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Ardus' ideas on OOC/IC repurcussios for NoR while allied to NoR in 2011:

"When I was first-- right after we signed the ODP, there was considerable backlash, especially from SuperFriends . . . I caught Hell from GOD for the NoR ODP . . . Essentially I argued that it shouldn't matter. We shouldn't bring the OOC, you know, RL ideology --no matter how heinous--into the game because if we do that, then people are going to seek it out. Because when you do that, if we let it become a factor, then you get situations like Slayer, where they dig up things about people's real lives to use in the end game. And that doesn't appeal to me, that's not the game I'm trying to play here. I don't think it's noble or right or any such hing, I think it's sick. I refuse to accept that in any form whatsoever."

But wait, there's more.

Ardus on Continuum's war on NoV in 2008 after Slayer99 digs up neo-NAZI material in NoV's leader's personal Photobucket, while Ardus was a member of VE and allied to Continuum:

I've always held that everybody gets theirs, given enough time. It's nice to be right, yet again. :awesome:

Are we to believe that Ardus' now-public designs for MK's future and Ardus' allegiance to Continuum have/had no effect on his 180 on the use of NoV/NoR members' real lives? Or will we wake up--will NoR and Mjolnir wake up--to the fact that the man who has been a "schemer" playing allies against each other for years is at it again?

Some of us are paying attention, some of us are too focused on revenge.

As for the rest of MK?

Yes, we're at the witch burning phase now.
I'm so still considering this a moral victory for the ICP.
OMG I hate NoV. Thank you! I :wub: you!
You never miss one, do you?Q, you just made my day. I love each and everyone of you. Even if you waited for me to go away to make my dream come true.
Someone should call Norway and see do they want in on this
Of course this begs the question of why anyone would need to "celebrate their heritage" in an online game to begin with. It has nothing to do with the game and is completely OOC.In my humble opinion I think it is a thinly veiled excuse to promote nationalism and racism... but that is just my opinion, I don't have any facts to actually back it up.But yeah, not exactly shedding tears over this turn of events...
Oh I'm sad at this turn of events. I didn't want to see them end like this...... without my alliance being a part of it.
This makes me sad :((the fact im not involved obviously...)
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I dont really find the span of time relevant. After all, just 3 months ago members of MK, like your hero Slayer, went into the Photobucket of a Legion member, posted his personal photos on your forum and filled pages with derogatory remarks about him. It wasn't removed until people outside MK started talking about it.

No, the only difference is the treaty.

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I don't think I've ever denied that we're jerks. That said, I'm pretty sure the photobucket thing just sort of fell into their laps. I don't think they went digging for it.

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Well which is it, Ardus? Is is "sick" and you "refuse to accept it in any form whatsoever" or is it boys will be boys?

I mean, please, don't insult us. A person's personal photos don't "just sort of fall" onto anyone's forums. You have to find the user, then you have to go through all the albums, then you have to decide which ones you want to make fun of, then you deliberately open a thread and post the pictures. When you personally call TPF's OOC war "awesome" and then equivocate MK's own recent OOC attacks two days after calling OOC attacks "sick" it raises some serious questions. There is a gulf between what you say and what you do, and filling that gulf is your political allegiance then and your political allegiance now.

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Well which is it, Ardus? Is is "sick" and you "refuse to accept it in any form whatsoever" or is it boys will be boys? I mean, please, don't insult us. A person's personal photos don't "just sort of fall" onto anyone's forums. You have to find the user, then you have to go through all the albums, then you have to decide which ones you want to make fun of, then you deliberately open a thread and post the pictures. When you personally call TPF's OOC war "awesome" and then equivocate MK's own recent OOC attacks two days after calling OOC attacks "sick" it raises some serious questions. There is a gulf between what you say and what you do, and filling that gulf is your political allegiance then and your political allegiance now.

I'm speaking to matters I'm not very familiar with as I did not participate, but I recall the Legion member used and shared the photos and album on IRC. If A shows B a picture and B laughs at it, B is certainly being mean, but has not elevated himself to our Slayer situation. B has not attempted to use OOC objects to influence the IC dynamic, nor has the IC dynamic led him to laugh at the pictures of A. MK laughs at Legion. It also laughs at everybody else, including enemies, neutrals, allies, and its own members. Especially its own members. What is "sick" is when people become so invested in a game that they set out to try and dig up real life material to use against people in that game. That is not just mean, but suggests an obsession with the game and its players that is unwell.

Since you seem rather inspired by the subject, I must inquire as to your own opinion. Is it acceptable or unacceptable to seek out real life details of players to be used in-game? Is it acceptable or unacceptable to laugh or mock other players for real life details that make themselves apparent?

Returning to the original sequence of posts you referenced, I'll note that only one of the quoted posts take a position contrary to the one I argue in the podcast. The rest simply don't like NoV, a position that was plenty justified by NoV's IC conduct in the lead-up to the war.

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Reminds me of the incident in UJW, when personal and rather sensitive details that a leading figure of the Initiative trusted people with, were spread around to assault him. It's quite a bit higher up on the scale, but the principle remains the same. It wasn't OK then and it's not OK now.

While some people might not have learned the lesson about keeping your private life private, it doesn't in any way, shape, or form, make it right for you to commit such OOC assaults.

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Well which is it, Ardus? Is is "sick" and you "refuse to accept it in any form whatsoever" or is it boys will be boys? I mean, please, don't insult us. A person's personal photos don't "just sort of fall" onto anyone's forums. You have to find the user, then you have to go through all the albums, then you have to decide which ones you want to make fun of, then you deliberately open a thread and post the pictures. When you personally call TPF's OOC war "awesome" and then equivocate MK's own recent OOC attacks two days after calling OOC attacks "sick" it raises some serious questions. There is a gulf between what you say and what you do, and filling that gulf is your political allegiance then and your political allegiance now.

You do realize you're actually getting mad that we're no longer condoning the OOC attacks that once were acceptable in CN? You're complaining that we're no longer advocating war for OOC reasons, citing examples from the words of our members (at a time when Q still reigned free and reckless, no less)? That we're actually sticking our neck out for a target that plenty of people easily condemn for actions they've never committed? You're morals seems more left and right than ours these days, if only to find whatever jab you can get in. You're better than this, Schatt.

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