to go all thug in your announcements, I suppose. Except I hated reading those
  11. Obviously it was if it got here in the first place. Hell, even GGA were posting for pages among pages. This isn't one or two people posting, it's everybody and their mother. Once you realize that every Alliance Announcement thread that reaches this length follows these same guidelines, the rest of CN will thank you.
  12. All VE did was announce that they were protecting shane. That's it. The rest of this thread was brought on by GGA, not them.
  13. The entertainment factor isn't gained through this obvious public knowledge that the rest of CN has known for some time, but that GGA has no qualms about admitting it anymore. I mean, hey, why should they bother trying to act like they're relevant anymore?
  14. I'd like to thank you for speeding up the process for them.
  15. To be fair to Degen and given by the train wreck of this thread, I wouldn't blame him for not admitting this, if it were true.
  16. I used to just joke about GGA being the Imperial Green village. After hearing that, though.. heh.
  17. You do realize your government has flat out told us, right.
  18. "If you're not with our thinking, gtfo."
  19. Just for posterity: There was no use editing your first post, I think you and your alliance have already gone down in the hall of fame for.. well, I think you know what I'm getting at.
  20. "Actively plotted against allies"? How, exactly? I'm assuming your definition of plotting is "let's try something new, branch out a bit" and that by leaving a bloc, you're somehow plotting against your [former] allies. Which would just be silly and obviously isn't something GGA would do.
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