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OOC: People who defame Islam directly or indirectly shouldn't cast stones. It was a bad joke the moment that someone came up with the idea the first time and I said as much back then.

Source: The Fall of the Mushroom kingdom

I thought that Mushlim jokes were intended to satirize stereotypes about Muslims, not really Muslims themselves. Am I wrong? Tamerlane, your take?


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One of the reasons I get along with so many former MK members is exactly the sense of humor the alliance has. It's the way I am IRL, it's the way I cope with things. Some people may take offense to an alliance making fun of/poking fun at radical elements of the religious or political world, in this case radical Islam and those who declare every adherent to Islam a terrorist.

The simple fact is, some people are bound to be offended by it, others will ignore it or laugh along with us. Different opinions make the world go 'round. If we all based opinions off what the "norm" is, we'd have to assume everybody who plays CN is, as the kids so lovingly say these days, "gay".

You say (not you, Jerdge, just a proverbial "you") that using our theme is offensive. Awesome, that's your opinion. I could see a way somebody could find The International's theme offensive; victims of Communism under Stalin far exceeded the numbers killed on 9/11, but the theme is okay because, as touched on above by somebody (I'm too lazy to scroll up), it's a "distant past" thing instead of a current event. Just about anything can be offensive if you examine it closely. That's what comedy is; a mockery of the absurd, or distortion of reality into something absurd to be mocked. A poorly-drawn cartoon of a Mario mushroom with wings flying toward towers made out of CN flags is, out of context, just lazy propaganda. Add the context of 9/11 and it's offensive. Not sure where i'm going right now, I sorta lost my thought. Damn.

NPO is a mockery of totalitarianism. The International makes many references to Communism. CCC might offend some radical Christians who do not believe their symbols should be used for something in a game (just an example, I don't really know of anybody who would do that). Hell, I take offense to CCC's name because I went to a community college for two years with the acronym CCC, and every time I see something CCC is doing, I have terrible flashbacks to long nights working two jobs, one of which was as a security officer on that campus wherein many, many of our students smoked sweet, sweet crystal meth. I'm 22 years old. I shouldn't know what meth smells like. It ruined marshmallows for me.

Offensive is a relative term. There are certainly lines that most agree upon. A rape themed alliance would probably be taken out of the game pretty quickly by moderation staff. A Nazi themed alliance (beyond Nor's realm) would see a similar demise. Mushqaeda remains because it is, by nature, absurd. We do not praise Allah in our posts, we do not call ourselves Muslims, we do not pretend to be actual Muslims. We could have chosen any faction as our "join it and war people if you're leaving the game and don't care" AA. The Southern Delegation? Offensive to some. Mushreich? Certainly offensive. Mushroom Kommune? Offensive to some. Mushqaeda was simply the most active faction at the time, and quite simply the easiest to satirize without people thinking we were serious. Southern Delegation posts would probably just have been racially-slanting, and I won't refute that some members of MK were (and some members of CN are) not exactly the most friendly to racial minorities because they're internet tough guys. Mushriech/Kommune are already done by other alliances. Mushqaeda is ridiculous, over the top, and fun to RP as. Archon himself doesn't really know how or when he became a religious figure in the alliance. It's sort of a running joke, much like when people in the IC areas say "Admin have mercy on your souls" and things of that nature. Nobody is actually saying Admin is literally God. Nobody in MQ is saying Archon is literally God, nor are we claiming to be or support RL terrorism. Other themes, while easy to mock and make ridiculous, would not have made quite the splash MQ did. The shock, the stunning "holy !@#$" value of Mushqaeda and some of our comments are what make it a wonderful choice to run our satire from. It's a taboo subject, something we don't talk or joke about. But if you look at the majority of popular comedians today, are their best jokes not their most shocking, offensive, and taboo comments?

I agree with what you said.

Mushqaeda is obviously not directed at real life Muslims in general. Al qaeda and/or stereotypes of Muslims? Sure.

The vast majority of former/current MK/MQ members, myself included, are not Islamophobic, or intend to mock Muslims.

Mushqaeda has never been meant to be taken that seriously in any sense, in character or with the real life reference. It's just something we've had fun with.

