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\m/, I just want to help


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Of course it's ok, doesn't mean it's smart.

If they want to be a neutral alliance, that's fine. But they aren't able to defend themselves, they knew the risk and took it anyway.


Do you really consider that a logical conclusion, or are you simply attempting some sort of weird argument that removes all logic from your thought processes? I'm sure with a little bit of basic math and an energy drink even the newest member of GOONS can figure out why we're not attacking GPA or TDO.

I have no idea what you're referring to so you'll have to clarify. I understand the pragmatics of why GOONS wouldn't attack GPA or TDO, but that wasn't what I was asking.

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Their member threshold is 10 members. They're just dancing around having to admit they broke their charter

Hey guys, \m/ is not a democracy and this is a Triumvirate (the absolute power in \m/) sanctioned event.

The charter is a written contract between the government and members. Since the members agreed to this, and we agreed, both parties can set aside wording of the charter in favor of it's spirit

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Their member threshold is 10 members. They're just dancing around having to admit they broke their charter

Oh lawdy. I can't even begin to count how many times I've had to repeat myself so I won't.

It's not your place to tell us how we should operate according to our charter anyway. Have fun thinking you can, however.

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Hey guys, \m/ is not a democracy and this is a Triumvirate (the absolute power in \m/) sanctioned event.

The charter is a written contract between the government and members. Since the members agreed to this, and we agreed, both parties can set aside wording of the charter in favor of it's spirit

So you are allowed to break your charter when it suits you?

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I have no idea what you're referring to so you'll have to clarify. I understand the pragmatics of why GOONS wouldn't attack GPA or TDO, but that wasn't what I was asking.

Thanks, although you still left me with a lack of clarification. You understand why we wouldn't consider them valid targets, yet you still want to know if we consider them valid targets? I think your brain just formed a perfect mobius strip.

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Oh, don't worry, I will do something about it. Just give me time to finish my preparations. The CB you all have given me by raiding FoA, in my opinion, has a shelf life of at least six months. So plenty of time there.

I'm not sure sal thinking "worry" but more of less saying exactly what you said with about 31 less words.

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The charter is a contract between \m/ government and her members, detailing the rights and priviledges of her members, and the powers of government. Considering the triumvirate has absolute power, and that it was the triumvirate that signed this off, it is legal by our charter. Even if the triumvirate did not have such powers, both parties of the contract could hbe agreed to set aside the wording in favor of the spirit. But even if this was not the case, it's well covered by our sovreignty clause.

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Thanks, although you still left me with a lack of clarification. You understand why we wouldn't consider them valid targets, yet you still want to know if we consider them valid targets? I think your brain just formed a perfect mobius strip.

Ah, sorry for the confusion. I completely understand why you would not raid GPA or TDO for pragmatic reasons, I was asking if you had any moral objections though (i.e. that it would in theory be ok to raid them if you had the ability to, not whether you actually would raid them).

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So you are allowed to break your charter when it suits you?

Haven't they said that about a dozen times now? I'm not sure why it is so hard for people to understand. They will do what they want, when they want to.

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Ah, sorry for the confusion. I completely understand why you would not raid GPA or TDO for pragmatic reasons, I was asking if you had any moral objections though (i.e. that it would in theory be ok to raid them if you had the ability to, not whether you actually would raid them).

We don't abide by moral code, only logic. We also do not consider 'honor' ('honour' for those of you who prefer a bonus vowel in your words) a worthy concept to associate ourselves with.

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A bunch of people have told me to stop by, but a bunch of other people tell me to bugger off, so, here we are, winking at each other on this forum. I am fine, how are you?

quite enjoying myself, actually. I just hope we're not stealing \m/'s thunder with our participation here. ^_^

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We don't abide by moral code, only logic. We also do not consider 'honor' ('honour' for those of you who prefer a bonus vowel in your words) a worthy concept to associate ourselves with.

My intention wasn't to get into a semantic argument over the word "moral", so I can drop that if it makes it easier. If you prefer, you can strike out the word "moral" from my question earlier and just have it read "objection". When I meant "moral objection" I basically meant that if you accepted the two premises, does the conclusion (it is ok to tech raid GPA et al) logically follow in your ethical paradigm? I think it does, but I'd rather not put words in your mouth.

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So will there be any further attacks on FoA?

No further declarations will occur. I will issue a ceasefire order to appease the masses.

My intention wasn't to get into a semantic argument over the word "moral", so I can drop that if it makes it easier. If you prefer, you can strike out the word "moral" from my question earlier and just have it read "objection". When I meant "moral objection" I basically meant that if you accepted the two premises, does the conclusion (it is ok to tech raid GPA et al) logically follow in your ethical paradigm? I think it does, but I'd rather not put words in your mouth.

You went from 'morals' to 'ethics'. Once again, not a concept we consider worthy of concern. GPA need not worry about little ol' us. ^_^

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You went from 'morals' to 'ethics'. Once again, not a concept we consider worthy of concern. GPA need not worry about little ol' us. ^_^

Jesus mon, >.>. Then strike out the word ethical.

And I know GPA has nothing to worry from you :). I just want to know if you, based on whatever it is you believe (call it whatever you want, morals, logic, ethics, rules... I really don't care as my intention isn't to argue semantics or play "gotcha" if that's what you think) in how you conduct yourself, feel that it is ok (as in nothing wrong) in tech raiding them if you accept the first two premises.

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Please, Alterego, you don't actually expect \m/ to abide by their own charter, right? It's not like they wrote it... oh wait, they did!

I also really look forward to the inevitable \m/ - Corporation tangle. Two alliances I don't like attacking each other is :awesome:

And an uniformed Duncan King is quite uniformed.

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Alterego, should you ever achieve your goal I am afraid you will be severely disappointed. When and if \m/ does get rolled we will not do the following:

1. Bawwwww

2. Disband

3. Plead

We get that you don't like us, which is a good thing, should someone like you taking a liking to us I don't think there is enough hot water in the world to scrub of the dirty feeling I would have.

To those bawwwing that this is just like the Athens-KoN incident, yes and no. Yes a small alliance was raided, No we won't say we are sorry and pay reps. If you were reallt upset last time YOU would have taken measures to insure it wouldn't happen again...........you didn't.

The only alliance that ever stood up and put their actions where their mouth was in regards to their anti techraiding values was NPO, and the world now demonizes them as teh ebil, go figure.

To those whinging about the violation of FoA sovereignty, how is a un-aligned alliance different from a un-aligned nation? They are both sovereign entities.

To the others bawwwing about waking up to this crap.................BHAHAHAHAHAHA, glad we could "ruin the game" for you

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