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Biff Webster


The other day I was asked to sanction this guy: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=64408 for being a "nuke rogue". I check his nation/war screen and see this: http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=64408&Extended=1

Are you serious?

Unfortunately, he's been sanctioned on most if not all colors, including my own, for not peacing out of a tech raid. Pretty sad, fellas. Also, to the "victims" of this dastardly "nuke rogue": Lose a lot of land for me, hey?

And before you get all upset, Christian Trojans, while checking to see if I can fix the mistake of Red sanctioning your raid screw-up, I removed your sanction. You're now welcome to trade on the Red sphere again.


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lol FOK this is pretty awfull to invade someone's sovereignty for casualty's and land.Why would you sanction someone who is quitting the game?Idiots

The sanction was obviously done at FOK's request. It hardly appears to be mutual agreement between FOK and the defending nation. Still, I wouldn't say its awful on moral grounds. The principle duty of an alliance member is to safeguard and further the strength of his alliance after all. Getting a nation you are fighting sanctioned would surely help in that goal. It seems to me though that raiding a 100k+ nation would hardly be profitable in the first place though. Maybe there is a good reason, since our senator sanctioned him.

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Maybe there is a good reason, since our senator sanctioned him.

I'm going to guess the reason is that he was asked.

Also, oinkoink12 is one of the victims of this rogue. I advise you to agree with him or you run the risk of being sanctioned by your own senator.

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lol FOK this is pretty awfull to invade someone's sovereignty for casualty's and land.Why would you sanction someone who is quitting the game?Idiots
The sanction was obviously done at FOK's request. It hardly appears to be mutual agreement between FOK and the defending nation. Still, I wouldn't say its awful on moral grounds. The principle duty of an alliance member is to safeguard and further the strength of his alliance after all. Getting a nation you are fighting sanctioned would surely help in that goal. It seems to me though that raiding a 100k+ nation would hardly be profitable in the first place though. Maybe there is a good reason, since our senator sanctioned him.

I cant imagine any reason valid enough for a sanction, this is just a poorly thought out raid and it backfired badly. I'm glad the raiders are getting nuked to pieces and I wish the community would stop this outragious attempt on destroying people's sovereignty.

I keep saying poor show.

tl;dr Almost back to my number 1 casualty spot!

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I cant imagine any reason valid enough for a sanction, this is just a poorly thought out raid and it backfired badly. I'm glad the raiders are getting nuked to pieces and I wish the community would stop this outragious attempt on destroying people's sovereignty.

I keep saying poor show.


EDIT: Also, and this is just a suggestion, please don't ask me to sanction myself, but you should take that sovereignty crap back into that time machine you fell out of. For a true fakepost in a "Raiders are Fairies" thread you should use Moralism as much as possible.

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I cant imagine any reason valid enough for a sanction, this is just a poorly thought out raid and it backfired badly. I'm glad the raiders are getting nuked to pieces and I wish the community would stop this outragious attempt on destroying people's sovereignty.I keep saying poor show.



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This is why you never raid nuke-armed "targets".Unless if you have lots of friends and the power to throw sanctions on the "target"...

I've raided plenty of nuclear nations that didn't nuke me.

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This is why you never raid nuke-armed "targets".Unless if you have lots of friends and the power to throw sanctions on the "target"...
I've raided plenty of nuclear nations that didn't nuke me.

That's because if they had, you'd have gone and whined to your alliance who then would have demanded sanctions.

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And this is why you don't sanction someone just because you're asked. ;)-Bama

I heard that yanking voting support, threatening expulsion from alliance or other "disciplinary actions" are a nice way to get a disobedient senator moving.

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What will raiding this guy get them except a depleted warchest, plenty of lost infra & tech and a pile of casualties? (Not to mention criticism for using sanctions during a raid)

If I was a raider, he would not be my choice of target since attacking him would be more trouble than it is worth.

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Raid targets that fight back are rogues? Sounds to me like a few people need to get bludgeoned with dictionaries, as that makes no sense whatsoever, in my opinion.

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This is why you never raid nuke-armed "targets".Unless if you have lots of friends and the power to throw sanctions on the "target"...
I've raided plenty of nuclear nations that didn't nuke me.
That's because if they had, you'd have gone and whined to your alliance who then would have demanded sanctions.

Not at all. I know the risk I'm taking when I raid nuclear nations and so far it's paid off.

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