Also someone was making the argument that time and proximity to events matter. I'd point out that we (at least America) as a culture have always made fun of our enemies. Just check out this Donald Duck cartoon that was made during WW2:


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Yo potatohead

I realize spouting gibberish without reading is your strong suit but really. I am arguing AGAINST OOC and FOR RP. So I am following my own standard doofus. I was complimenting MQ for their RP and was arguing it should only be IC on the forums.Because all of us are RPing an internet persona even in places like the Boiler room. The moral tone you brainwave was a support for RPing and the hypocrisy of people like Rushboy who claims he hates all RL analogies and links yet has chosen from RL literature or people a RL avatar, RL leader name< RL alliance name< RL Nation name, and RL Capital City.

Rushie Boy nice pick of avatar but if you think GR is only about yelling bad pasta you know nothing of the man..You play a cynical smart mouth and so does GR. The avatar as I pointed out would be meaningless without its RL connection and you know it.

I am waiting now Dear Rush for your critique of the terrible RP your buddies in MQ have done or the terrible RP of the Biodad by MK. What ?? No where did you post on those threads your grave concern about the RP?

Unreal enough for you both :)

Viva RP

This was a direct quote from you, dickwad. But I agree with you that it's gibberish with an unwarranted touch of selfworthiness. Now you know how we feel when we have to read your drivel.

As for your comment about avatars, it's ridiculous. Do you actually think I want to roleplay a little boy and his tiger from a comic? Do you think Letum wants to RP... a flag? Does renegade4box RP'ing a dolphin with a gun? Well, he might but is Gibsonator RP'ing Barney Stinson? Delta1212 a cupcake? Gopher a furry animal? Stop it. You're making yourself appear even dumber than you really are.

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Ah my old Potato pancake

My comment to Rushie was a direct result of his comment and his avatar about not wanting any RL to intrude on this game. You should have your mouth washed out with soap for such language. :) I was unaware that you had ever made such comments yourself. However yes you play the Calvin and Hobbes charatcters very well. Almost everyone choses an avatar that has meaning to them it is hardly suprising that most LULZ types like you choose the avatars that are charateres with the same attitude. That is all part of RP. Check out virtually any regular internet forum and you can match almost sight unseen the post with the Avatar.

I still support RP rather than your falacious "OOC" posting style you claim. You in RL I hope are no where near the spud you portray online and if you are all the sorrier I am for you.

You see there are some of us who suffer silently reading the sludge you produce but have the courtesy not to constanly attack you as an individual. Since you and Rushie seem unaware of that type of civility I felt a reply was in order. Since these concepts passed above your head I shall let you have the thread so we may all enjoy unfettered your insights on the issue.

Fare well mashed potato.

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Ah my old Potato pancake

My comment to Rushie was a direct result of his comment and his avatar about not wanting any RL to intrude on this game. You should have your mouth washed out with soap for such language. :) I was unaware that you had ever made such comments yourself. However yes you play the Calvin and Hobbes charatcters very well. Almost everyone choses an avatar that has meaning to them it is hardly suprising that most LULZ types like you choose the avatars that are charateres with the same attitude. That is all part of RP. Check out virtually any regular internet forum and you can match almost sight unseen the post with the Avatar.

I still support RP rather than your falacious "OOC" posting style you claim. You in RL I hope are no where near the spud you portray online and if you are all the sorrier I am for you.

You see there are some of us who suffer silently reading the sludge you produce but have the courtesy not to constanly attack you as an individual. Since you and Rushie seem unaware of that type of civility I felt a reply was in order. Since these concepts passed above your head I shall let you have the thread so we may all enjoy unfettered your insights on the issue.

Fare well mashed potato.

Except that I never said a word about RL and the game. I said IC and OOC. This is what you seem to fail to realize. You can discuss OOC without regard to RL. The only mentions of RL, my dear Hime, came from you. Do not attribute such nonsense to me.

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This argument of yours must be totally incomprehensible for anyone without knowledge of past issues. Assuming that any of you three (Hime, Potato and Rush) still knows where you started from and where you're heading to, by the way.

