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World Map 6.0


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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news :/...

However, the African territory still needs to be swapped to match my Romanian territory (the land south of the gibtar isn't mine, mine is directly south of it. (Its some kind of darkish blue right now) Also my north western Siberian territory is missing. Below is the picture for the first level administrative boundaries. Everything else is correct though.


EDIT: Picture was screwed up.

Edited by iamthey
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I laid claim to all territories of the eastern half of the United Kingdom well before Serbia announced its presence, thus those territories are mine.

And even then, they were mine, as I invaded the area when Cody Seb's Balkan government fell. Therefore, the area has reverted back to my control.

So, I control the following





Serbia and Montenegro are under a NC protectorate.


Edited by Malatose
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And even then, they were mine, as I invaded the area when Cody Seb's Balkan government fell. Therefore, the area has reverted back to my control.

So, I control the following





Serbia and Montenegro are under a NC protectorate.


A statement which is even more valid as it's occupied by a 3rd party now

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The reason for the .xcf is

A; because I believe the community is smarter, and better working than me, so you can all do updates, and when people stop complaining an official map is posted.

B; this way, if you are really wanting a update, just get GIMP, free, simple and do it your self.

C; no compression is ever needed, layers etc can be moved around with ease, by leaving it in a .xcf. Each time a offical update is posted, a .png will be made for general web based viewing.

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There's water in it, Europe is mostly correct (I didn't fix Turkey/Greece area) and Africa should be spot on.

Only problem with Europa is that Belarus is Sarah's and the Czech Republic is mine.

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Proper claims-


Inner Mongolia












Northern Sichuan( I think)


Historical IndoChina-




Peninsular Malaysia

(Unless these are in AC control already)

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Unless he comes here and objects I want to claim the lands of the Terrestian empire. He's been gone for a long time now, and even before he wasn't very active.

So I will own most of the eastern half of the Ross Ice Shelf landedge. I think King Kevz has a tiny sliver of ice coast on it between me and the Terrestian empire.

Since sarah owns the holds the penisnula lands directly opposite the terrestian penisula, and mine go to the southern border of sarah's lands, that means I own most of the coast of the Ross Ice Shelf plus the south pole.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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Unless he comes here and objects I want to claim the lands of the Terrestian empire. He's been gone for a long time now, and even before he wasn't very active.

So I will own most of the eastern half of the Ross Ice Shelf landedge. I think King Kevz has a tiny sliver of ice coast on it between me and the Terrestian empire.

Since sarah owns the holds the penisnula lands directly opposite the terrestian penisula, and mine go to the southern border of sarah's lands, that means I own most of the coast of the Ross Ice Shelf plus the south pole.

Rp to that end?

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I'm working on a clean .xcf version based on what Sargun's .png. Ohio is fixed in that version and it'll get posted sometime today. People have to be patient with things like maps because they take a long time to make.

Edited by Raritan
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As Sargun's country in Africa is gone it seems that the province Estuaire in the country Gabon falls to me, as it's been joint-territory when the Western Repulic (and later Artemis) owned it.

It's the location of the Space Elevator.

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Im not sure how UBerstein wants to divy up Finland, but Molakia owns Russian Karelia for sure. I believe we are splitting the area around Kotka (The Province that also holds helsinki.) via a Highway (H18 i think). I own everything south of it.

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