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An Unofficial Official Announcement from The Last Remnants




An Unofficial Official Announcement from The Last Remnants

Due to the recent vandalism of our wikki page (the changing of our acronym from TLR to tLR and other combinations) we have decided to make it clear that from this point on, that when referring to The Last Remnants in acronym form, "TLR" shall be used and only "TLR".

Furthermore, it should be noted that The Last Remnants shall refer to the Last Republic as "tLR" and we encourage others to do the same.

We mean no disrespect to the Last Republic, but we understand that there has been a great deal of confusion amongst the international community as to heraldry and in the discussion of international politics concerning our AAs. Therefore we have deemed it necessary to announce this to diffuse any tense situations and to allow for proper communitcation and easing discernability between our alliances.

** This is not supported or endorsed by the Government of The Last Remnants and should not be seen as official alliance policy. ** Written by Avery


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We over at The Last Republic did not know about this till Jgoods showed me the link, whoever this is please stop messing with their wiki. Its a pretty low blow.

Fun fact, if you look at the history it tells you "whoever this is"....I for one didn't realise the Wiki admins now determined alliance acronyms, useful information to know.

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What ED said, you'd think this would be a dead issue by now. Everyone already knows TLR refers to The Last Republic.

If it does turn out to be a rouge TLR'er messing with your wiki please let us know and we will take care of the problem for you. No one should be messing with anyone's wiki page, that's just lame.

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Or leave it as tLR and stop being petty over an acronym that was already in use... :rolleyes: but whatever floats your boat, I guess.

Bouyancy. Bouyancy floats my boat.

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What ED said, you'd think this would be a dead issue by now. Everyone already knows TLR refers to The Last Republic.

I fought the Last Republic in the PB-NpO war, and all I ever saw them called was tLR, which is what I've used ever since.

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Or leave it as tLR and stop being petty over an acronym that was already in use... :rolleyes: but whatever floats your boat, I guess.

How about no, Exodus scum.

Capitalization is very important to us. We shall go with The Last Remnants and use TLR.

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Or leave it as tLR and stop being petty over an acronym that was already in use... :rolleyes: but whatever floats your boat, I guess.

I would like to point out, at this time, that we originally went with tLR. Why? Because we are not jerks. Depsite us going with tLR, we literally still got cried to, and about, every day , for weeks, for the fact that we had TLR in any fashion to ID us. At some point, you just throw your hands up in the air and say screw it, if we are going to be whined to, and about regardless, we might as well use what we wanted in the 1st place, which was TLR. The truth is, the folks in The Last Republic, seem to think that the acronym is akin to a religious symbol used to identify them, and that anyone else using an alliance name with those intiials, are committing an attack on "everything that we have sweated to build" (that is in QUOTES for a reason.) I tried, I really did, to stick with CN history, where the 2nd alliance to use an acronym changes it in some fashion, as it is tradition. However, I gave up the fight as log after log poured into us with daily complaints that we used it in any fashion. So, I am done caring. We are TLR, and that is the end of the discussion.

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The only reason I dislike The Last Republic is because they caught me off guard and had me thinking The Last Remnants were the ones who signed with Legion. I thought about writing a letter of severe disapproval to Rush until I did a double take. The Last Republic should just merge into the Legion. It would save everyone a lot of trouble and be incredibly convenient.

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Learn what the definition of vandalism is before you bandy the term about. At the time public statements said that tLR was the chosen acronym (hell, Rush just said it), so that is what your wiki page said. After that some intrepid anons decided not only to change the Last Remnants page, but two other other pages out of spite. This is vandalism. Look up actual wiki policy, in particular good and bad faith edits and portion of addition of obscenities before you try to claim you were vandalized again. If there was ever a problem you could have simply talked before letting people loose on the wiki. Keep a tighter reign on your members if they don't like getting banned for blatant vandalism as defined in the linked policy.

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The bigger men, eh.. way to show them! :P Not that it matters much but it'd seem if you didn't like an alliance you wouldn't want to be confused with them all of the time. Now folks are going to have to ask which TLR people are referring to xD Maybe it will set a new trend and we can get two NPO and two NSO AAs while we're at it :awesome:

buoyancy bb

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Or leave it as tLR and stop being petty over an acronym that was already in use... :rolleyes: but whatever floats your boat, I guess.
How about no, Exodus scum. Capitalization is very important to us. We shall go with The Last Remnants and use TLR.

scum? scum?? i'll rassle your head into a knot mr. tLR scum

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