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Except that I never said a word about RL and the game. I said IC and OOC. This is what you seem to fail to realize. You can discuss OOC without regard to RL. The only mentions of RL, my dear Hime, came from you. Do not attribute such nonsense to me.


make IC and OOC forums for a reason. Because you choose to make no

distinction between the 2, does not make my point that you RP literally

with every post you make, incorrect. As for my RL info... that really

has 0 to do with it, and like with almost every RL analogy made in this

game, is pretty silly.

Rushie Boy

OOOPS guess that nonsense was yours :) Tough I realize for your to remember your nonsense from day to day. I know you are just not very good at this but exactly what is OOC if not RL opinions????? See RP offers the benefit of establishing its own reality in character. Thus the Mushqueda Jihad made perfect sense in a RP environment. No other place would a jihad against neutrals make any sense. Give them credit for the story they built not just follow them around from thread to thread like a fan boy. I appreciate the creativity if not the results.


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Rushie Boy

OOOPS guess that nonsense was yours :) Tough I realize for your to remember your nonsense from day to day. I know you are just not very good at this but exactly what is OOC if not RL opinions????? See RP offers the benefit of establishing its own reality in character reality. Thus the Mushqueda Jihad made perfect sense in a RP environment. No other place would a jihad against neutrals make any sense. Give them credit for the story they built not just follow them around from thread to thread like a fan boy. I appreciate the creativity if not the results.


I will help you , since you dont get it. My mention of RL was IN RESPONSE to you somehow making the Einsteinesque suggestion that my RL info somehow held a position in your response to my post simply stating that you RP your silly little wannabe King Arthur automaton in forums that are specifically designed NOT for RP. But since you apparently have trouble , I will be so kind as to show you what YOU said which incited my response concerning RL (the point being you brought up RL my dear little squire...not me)

Rush Sykes

It is your inability to understand that you are RPing all the time that I find laughable. Please feel free to post with your RL name, picture, address not a RP name and picture of Gordon Ramsey then I will buy your act.

I know, I know, defeat is difficult for a squire of your standing sir, but with some help, maybe you will one day find a true knight to teach and mentor so that you can form even the slightest rational thought.

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Aww Rushie Boy we still love you despite the back pedal.

The only mentions of RL, my dear Hime, came from you.

with almost every RL analogy made in this game, is pretty silly. Unless of course I misread your copious fan boy praise posts in various threads for MQs RL analogy of Jihad, 9/11 and Al Queda. So just so we are all clear on the brilliant point you thought you were making by making a personal insult as your first comment what exactly is your opinion on the OP???


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Aww Rushie Boy we still love you despite the back pedal.

The only mentions of RL, my dear Hime, came from you.

with almost every RL analogy made in this game, is pretty silly. Unless of course I misread your copious fan boy praise posts in various threads for MQs RL analogy of Jihad, 9/11 and Al Queda. So just so we are all clear on the brilliant point you thought you were making by making a personal insult as your first comment what exactly is your opinion on the OP???


Of course, latch on to a poor syntax just to try to land that one zinger,one that does not address the overarching point. You know.. the really ...ummm... special point you made. That avatars are part of your IC personae, that I am trying to RP Gordon Ramsay, the OOC discussion is not possible because my RL info is not attached to it. So you enjoy the capitalization on that one poorly worded line of mine (one in which even someone of your intellect KNEW what I meant), the rest see it for what it is.

That you fail to understand the difference between IC and OOC forums... well, I guess you just cannot help it.

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You really cannot be this dim. I thought you were a obstinate mule but it appears you are just thick. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON THE OP> YOU HAVE NOT ADDRESSED IT ONCE>

You cannot even admit an error. I give if you have no desire to actually discuss the op take it to pm. Frankly I could care less what you think you are playing at. You are probably right you are not RP GR he actually has brain you cannot even address the OP all you can do is post personal insults.

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For someone to say that the NPL role-play cancer victims of nuclear fallout... is rather far from the truth.

We role-play the survivors of the fallout who go about killing ghouls and zombies. And yes, we dont give a whit about the sentiments or rights of the ghouls or zombies. Just ask CA, he got ghoulified and we put three rounds in his head. Is fact. It was either that or let him chew on Garion's innards.

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Seeing Hime slowly break down in this thread is amusing.

