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I know the current rules on SDI's. They cover the territory of the one who has them and no one else's. Except for a small distance outside your borders.

What about SDI's where merged nations are concerned? What's covered by the SDI? What if more than one member of the merger has an SDI? These are the major things I am concerned about.

EDIT: Added the bit about the area around you.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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I know the current rules on SDI's. They cover the territory of the one who has them and no one else's.

What about SDI's where merged nations are concerned? What's covered by the SDI? What if more than one member of the merger has an SDI? These are the major things I am concerned about.

I thought SDI's covered the person's nation, and the general region around them. Example, I have a SDI, so I would be able to logically cover my nation, the Middle East, the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Sea. When it comes to merged nations, I figured it'd work for the entire nation.

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I thought SDI's covered the person's nation, and the general region around them. Example, I have a SDI, so I would be able to logically cover my nation, the Middle East, the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Sea. When it comes to merged nations, I figured it'd work for the entire nation.

Afaik, it's been ruled that ONLY your nation is protected by the SDI.

Which, imo, is quite stupid.

SDI should encompass, say, half your ingame-SoI. More if you're a "oh jesus christ" huge country like Buryatia, encompassing half a continent.

That brings me to the question: Do merged nations get more chances at using their SDI if both/all members have one?

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Afaik, it's been ruled that ONLY your nation is protected by the SDI.

Which, imo, is quite stupid.

SDI should encompass, say, half your ingame-SoI. More if you're a "oh jesus christ" huge country like Buryatia, encompassing half a continent.

That brings me to the question: Do merged nations get more chances at using their SDI if both/all members have one?

It's your nation and the region around you. I asked both Sarah and Ty when Kevz nuked me and Lavo tried to block it with his SDI.

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The region is determined by common sense, I guess.

This. At least in my opinion Voodoo and Drake are right, and common sense should just be used (or asking a GM).

As for merged nations, the whole nation is protected if a member has an SDI. More SDIs doesn't do anything, you don't get higher odds or more chances to reroll, it's just one of the things you have to deal with if you merge.

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This. At least in my opinion Voodoo and Drake are right, and common sense should just be used (or asking a GM).

As for merged nations, the whole nation is protected if a member has an SDI. More SDIs doesn't do anything, you don't get higher odds or more chances to reroll, it's just one of the things you have to deal with if you merge.

In my factbook, I have the BMW S-600 Wiesel, which is an AA system with 750 km detection and 600 km engaging range, against aircraft, that is.

I'd assume that an SDI would be far more sophisticated, using AWACS, satellites and OTH radar, amongst other things, to detect and engage ballistic missiles.

Could I thus RP a range for the SDI of up to 1,200 km from the geographic center of my nation (which is near Salzburg)? This would roughly equal 900-1,000 km range missiles at the cities closest to the extremes of the 4 classic compass directions.

Or would I be able to RP more, due to my tech?


I know you just said "use common sense", but I'm using mine here, and it may be different from yours.

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Most real life missile defense systems are either short range, medium range or long range (wow who would have guessed that). Short range being close point defense, medium range being regional and long range being US style engage halfway around the world. Personally I RP the interception as being done in space, which would quite logically be halfway around theworld, but for all practical purposes (and so you whiny $%&@s don't whine) only use it when my homeland is threatened. :P

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