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TORN Announcement

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Real quick question, and I already expect a ton of standard answers.

What is TORN's original interest in this whole thing between NPO and OV anyway?

I'd like to reiterate Mongrels question.. we are all curious

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Damn you TORN, why on earth would you only want the people responsible for the spying to be held accountable? Why would you negotiate this for days on end? Thats so evil. Then to declare war with a valid CB? ugh, where will this end? Haven't you learned that spying is suddenly perfectly OK with many people here in the OWF? And going by the reaction it seems its perfectly OK with many alliances too.

What's next? you will offer billions in aid to some poor alliance in need only to be ridiculed for the amount of trees killed to make that money?

Sheesh, why can't you guys be more like the rest of the hypocrisy?

-Tron(Hegemony> Hypocrisy)ix

Dear Tronix,

[23:45] <away_srqt[RIA]> so how did you guys get teh SS of Ovs forums anyway

[23:52] <Moo-Cows> we didn't

[23:52] <Moo-Cows> someone gave t hem to our ally

[23:52] <Moo-Cows> who gave them to us

[23:54] <away_srqt[RIA]> so really your ally (I am assuming TPF) acceoted leaked Screen shots of a privat alliance forum?

[23:58] <away_srqt[RIA]> I am sure you can see how tihs is slightly concerning to me considering the implications it has for some of my closest allies

[00:00] <Moo-Cows> you know as well as I that every alliance accepts information

[00:00] <Moo-Cows> how else are spies caught thesse days?


Pez(Yes, I really am better than you)Star

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More the fact that you made the wretched pun at all.

I do believe you're trying to say you're TORN? :awesome:

Regardless, in that TORN seems to have stopped posting -- hell, I would, too -- I'm going to exit this thread, which shall serve forever as a shining example of Pacifican honor.

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well...I suppose we shall see, eh?

Everyone knows how to fight, the numbers are very close, the better side will almost definitely win, etc.

CB is meh, but the important thing is that the war is finally on.

Let's see if you can overthrow us!

That is the most sensible thing I've read in this thread. Thanks for being honest, I think is the term we use now?

Good luck to my friends in TORN, but not too much luck. :lol:

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From our limited dealings way back when, I think you're basically a good guy. I fully supported giving you and others refuge in NoV in the UjW, for example. I wasn't thrilled when you subsequently turned your back on the people who had saved you, but I know enough about realpolitik to also know that it was never personal.

Now, I'm not going to lie. The CB your allies used was flimsy. But you honored your treaty, and for that you deserve at least some respect.

Your allies' actions since war was declared have put you in a horrible spot and for what it's worth you have my sympathy. It may be that you genuinely didn't understand the anti-NPO sentiment, since they had always been good to you. I trust you now see that their primary interest will always be covering their own butts, regardless of what this will do to their supposed 'friends'. (I hope their other 'allies' are paying attention as well.)

I don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but I hope you are able to work things out before TORN is swept up/swept aside by the outrage that is building across Planet Bob.

And with that I exit this thread.

All the best.

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TORN are good people from what I've learned in these few months. They just got caught up in NPO's game and had to play along, sadly. Here's to a brighter future. Also, what kingzog said is an accurate statement, even if it has a few extra things in it.

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Good luck.

[...] before TORN is swept up/swept aside by the outrage that is building across Planet Bob.

I don't see that happening, but I may be wrong.

[ooc]Your current avatar may not be so much of good omen, bigwoody...[/ooc]

Edited by jerdge
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