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The Sovereignty of Nations

Voodoo Nova

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The Commonwealth: An Announcement

Regarding the Sovereignty of Nations, the Importance of Order, the Means to Achieve Order, and the Justification of Order

The topic of the sovereignty of nations is one which is debated back and forth constantly in this changing world, and especially amongst the nations of Europe. It can be said, with great truth, that the nations of Europe do consider their sovereignty to be their most important asset. It can be said with great truth that the nations of Europe are those most willing to fight for their sovereignty, and the sovereignty of those around them, especially of all of their people. Oftentimes a nation does consider itself to be made up of one or two primary ethnic groups. We see this most evident with nations such as Germany, which considered itself to be made of entirely Germans, with minorities here and there. We also see this in the Netherlands, wherein most of the people consider themselves Dutch, and in Bayern, wherein most of the people consider themselves Bavarians.

The governments of these states do see themselves as a specific ethnicity. In Bayern, the government considers themselves a nation of Bavarians, not a nation of Japanese or even a melting pot. The vast majority of the people within Bayern are Bavarian, by extension German, and by further extension, Nordic. The government of Bavaria has created a state in which all Bavarians may live in a nation of Bavarians, governed by Bavarians. We see the same thing true in other places in Europe. In Finland, it is a nation of Finns governed by Finns. If they did not consider themselves to be a Finnish state, then they would not call themselves Finland. In the Polish Kingdom, their state is considered to be Polish, and is a union of many Poles in Europe.

A nation is not by its definition considered to be a state. A state is something entirely different for a nation. Many of you may recall Woodrow Wilson's famous words, "For every nation a state, and to every state a nation." This was an ideal that led to the creation of the original Czechoslovak state, a union of the Czech peoples and the Slovak peoples, and all acknowledged that two nations existed within the same state. The nation of Poles were granted their statehood by the Congress of Vienna at Germany's expense. Through this, the nations of Austria, Hungary, and Yugoslavia were also created. We do not consider every nation to be sovereign, however all self-proclaimed states are considered sovereign at this point by the Commonwealth.

The nations of Europe are a diverse variety. At one point, Czech social scientists attempted to create a map of all of the ethnicities, and by extension, the nations of Europe. However, it was determined that all of Europe was far too diverse to truly map accurately. With populations as massive as the Germans, and populations as small as the Romansh, Europe creates the most diverse tapestry of ethnicities known to the world, especially considering the size of Europe. Nations develop without ever having possessed a state in the past. Small ethnicities in Russia show us this in a large way. Tiny nations of no more than 250 people exist everywhere, and though it is likely that these nations will never see sovereignty, it is still good to acknowledge that they exist.

The Commonwealth is a sovereign state consisting of four nations, primarily, that of the Czech, the Poles, the Slovaks, and the Silesians. Silesia is the smallest of all of them. However, we acknowledge our diversity and make the best effort possible to retain that diversity in our public image and in our actions. Each of the four nations possesses its own major administrative region within the Commonwealth, and as such we find that convincing all of these different ethnicities to cooperate to make the Commonwealth a better place for all is not a difficult task. However, there are other states which do not acknowledge the sovereignty of nations within it as we do. These states have repeatedly offended the smaller nations within their territories by not giving them their sovereignty, much less their independence as a state.

The nation of Lubeck is one such offender. They proclaim to be made of a single ethnicity; it is how they gained their sovereignty as a state in the first place. However, they have since violated in a major way the basic rights of those living in Europe, those that are mistreated, in the regions where old Croatia, one of the largest offenders of ethnic diversity that has ever existed. The Lubeckian state has annexed the territories of Austria and Slovenia, as well as a small portion of Croatia, proclaiming them to all be a part of the Lubeckian state. This is a complete outrage. While we applaud them for granting independence for the states of Dalmatia and of Serbia, we feel that they still remain in absolute control of regions in the Balkans, regions which ought to be liberated from their single-minded viewpoint. They believe that these people should be a single nation, a Lubeckian nation, when there is in fact no way that they could be.

Order. The possession and need for Order is one that is often overlooked and one which at the same time is immense. Order is something which no nation, continent, or planet may live without. An orderly populace, with a lack of riots and violence, is something which is absolutely fundamental to any functional society. There are two sides to every nation. One is order, and the other is chaos. If there is no Order, there is Chaos; if there is no Chaos, there is Order. A chaotic European populous is not something which we need at this moment in time. There were times, specifically during the oppression of the 18th and 19th centuries, when chaos was necessary, however in this war-ravaged Europe with the shadow of Nordland still hanging heavily over the world like a great dark cloud, we must have Order. The peoples must be united as one, they must know that they are one, and if they are not aware that they are one, then there is Chaos, chaos which leads to destruction, which leads to the Fascism and Nordic Socialism that was the old Nordland.