As for your comment on avatars, I don't really see it. During my time in this world, I have taken as an avatar (among other things, these are the ones I can think of): a communist care-bear, Jaime Lannister from ASOIAF, Art Spiegelman's mouse character from Maus, the logo of a little-known record label, Col. Hans Landa from Inglorious Basterds, and Frank Underwood from House of Cards.

Please, please find a way to rationally connect all of those things together. If you do, I'll gladly concede the point and not bring it up again.

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Maybe - just maybe - letting Hime post whatever she wants wherever she wants, as long as she's not offensive; and expecting that Hime lets others post whatever they want, or wear whatever avatar they want, as long as they're not offensive... and trying to have fun in the game instead of "always" trying to show how and why others would be "bad" at something...

Maybe - just maybe - it would go a long way to enhance everyone's experience of CN.

A debate over the differences between IC, OOC and RL would certainly be interesting and instructive, if we could be civil about it. As it's happening in this blog entry it won't be anything else than a train wreck. Which - hey! - is OK if a train wreck is what you're looking for! :P

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Bob Ilyani

Today, 02:36 AM Seeing Hime slowly break down in this thread is amusing.

As for your comment on avatars, I don't really see it. During my time in this world, I have taken as an avatar (among other things, these are the ones I can think of): a communist care-bear, Jaime Lannister from ASOIAF, Art Spiegelman's mouse character from Maus, the logo of a little-known record label, Col. Hans Landa from Inglorious Basterds, and Frank Underwood from House of Cards.

Please, please find a way to rationally connect all of those things together. If you do, I'll gladly concede the point and not bring it up again.

Good Bob Ilyani

I was unaware that "your" avatar was the topic of this thread. A little self absorbed are we? Of course I am glad to discuss the psychological aspects of your Avatar choices in another thread. Would you or the other members of the coterie like to actually speak to the subject good Jerdge has posted???

I actually made my retort to the insult that was Rush’s first comment in context of the IC/OOC discussion of RP. I was making the point that all of us RP in these forums be it IC or ooc forums. Rush then chose to say he hated all RL analogies and I then suggested that he or others should provide the same level of critique to MQ for RP as they do to mine and that for someone who claims to hate all RL connections his avatar, nation name, capital city and even alliance name all bore a rather direct connection to that other realm. Further personal insults followed. You however have followed the lead with no actual input on the subject that Jerdge provided but showed once again your little group of friends prefer to go after picayune little personal jabs rather than adding to the overall debate discussion. I am just curious do you guys always move in packs or is just a coincidence you all follow each other to every thread to kiss each others butts?? Sorry just part of my breakdown. :)

Hopefully you have additional ideas to the question Jerdge posed.


Dame Hime Themis

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Bob Ilyani

I was unaware that "your" avatar was the topic of this thread. A little self absorbed are we? Of course I am glad to discuss the psychological aspects of your Avatar choices in another thread. Would you or the other members of the coterie like to actually speak to the subject good Jerdge has posted???

You're arguing that people's choices of avatar are impacted by their IC personalities, in order to prove some sort of point that the MQ people aim to offend with their themes/posting styles. While your comments were not directed to me, they were made in a way that made a general implication of members of this community. As a member of said community, I felt that the post applied to me (how does it not? go back and read) and offered my input.

Of course, you're posting this in a public place, so of course you want it to be digested and responded to by the general public. If not, you'd take it to PM, as you've done in the past. You're just pulling out this "I wasn't talking to you, so stay out of this" argument because-get this!- you're wrong and would rather not admit it.

I will give you one thing though- your posting style and IC mannerisms pretty well reflect your character. You're asinine and act like a child when you don't get what you want... explains a lot of the decisions you've made in getting your nation so large.

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As far as the boundaries of acceptable RP goes, that is always relative to the community. Nazism symbolism is pretty much universally unacceptable in the Western world, as are 9/11 jokes with Americans, so I think it's safe to assume that neither are acceptable in most English speaking communities on the internet.

As far as enforcing these norms, it depends entirely on the location. IRC and external forums are not under the jurisdiction of CN mods, and anything can be posted there so as long as the channel/forum mods/hosts/service providers are OK with it, even if it is considered offensive on CN forums/in-game.