I will not have another Nordland, and the vast majority of the world will agree that Nordland was not and is not the best for Europe now or ever. It is because of this that there must always be a means by which the leaders of this continent are prepared to restore Order to the lands where there is Chaos. There are many different methods by which Order may be regained from Chaos, however once some have been tried, others must be forced. The means to achieve order are, in succession of when a leader ought to attempt them, Diplomacy, Construction, Trade, Force, Destruction. Once the first three have failed, the fourth must be used to finally end the chaos, and if it fails, then complete destruction of the Chaos is the only available option. Force is defined as military force. The movement of troops and soldiers into a region wherein the Chaos exists in a greater value than the Order. All five are acceptable mans by which to achieve and retain Order.

It is for this reason, the maintenance of Order in Europe, that the Commonwealth does hereby move one hundred thousand soldiers and fifteen hundred armored units into the region of Hungary. Lubeck has failed to acknowledge the existence of the nation of Hungarians that we do acknowledge, and as such, we shall make it so that the nation of Hungary is not overlooked, we will integrate them into our society. Diplomacy, Construction, and Trade have all but failed, and that means that Force is next. For this reason, Force will be used to restore the order to Hungary. The region will be completely integrated into the Commonwealth, as a first level administrative region just as Silesia, Czechia, Poland, and Slovakia are first level administrative regions. We will not only bring order to the region, we will retain order by supplying a happy populace by negotiating with the local leaders to allow them to govern their territories, as well as beginning to construct new infrastructure throughout Hungary to make the region truly a part of our state and of this world. By this infrastructure, we will create a trade with the people of Hungary. Through this, the Hungarians will be allowed to prosper monetarily, and with the knowledge that they retain their sovereignty as a nation, they will be happy.

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"An army of propaganda goes along with an army of men; a nation does not let a people decide its fate by itself (OOC: Assuming Hungary is a protectorate, which I think it is... /OOC) and instead claims to be their protector; a causus belli which can barely hold itself together... Europe will always remain the same regardless of what blabbering its leaders spit, it seems."

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The Prussian Foreign Ministry Dispatched the following on all Embassy Networked Systems:

"The movement of Pole-Czech Coalition into Hungary as liberators...not invaders is truly a commendable action. It is undeniable that Lübeck as a nation and a people were not qualified to administrate or control the Hungarian people and administer their interests.

However, it is not Prussia's place to intervene on the actions of sovereign nations--regardless if they are halfway around the world or her direct neighbors.

Prussia would like to remind the international community that Prussian Air and Sea Space is sealed off to any and all military hardware or manpower shipments from any nation. If any shipments of military power over, near or through Prussia occurs, it will be taken as a violation of sovereignty against our nation.

Tread lightly nations of Europe and the world.

-Albert Tanzband"

Edited by The Confederation
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"Though we do not wish to make an official statement on this at this time, we do not support annexation of Lubekian land. You would only succeed in moving an oppressed populous from one nation to another. We would much rather see the Hungarian make their ow nation, not be forced into another. That is all."

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Molakia is very interested in this "Declaration of Liberation". Molakia herself is mostly Russian, with a sizeable Finnish Population. We also take in hundreds of people from all walks of life and support them. Rarely is it a day in the Capital Kotka where a Festival of some sort is not only going on, but fully funded and supported by the crown. Diversity is something that all nations should strive to achive, no matter the size of the population.

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If I understand this right, you're liberating a region from one country and annexing it into your own nations. Some of your opponents might call this veiled imperialism don’t you think? Wouldn't it be best to help establish an independent Hungarian state?

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If I understand this right, you're liberating a region from one country and annexing it into your own nations. Some of your opponents might call this veiled imperialism don’t you think? Wouldn't it be best to help establish an independent Hungarian state?

"We agree with Slavorussia here."

OOC: Also,


Austria, Slovenia and Hungary were given away already. He didn't RP it yet though, I think... :v:

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OOC: Also,


Austria, Slovenia and Hungary were given away already. He didn't RP it yet though, I think... :v:

OOC: I believe the claim's valid until the new nation posts a DoE

IC: We support our allies in their endeavor. Should they need anything, they know who to ask.