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Good Bob Ilyani

You're arguing that people's choices of avatar are impacted by their IC personalities, in order to prove some sort of point that the MQ people aim to offend with their themes/posting styles. While your comments were not directed to me, they were made in a way that made a general implication of members of this community. As a member of said community, I felt that the post applied to me (how does it not? go back and read) and offered my input.

Of course, you're posting this in a public place, so of course you want it to be digested and responded to by the general public. If not, you'd take it to PM, as you've done in the past. You're just pulling out this "I wasn't talking to you, so stay out of this" argument because-get this!- you're wrong and would rather not admit it.

I will give you one thing though- your posting style and IC mannerisms pretty well reflect your character. You're asinine and act like a child when you don't get what you want... explains a lot of the decisions you've made in getting your nation so large.

Good Bob ilyani

I see you are blessed with the same reading affliction as your friends.

First I have posted in FAVOUR of MQs RP posts.Of course you would have had to actually read those posts after all I only said that three or four time so I understand how you might have missed that.

Second I specifically mention Rush's Avatar to point out the hypocrisy of his quote that he found "any RL analogies in game rather silly" yet picked a RL avatar that has no meaning except in context of RL. Thus giving lie to HIS exact words.I only said that 4 or 5 times so I understand your confusion.

Third as you have rightly pointed out I do normally if "I" have a personal issue I take it to PM. As I did with the one piece of MQ RP I was concerned with and as I have given credit for that was responded too in a fair an decent manner. I do not as you and your little friends do come to a public forum to post a personal insult as you three have done.

Fourth if we really wish to critique each others styles I shall be pleased to debate in another thread your sterling alliance leadership qualities of a now defunct alliance.

Last it would appear you are still incapable of offering any kind of a cogent or coherent view on the actual OP.


Dame Hime Themis

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Good Bob Ilyani

You're arguing that people's choices of avatar are impacted by their IC personalities, in order to prove some sort of point that the MQ people aim to offend with their themes/posting styles. While your comments were not directed to me, they were made in a way that made a general implication of members of this community. As a member of said community, I felt that the post applied to me (how does it not? go back and read) and offered my input.

Of course, you're posting this in a public place, so of course you want it to be digested and responded to by the general public. If not, you'd take it to PM, as you've done in the past. You're just pulling out this "I wasn't talking to you, so stay out of this" argument because-get this!- you're wrong and would rather not admit it.

I will give you one thing though- your posting style and IC mannerisms pretty well reflect your character. You're asinine and act like a child when you don't get what you want... explains a lot of the decisions you've made in getting your nation so large.

Good Bob ilyani

I see you are blessed with the same reading affliction as your friends.

First I have posted in FAVOUR of MQs RP posts.Of course you would have had to actually read those posts after all I only said that three or four time so I understand how you might have missed that.

Second I specifically mention Rush's Avatar to point out the hypocrisy of his quote that he found "any RL analogies in game rather silly" yet picked a RL avatar that has no meaning except in context of RL. Thus giving lie to HIS exact words.I only said that 4 or 5 times so I understand your confusion.

Third as you have rightly pointed out I do normally if "I" have a personal issue I take it to PM. As I did with the one piece of MQ RP I was concerned with and as I have given credit for that was responded too in a fair an decent manner. I do not as you and your little friends do come to a public forum to post a personal insult as you three have done.

Fourth if we really wish to critique each others styles I shall be pleased to debate in another thread your sterling alliance leadership qualities of a now defunct alliance.

Last it would appear you are still incapable of offering any kind of a cogent or coherent view on the actual OP.


Dame Hime Themis

This is a blog post. There aren't rules on staying on topic with regards to an original post- you've brought yourself into this mess with your dumb comments, and your attempts to get out of them aren't really working.

I do enjoy your cheap shot at RoK though, and I'm not afraid of my past. I've had my successes, and my failures, but I can rest easy knowing my successes are considerably greater than yours- not to mention that I earned mine with basic intelligence and work, not with donations.

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I've never understood the disapproval for those that donate to the game. The game would probably not exist without them.

I'll intervene into the discussion to say that it's really blown out of proportion, if all it's about is Rush's comment against RL analogies despite him having a RL-related avatar.

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