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"Lübeck laughs at your foolish attempts at imperialism, you didn't even establish diplomatic relations in regards to the region of Hungary. By taking it by force, what are you trying to prove? The regions in the Balkans which you so rightfully pointed out, have already been released to two new nations, however, as it takes time to do so, their Declaration of Independences are taking some time. By invading them, you are pretty much violating THEIR sovereignty. What makes you think you have the right to impose your unlawful dealings in the region. My purpose in the region was to stabilise and rebuild, hence the temporary annexation of Austria/Slovenia/Liechtenstein, and the two Croatian Regions. They are now rebuilt, and, along with Hungary, are no longer under my jurisdiction, however, they are voting for their new leader. The same with Serbia and Montenegro, they have a government ready to declare their existence, however, it takes time.

Now, before I say the words 'hypocrite', could you explain why you are attacking me, when you, yourself are guilty of the same crime? - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1735785"

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"Lübeck laughs at your foolish attempts at imperialism, you didn't even establish diplomatic relations in regards to the region of Hungary. By taking it by force, what are you trying to prove? The regions in the Balkans which you so rightfully pointed out, have already been released to two new nations, however, as it takes time to do so, their Declaration of Independences are taking some time. By invading them, you are pretty much violating THEIR sovereignty. What makes you think you have the right to impose your unlawful dealings in the region. My purpose in the region was to stabilise and rebuild, hence the temporary annexation of Austria/Slovenia/Liechtenstein, and the two Croatian Regions. They are now rebuilt, and, along with Hungary, are no longer under my jurisdiction, however, they are voting for their new leader. The same with Serbia and Montenegro, they have a government ready to declare their existence, however, it takes time.

Now, before I say the words 'hypocrite', could you explain why you are attacking me, when you, yourself are guilty of the same crime? - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1735785"

ooc or ic, I don't care: Slavorussia's government officially released a statement via the internet:

"lol, owned."

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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"If this can not be solved in a civilised way, then, we have no choice but to activate the Central European Union's defence clause, due to your violation of the treaty, therefore, we demand that Prussia, Finland, Sweden and Norway, in accordance to Article III, Section II. I'm sorry to say this, Prussia, yet it is still active, thus, you are inclined to assist, not to be neutral in this."

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Sverig sees this as an act of war against its ally Lübeck. We are now in a state of war with the Commonwealth. We will not sit back when we see one nation violate the sovereignty of another nation. Our response will be swift and accurate.

We hereby deliver an ultimatum to The Commonwealth, pull your troops out of all foreign lands within 48 hours or we will react with force!

We call upon our allies in the CEU to defend their members from foreign aggression.

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But one should remember the useless and insulting annexation of Austria and Slovakia by Lubeck, a nation that has no cultural ties whatsoever to the lands. Hungary bears somewhat of a resemblance to the annexing nation.

But who in Europe can resist another war? This time, we will be watching intently. We encourage Non-Europeans to stay out of non-european conflicts, as it will only bring them hardship and destruction. You can quote me on this, "War will always prevail over peace."

- Prof. Kristoffer Mikkelson Vakkersted

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But one should remember the useless and insulting annexation of Austria and Slovakia by Lubeck, a nation that has no cultural ties whatsoever to the lands. Hungary bears somewhat of a resemblance to the annexing nation.

But who in Europe can resist another war? This time, we will be watching intently. We encourage Non-Europeans to stay out of non-european conflicts, as it will only bring them hardship and destruction. You can quote me on this, "War will always prevail over peace."

- Prof. Kristoffer Mikkelson Vakkersted

"We never annexed Slovakia, the region we 'annexed', we never intended to hold, and it was a temporary measure to re-establish order in the region."

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the Commonwealth is behaving like a little kid, a little kid that wants to play with his big brothers lego blocks. He doesn't ask for it, or even tells his brother he wants to play with them as well, no he just grabs them and won't give them back. And when cornered he just calls for mum and pretends that big brother is being mean to him.

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"We never annexed Slovakia, the region we 'annexed', we never intended to hold, and it was a temporary measure to re-establish order in the region."


the Commonwealth is behaving like a little kid, a little kid that wants to play with his big brothers lego blocks. He doesn't ask for it, or even tells his brother he wants to play with them as well, no he just grabs them and won't give them back. And when cornered he just calls for mum and pretends that big brother is being mean to him.

"Bavaria would like to note that their swedish friends are welcome to land in Koper if they cannot get access through Prussia. Additionally, should the Commonwealth decide to not withdraw their forces within 96 hours, we will see to the removal ourselves."

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So, with the threat on the Scottish-Krieg border, and now this, I think Europe shall be engulfed in war yet again.. I established this Empire with the hopes of staying out of this nonsense. although the tensions with Scotland and Krieg continue, I ask all European Nations to not include the Krieg Empire in any of this, and would hope the conflict not escalate towards our borders. Are nation is a one dedicated to peace, and so we stand.

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